Randolph Legacy, Generation 10.3!

Jan 05, 2013 04:45

So this is pixel_trade. Generation 8 spouse, Marty, is by brilliantcat, and Generation 9 spouse, Noah, is by alfredaskew.

Last time, Triton and Thanatos got into private school, and Asteria became a toddler without XD eyes. I had Khione invite over kingmike1224's Dave Simpson in an effort to get a child in the legacy that wasn't the palest brunette ever. Marty continued his bromance with Bruce-Bragi Bork and also decided he preferred a flour sack to his actual baby grandchildren. Asteria became a child and showed us all her inability to limbo. Khione had a son, Aeolus, with all of Dave's coloring, possibly giving away her infidelity. Khione got pregnant by Noah again, Asteria got into private school, and Aeolus became a toddler (with XD eyes).

The kids had a snow day, then Triton and Thanatos became teens. (With aspirations of Family/Knowledge and Knowledge/Popularity, respectively.) Asteria stayed up all night and discovered a star. Luckily for her, the kids had another snow day, and I called IT a day for the update.

Chloe Flick (lauriethemuppet) is wondering how the hell the kids got a snow day when you can still see the grass.

Noah enjoys regular interaction with his offspring. Unlike some sims, MARTY.

The level of snow in Willowmere has been...inconsistent hour to hour, I'll give the folks that call off school that much.

That would be the best job. Sit behind a desk, declaring snow days!

...that's totally not a job in itself. And not how it works. I have a feeling it comes down to principals nursing cups of coffee before dawn as dispatch from transportation is telling them the weather outside is conspiring to kill the children.

Khione taught Aeolus...I think it was a nursery rhyme. Rather like the toddler talking skill, it makes parents, grandparents, and toddlers happy without really affecting much of anything.

It's well past time Khione got back to learning some more stuff herself, though. Especially with the new baby's imminent arrival.

Aeolus doesn't mind, he's in love with the activity table.

Jillian Knight (simsforaranya) walks by just to make me grumble about having thought I fixed all the accessory meshes in my game for flashing blue.

Iris dropped by, looking like an actual Muppet more than ever. She really, really got unlucky with the assortment she inherited from Mnem and Marty.

Thanatos is a great big brother, isn't he, Dad?

He sure is!

Don't you two have anything better to do than stare at story time?

Oh god, I forgot Iris's arrival meant that creepo ex-mascots would not be far behind.

So, I'm pretty happy about the Knowledge perk where they randomly top off the skill point they were working on...because Khione's manages to use this perk on every single FINAL skill. The ones that take the longest?

...who peed by the piano? (Note, I had to go into build mode to show you the evidence, don't believe for a second that the snow's gone.)

Can you see the tiny little puff of stank behind Mnem? She spent...I don't know, sixteen hours outside or something playing piano?

Took you guys like three hours, but it's nice you found something to do. I guess.

Sorry, Emmett. The lot was just so, so stupidly laggy. And guess what? Sending nine tombstones off the lot to the graveyard helped so damn much.

I already technically made it to Gen 10, so I'm not counting it as being too cheaty. We might miss out on a couple of urinations, but Khione's not a bad pregnant lady, she's about done being pregnant, and the only thing that really killed anyone dead in this ISBI is old age + poor Epimetheus forgetting how to eat.

Thanatos is a good big brother. He should remind his friend Eostre Bork to be nice to the little ones.

Iris, hate to say this, but you brought a fucking llama here. Go home.

Dear god, Marty actually gained some aspiration. Has he finally realized that these are his grandchildren or something?!

I don't know about playing ball in the house, guys!

Even Khione thinks that Thanatos is going overboard with the worry. It's a hacky sack, not a golf ball.

Last Gen 10 birth! I promise!

...still willing to let the dice roll where it may.

We've got a girl, pale as shit with brown hair and Noah's eyes. This shouldn't be surprising. Her name is Psyche.

And another girl who is NOT PALE AS SHIT HOLY CRAP, but who has Bajoran nose ridges because IDK and Noah's eyes and brown hair. Her name is Nike.

See, I switched it up because I often have multiples with the same first letter, but this time, the names rhyme.

don't hit me

Well, shit, guess that means Mnem's perma-plat twice. Yay?

Infants are a little bit easier to deal with than toddlers, so hopefully Khione will still get some studying in.

...that's three days in a row. It's FRIDAY. Triton, Thanatos, and Asteria won't have been to school in like five goddamn years.

(Khione doesn't have to help them do homework, at least. That's kind of fortunate.)

So, the kids slack off another entire day. Aeolus wonders if the new arrivals will change anything for him...no, probably not. It's not like there's an heir race this gen, per se.

You gotta wonder if Noah's just dumb, or if he's awesome enough to not take out suspicions on a kid. Though it does appear Aeolus inherited like ALL Khione's facial geometry.

