Gotherella has really been a fixture in this legacy's college years! And everyone has a thing for that karaoke machine, as you will see. I might have to have a side-installment on what happens to Gotherella after she graduates. Maybe a "daughter of Gotherella" for a future placeholder? XD
I try to get mad at them, but you know what? At least nobody living in the house SUCKS at singing.
Why are you bothering to do your assignment, Rebekah? This is college!
...uh Mark, you roll wants to do that all the time. Plus, the faster your bar fills up, the faster I send you to finals, the faster we're finished!
What on earth would you do with a car? Besides, I don't think you have room for a driveway. Note the term paper want. You are SO not a good Pleasure sim!
I am totally a good Pleasure sim. Look at me, prancing off to class in my pajamas!
I think Clover's in her PJs more than you are!
Aw, how cute, Rebekah filled a want to sing overexaggeratedly! Like on American Idol!
Look what I brought back from campus! PIZZA! have a fridge full of fresh food.
So this girl has been ringing the doorbell. (Okay, her name is Gretchen and she might happen to be a member of the fraternity.) I figure Brent hasn't had any luck with the ladies, let's see what happens.
She thinks he's hot. (Also, I just noticed: PJs!)
Marsha will probably look back at this moment as the worst one in her life. (Is it because of the committment or because she's guaranteed to be living in complete obscurity as the spouse of a spare? You decide.)
I love how Mark's going to autonomously bang Happy Clerk RIGHT when his twin is proposing! (PJs!)
Rebekah BITCHFACES for no reason.
Hey, I have a reason. I have no shot at being heir because I look just like Grandma!
I get to tell her a joke? YES.
That's probably not the way into her skirt heart, Brent.
They're a cute couple. And at least now this might curb Brent's isses with his twin sister.
FIRST KISS. Also, LOL at the stink cloud. She had been there pretty much all day.
So I ended the date there, got THIS message! EXTRA LOL after that stink cloud!
...Pleasure sim, you say?
I wrote it on the hallucinogenic side effects of inhaling the vapors of common art supplies!
Naomi Deline's great college thesis, everybody!
You might say, "at least Bailey's got a facial expression here," but she's got an awfully tight hold on his neck. I think he's gasping for air!
Well, Ratna, it's better than the
last time, but I think Clover's boyfriend STILL wins.
Wait, what? Oh. Little Miss Stink Cloud got enough of a boost from the dream date that she's still here.
She's a class act, ain't she? Fuck and run.
Bailey obviously threw his fiancee on the BED after she nearly choked him to death.
Must. finish. term. paper. Must NOT end up looking like it was written by someone like Bailey.
Be glad he can't see your thought bubbles!
Uh...wait, we haven't had any Clover yet! What the hell are you doing?
...dare I ask what?
I re-rolled. I'm now a Pleasure sim. Suddenly, I think a good goal in life would be to try dating as many people as possible!
Oh dear.
I wonder if I should get engaged to a guy that leaves such useless gifts. Couldn't he have left a couch or television or...something not made of ceramic?
I realized that Gotherella was nearing the end of her senior year. (Yeah, so I never cheated her ahead in school. Popularity sims never roll wants for school crap anyway!)
Which means we needed a new placeholder and fast! I really liked this girl's name. VIOLA. It reminds me of all those people who can't spell VOILA.
You'll love being part of a legacy. It's like your whole life is a play!
...what the hell are you talking about?
Naomi's stash, breaking the fourth wall?
So Bailey is like the slowest, most DUHR sim ever? And he's a pleasure sim and routinely rolls wants like "jump on bed" and "skip class"? Well, I couldn't make him skip class if I tried.
What is my twin sister DOING?
I haven't decided heir yet, so I want to work on her LTW a little.
B-but she shouldn't date people!
You banged a smelly girl on the first date. SHUT UP.
Interesting face, blonde hasn't been in the legacy yet. He might have a future past this date! (They even have two bolts~)
Why is happy HAPPY she's prancing up the stairs?
One of her duties as pledge is cleaning. I suppose if I made Mark heir, I could fire the maid. Too bad their maid doesn't suck. I should move Happy Clerk to Veronaville for the Laurinces.
I swear to you, I panned over to the karaoke machine after I heard this:
*music fires up*
Happy clerk is TOO happy.
What the hell, you're friends and you won't let the hot girl touch you? END DATE
Okay, just because he's old and he's the coach doesn't mean he doesn't have potential!
The weird face and the eyes that got townified when I got into Naomi's stash mean he doesn't have potential! (BTW, I have fixed my issues--that's right, no more townies with rainbow or alien eyes. Sorry.)