Leia Knight: while other sims in this neighborhood who steal the newspaper occasionally do OTHER things...this is literally the only thing Leia's done since I've added her to the neighborhood.

(Thanks for that, simsforaranya!)

Had Khione call the family to a meal and, somehow, despite not having had to do jack fucking shit for three days, Triton is exhausted enough to pass out in his lunch.

Look, I know Khione doesn't have a job, but she has had to deal with giving birth to twins, taking care of a toddler, having all the school age children home, and she's still learning ALL THE SKILLS.

Oh, well, at least we'll have a whole day without a toddler. I think.

Uh, game? For a middle ISBI child, toddlerhood can't possibly get any better than how Aeolus had it.

Figured he probably can comb his hair now, though. :3

Aeolus still loves him some activity table.

Wow, Triton. That's...I guess it's dancing by somebody's definition of the term.

Will it stop that terrible flailing in the living room, Eostre?


That'll be handy for the 9000 rounds of Red Hands that Aeolus is going to have to play.

Well, after ten generations of all this, I guess I'd have to be really bad at ISBI for these kids to not be so well-adjusted, right? (Or be forced to abduct my torch-holder for seven straight days or something...)

...suddenly, I understand where Triton's conception of dance must've come from.

Sorry, guys, I keep forgetting that Khione + Noah = the whitest. people. ever.

We won't be seeing Dave Simpson this update, but here's another sim of kingmike1224's, Carla Von Prism-Andrews. I love her eyessss.

It would've ruined most of the shot, but not quite visible: the aspiration Aeolus gained for being noogied.

I was about to make a crack about Thanatos not being such a perfect brother after all, but...he might still be!

You're going to be in for a rude awakening when you learn that school is something that exists. That's all I have to say, buddy.

Birthday party time again!

Psyche, you are cute, but that hair is unrealistically long!

So...I think she might have the XD eyes, but it's really hard to tell. They just look a little more XD-like than Nike's...

...who also grew up into unrealistically long hair! DAMMIT GAME

Ah, there we go. So Nike's clearly not got the eyes. But the twins are adorable regardless. And they've got peasant shirt outfits because, despite the fact the snow outside hasn't melted, yes, it's fucking springtime NO MORE SNOW DAYS.

Triton still has ~opinions~ about ~art~.

...apparently he thinks that Asteria shouldn't be the only one making hilarious faces this generation.

...speaking of hilarious faces...this might be one, Psyche.

Khione actually had to earn her entire final Mechanical point.

She's only got one more skill left to top: cleaning.


This is a stupid shot to show it, but Nike also got her mom's nose!

I always like it when the whole family sits down to a meal at the same time. (The toddler twins can't eat at the table yet, so they don't count?)

Time for Asteria to have a birthday. Note I didn't use her childhood command for anything, because I can't remember the last time she actually attended school or had homework.

Pleasure/Knowledge--exactly the same as her ma!

And orientation. I'm beginning to wonder if I need to tweak my probability for gender preference. Then again, probability is just a pain in the ass. Watch the next ten kids I have gender rolls for be not straight.

Asteria still makes the best faces.

I don't know why I went crazy with the bows. I guess because I kept the shirt she aged into?

Remember how awkward her toddler face was? Asteria ain't awkward no more.

And since I may be a tad reluctant to marry the Randolph XD eyes into the Laurinces where they'll take over like the latter gen-Deline nose or Enayla's Awakening eyes...it might be a blessing for Asteria here that she didn't inherit them.

Khione's perma-plat! Awesome!

Time to celebrate! (Also, Khione and Noah aren't idiots--no accidents.)

Grandma, I just love coffee. So. much.

Asteria drank more coffee in her first two days of teenhood than most of my sims drink in their life.

Here's Khione's new LTW. You know what, she needs something to do all day, so if she ever finds an opening in Journalism, we can totally try.

(It's not like she'll need to skill for any promotions...)

Marty, aren't we a little old to be playing this--

Grandma, we can't hear you, a little louder!

Wake up, llama!

...I don't think the game responds to volume.

So I heard you spent so much time on the piano one night you peed your pants!

Mnemosyne isn't having the best day with her family.

Though, it could be worse, Mnem. They could know about the time you banged Marty, like, immediately after he peed his own pants.


So, not only is Marty so sane flour sack baby has gone...

...he's taking care of his grandchildren, in addition to acknowledging their existence. He's gotten saner.





Khione and Noah celebrate the re-existence of school.

I like to think Mnemosyne is congratulating Noah on the fact that he lacks so much melanin in his skin, he sucked it out of this generation entirely.

Khione teaches some things to Nike (and Psyche), because she has absolutely nothing else to do all day but baby them.

So...did you arrange the perfect configuration of cheese and fruit to combine the flavors?

Nah, Asteria. I just think this is the first interesting thing I've had to eat in, oh, seventeen years.