This guy is balding and gets dressed in the dark AND the past AND in the old coach's closet, but his face is nice and his genes are good.
Gotherella gets fit. Now to just keep her from stuffing her face so she doesn't go emo after gaining the weight back.
I don't know what's funnier, how Naomi is and remains oblivious here, or the fact that the garbage is being kicked over by a ridiculously happy asian townie. I've had pale blondes, happy asians, what's the next set of townies I'm going to get in this hood?
I had Mark smustle to get his fun up.
Bailey saw him smustling and HAD to join in.
Mark's got a bigger butt...
...but Bailey has the better smustle face.
Happy Clerk may look like she's about to kick the easel over, but she's actually smustling.
This blond chick is like "WTF did I get myself into by checking out this frat?"
If you can't beat them, join them! The boys were smustled out. (For a time.)
However, more of them came home and the smustling kicked into top gear. Why yes, that is Naomi and Ratna sucking face center stage. They were on a date. This is also the precise second Gotherella's graduation party started. Every guest spent the entire time in that tiny room, or attempting to enter the tiny room, smustling.
What's wrong, honey?
Well, I like Gotherella and all, having lived in this house with her since Sophomore year, but I really think cheering on our date is a little creepy.
Oh, you're just still feeling guilty for restricting Bailey's airway. LIKE HE NEEDS LESS OXYGEN IN HIS BRAIN.
I had Naomi propose to Ratna. Now he has a shiny!
I totally forgot Gotherella had hooked up with this guy. Perhaps the Gotherella update will be THE STORIES OF GOTHERELLA AND ARMY BOY?
She's dressing up like a schoolgirl to impress Army Boy? Bye, Gotherella!
What's wrong, Clover?
College seems so much boringer since I changed Aspirations! And I miss Gotherella! Why'd she have to leave so soon after graduating?
She was only in college about 60 years, legacy time!
Who are you and why are you staring at me?
Well, your last placeholder's name was Hailey. Mine is also Hailey. Perhaps I can be the placeholder?
Go away. I never called her that and I have a placeholder now anyway!
VOILA, VIOLA! (That will never get old.)
Townie type: Happy Asian confirmed.
She is just a doll, though, isn't she?
Brent (with his traditional transition pout)
Man, adult transitions are a hell of a lot less hilarious with townified clothes.
Now, the moment you've been waiting for! I'd honestly narrowed it down awhile ago to Naomi and Clover. I just thought they were the most fun, even before Clover's asp change. However, I did a small cheaty thing. I checked their genes. Turns out EVERYONE was carrying a red hair recessive gene but Clover (given her displayed hair and eye color, I knew it was impossible, anyway). So that was the deciding factor. I want some more color and variety in this legacy!
Gen 4 heir:
Naomi Deline. If you forgot, Asp: Pleasure, LTW: Become Celebrity Chef.
May or may not be on drugs. So I kept her hippy transition dress. Thought it suited her.
What the hell are THEY doing in here? This is the heir's room!
Calm down a bit. You've been heir like 15 minutes. Shut up and get a job.
I used this hood for a couple of contest photoshoots before I made this legacy. I had one sim be a teacher and the results of this is I have a group of teen townies eternally stuck in school gear.
Obligatory shirtless Dominick shot. I'm sure you guys have missed him.
Caitlyn started primping to remind us all that she's not doing too bad, either, for a mother of 6 grown children.
Lucky you, a culinary job your first day home! (She looks cute in that uniform!)
What a cunning plan, sneaking over here in plain clothes. That bitch, Alicea, will never realize that her newspaper was taken away from her by the COW MASCOT!
Yeah, I think you forgot something.
Heir portrait.
Just showing you this because Bailey's UI portrait is the DUHR FACE, I SWEAR!
Another bonus of a Naomi heir means the likelihood of HER kids being Alicea clones is pretty small.
I redecorated the heir suite, though I changed the lamps after seeing how odd they looked in this picture and it ended up being kind of moot, anyway.
Ishmael approves! (Actually, I had a brainstorm of rotating my three double beds by just redecorating. I get new looks, the ghosts think the bed is still there, everyone's happy?)
Look who's coming to dinner!
I don't care what my dad says about Romance sims, I love you and want you to move in with me!
And our Gen 4 heir is...Naomi!
...wait, we already did that? Ohhhh...well, one of my male athletic outfits decided it would crash my game when I was picking clothes for Ratna, so I lost everything from moving Naomi back on. (Strangest thing was already in the closet and had been USED before, but it was so fucked up, clicking on the material definitions when I opened in SimPE CRASHED SimPE.)