Right now the only people that can't feed themselves are Aeolus and the toddlers, so Khione doesn't really need to focus on serving meals so often.

Oh... is it time for the older teens to go crazy?

Psyche loves the activity table, but ONLY BLOCKS.

Noah gets come from work, feels up his wife, and informs her that Thanatos is old enough to handle doing his homework by himself.

Not with all the school he's missed.

Thanks, Mom.

They were almost done, anyway, Noah!

Then Khione wanted to learn to make lasagna, so I had her make a lasagna. (Which I almost never make in ISBIs, because I can't call the family to meals that use custom plates.)

I can't emphasize enough how stupidly lucky Khione is.

This is the first popup of the first time she looked for jobs.

Huh, why do people stress out so much about job hunting?

Just shut up, Khione.

You know what would make you more popular, Noah? CHANGING YOUR DAUGHTER'S SMELLY DIAPER

I got this report card thing! It's got an A+ on it. That's a good grade, right, Grandma?

...she must've inherited some crazy from her grandpa.

Actually, there's a pretty good chance that all of Khione's children just forgot how school works.

Why doesn't Thanatos have two assignments to do?

Because he didn't pass the fuck out immediately after coming home yesterday. Also, I'm using the twins' teen commands because tomorrow is their last day of school before their birthday~


Why isn't anyone paying attention to ME?

Exhibit A: Khione's twin, Zelus, has randomly shown up. He doesn't bring creepy llamas over.

Exhibit B: What very well may be Zisa Bork's most adorable alien offspring.

...why are you doing your homework in your underwear, Thanatos?

Oh well, look, it's time for the youngest ones to finally attend school!

How can you not like cake, Psyche?

The older kids all have freckles, so I kind of thought it would be neat to leave Psyche very alabaster-skinned.

And here's Nike.

I think the best thing about having two sets of twins this gen is the part where the first set is IDENTICAL, and the second set is so not identical, one of them is literally the only one of her father's children to have a skin darker than like... .09 genetic.

Marty and Mnem are becoming remarkably long-lived for ISBI elders. It's kind of neat.

What do you mean, "there you are?" Thanatos has been reading a newspaper on the couch for like two. fucking. hours.

As Psyche trots off to her first day of school...

...Triton decides to continue the trend of my ISBI kids deciding to sleep through their last day of school.

These two would celebrate all of their children going off to school, finally, but Khione's got to go to work.




Seriously, Triton, it's like you've started to function less well the older you get.



In case you're not in the know, while Bork heir Zisa was forced to be abducted by aliens nightly for a week, her alien-descended nephew (and niece) are merely the by-product of her brother getting knocked up accidentally in college by his boyfriend.

Aldéric doesn't seem impressed by Asteria's pop-and-lock, which is bullshit.

Dude, have you see how bad the rest of this family dances? They're not all winning dance scholarships like over at your aunt's house.

One one hand, the fridge is full of leftovers. On the other hand, Triton is a teenage boy and ended up eating three sandwiches on his own.

You don't get an A+ your first day. Sorry, Psyche.

Um, no, neither of my dads have been to space before. Why?

Why is it all so loud?

You went to bed during daylight hours in what's essentially the kids' playroom, Thanatos. Is your twin's stupid rubbing off on you?

...hmm...seeing this gazing at shirtless Thanatos, I might understand why Aldéric can't seem to care less about Asteria.

Either that, or he's been blinded by the glare off Thanatos's skin.

Holy crap, I'm quite impressed. Not too often do ISBI kids get skill scholarships. It's too bad Triton overslept himself out of a grade-based one.

And Khione just barely missed one of her eldest leaving for college. But she got promoted her first day of work!

Thanatos still had a good grades scholarship, which is good, because it's the only one he got!

...that's what fun looks like, Psyche?

Yeah, you can't tell, but Aldéric's fighting off attraction to Mnemosyne, apparently. That's who's in the hearty bubble behind the conversation he's having with Asteria.

Asteria's reaction to kids being loud in the room she wants to sleep in is...finding another bedroom to sleep in. Just odd that it's her mother's.

Noah came to see the boys off at college.

Noah is confused because it was Thanatos always wearing a sweater before.


So we've got YA!Triton here...

...and YA!Thanatos got a bit of a haircut.

I will never stop getting a kick out of these two being identical. IDENTICAL

Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): 9
Perma-Plat Sims: 8
Shrink Visits: 17
Social Bunny Visits: 1
Fires: 9
Self-Wettings: 48
Pass-Outs: 44
Fights: 31
Deaths: 18
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 0
Miscarriages: 3
College Dropouts: 4

Getting close to the end, guys! Quimby Laurince's brood needs to catch up in age, I think. (It helps that he decided to have all of the kids he needed for his LTW in only two pregnancies.)

isbi, pixel_trade, randolph legacy, willowmere

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