I'm not going to make you rewatch anything. I redid everything essentially the same (it was less than a day), but Naomi's bedroom and heir portrait will look a little different, and this is why.
BACK TO MOVING RATNA IN. Oh and he brought less money and a suckier inventory the second time around. Jerk.
I think he looks pretty striking. And he will definitely give me some interesting looking babies. :D
No fear of marriage, Ratna? HERE COMES THE BALL AND CHAIN.
I think they make a cute couple, don't you?
Try for Baby #1 - fail.
I think I should try for another home run.
You are the reason why all of your children are so egotistical!
I should hope so, I made you guys do it enough times in a row. Also, I often don't remember to redo the bathrooms I want until I get a shot like this.
Isn't that better?
She debated over paper stealing for several minutes.
Captain Hero is RIGHT THERE. Oh no!
She does it anyway, going "Yeah buddy, I hate your bitchy wife" while Andrew yells and doesn't do anything useful.
Caitlyn has made 75 grand! This means that, once she hits the top of show business, she'll hit her LTW after working five days. So two weeks or less and we'll have done it.
I think this is our first haunting! And Ish comes out right after Dominick rolls the want to see his ghost, coincidence? I think not.
The next Deszo Laurince or just waiting for MOAR WOOHOO? You decide.
Gen 5 is on the way!
Alicea gets into Naomi's stash and then pranks the Cow. Repeatedly. (So maybe I was playing with the phone hack's "call enemy" function. A little.)
No, I didn't just buy her a bubble blower. I did that when I moved her in. She gets to...
Pssst...I am actually the Cow Mascot.
Um...we can tell.
Alicea hits her 2nd LTW without even trying. Which happened to be the 100 grand want. Way to make your daughter-in-law feel inadequate.
I love finding out that an old piece of clothing I've had for AGES has a pregnancy morph. Most of the good mesh makers do it all the time now, but I've had this dress forever.
Don't worry, Naomi. Your bump won't burst the dress seams. It's a magic dress.
Really? Whoa.
Caitlyn maxes Charisma and inches closer to her LTW.
That is NOT good for the baby!
And probably not good for you.
Alicea has returned home from work. She has also died.
Could you WATCH my nose?
Does it really matter at this point, lady?
Not too shabby!
...though it slightly amused me that Naomi's relationship with her was 0.
Oh Andrew. :( I should've juiced one of you, one way or the other, so you had similar life spans.
So there she is, in the backyard. I'll miss you, Alicea.
Ghosts, fair warning: the first time a headstone disappears, you are all going to a graveyard. Getting back several tombstones is a very annoying task, so you only get one strike.
To be fair, they stopped in the middle of this to go send Alicea off, so it's not too heartless on their parts.
I'm thinking Ratna is one of those EASYGOING Romance sims that is easy to keep happy and doesn't want to mack on everyone all the time. Good thing, cause his LTW is 20 simultaneous loves and it's not happening for a spouse, no way.
Andrew is stealthy. I was playing on 2x Speed, and everytime I heard him sob, I'd click on his icon and he'd already be immersed in something else.
Uh, how many times will I have to do this?
Well, you're having 3 kids, tops. So 3, tops. You could always have triplets and cut it to once.
Not. Helping.
It's a girl! With medium-ish skin, Naomi's blue eyes and RED hair, passed all the way down from Ishmael. Her name is Libby.
If I knew she was going to give birth NOW, I would've put some clothes on before I went to bed!
Fatherhood has sent Ratna the way of every other recent Deline.
Man, that adorable baby came from THIS HOT STOCK!
...obviously, childbirth gives a natural high. (To Naomi at least.)
I cheated a little extra on college. I just needed to get them out before I played the Laurince brood through. Also, it seemed like I was on their college years FOREVER, because it was pre-townifying fixing, so that was quite awhile. I'm so glad that the recessive genes are coming right out, too! :)
I'm a little sad that my prediction was DEAD ON about Alicea. She died just hours before Gen 5 was born. :/
Well, next time there will be at least one more baby. (I may stop at 2 if the next one is a flukey-for-the-Delines single birth, too. Kinda expecting twins to round it out again, to be honest.) And Libby is sure to be a cutey! :D
Oh...and I don't remember if I mentioned this (or had it done before I had posted) last update, but I have a download page if you want to grab one of the Delines. It's
here. Just has Alicea and Dominick for now, but I'll be sure to add Naomi at least, and it's the place to request someone else.