Bork Legacy, Generation 5.2!

Oct 31, 2012 03:23

I don't care that the whole club is dead, because pixel_trade's in my head?

Hi! :D

Last time, Brandon and alfredaskew's Denai fell in love, and also, Brandon got impregnated. Astrid continued to be crazy, Freyja and Freyr were grinding on each other, Brodie was rather unsociable, and Zisa also became pregnant, via steezie_k's Blake Creelman. Brodie kicked some dormie ass, and Zisa graduated, ensuring that all of her siblings also graduated! Brandon moved onto his own lot and gave birth to twins: a boy, Aldéric and a girl, Arabella.

Zisa moved back (to a now-green) home, and we rolled our first new challenge in awhile: Best in Show. Basically, expensive landscaping, and trying to join the Garden Club. So, I landscaped until I was bored, and then used family funds to make the household money $0, down from, oh, 400 grand. Zisa gave birth to twins Loki and Lofn. Brandon popped by the house unannounced all the time, and Zisa started romancing dothesmustle's Adam Piper. She soon had another unexpected pregnancy on her hands, thanks to him. The twins became toddlers, and it was apparent that Loki was a male clone of his mother. Libby died of old age, well ahead of husband Ullr. Zisa gave birth to another daughter, named Eostre. The twins became children, growing up badly due to their grandmother's passing.

Oh, another small point to recap: Zisa's LTW? To be a Visionary. Despite checking the computer and newspaper daily since she moved home, there have been no openings in the art career to be found. Excellent.

So, it's fairly quiet and peaceful in the house. The twins have settled down after their grandma's death with a little attention from their mother. Since Zisa has nothing to do but paint her way to her last two creativity points and raise her children...

Well, except today. Like I mentioned at the end of last update, I had straight-up forgotten that I needed to have the Borks join the garden was still Monday, so I had to do that. Also, the twins needed to get into private school to keep their moods up during the week, so the headmaster was coming by, too!

I don't know which is the more interesting garden club member her, the lady with the pink hair, or the dude with the blurple skin.

Fuck you, lady, flamingos are awesome.

Bitch better not say a thing about my gnomes.

Let's all wave at Hercules Dork! (It's Aeneas's little brother, if you've forgotten.)

Recap: flamingos--a no-no. Ugly umbrellas and seats literally made of chuncks of log--terrific decorative elements.

Hahaha, fuck you I'm not working on that garden again.

Bruce-Baldr was walking by, so I had Zisa invite her uncle in. Why? Because this day is actually busier than I mentioned, since it's also Eostre's first birthday~

Let's get this boring routine taken care of, shall we?

Fabulous. Now leave, I'm not giving you any cake.

What, do you think I was playing it bitchy for laughs? That gluttinous headmaster ain't getting none of Eostre's cake.

Didn't really notice til she aged up, but Eostre's got herself a Trill skin.

She's rocking it, adorably. I'm actually more concerned that she's got gigantic lips.

Oh well, she's got the fish to keep herself amused.

Loki, I told the nice folks in the audience earlier that you'd calmed down.


Fuck if I know how to play it, Ullr.

Well, Eostre is having a very privileged ISBI toddlerhood. Gets Mommy to herself ALL DAY while the twins are at school, and grandpa Ullr is staring at Myshuno cubes.

And, since none of Zisa's lovers can stand listen to her cheese ramblings, she's stuck giving them to her father.

Don't worry, honey. If you achieve nothing else in your life, know that you are the best maker of grilled cheese sandwiches that I've ever known.

Now, Zisa doesn't look convinced, but everyone else here needs to remember that Ullr has FOUR OTHER CHILDREN obsessed with grilled cheese. He's a fucking expert on grilled cheese by now, I'm sure.

Normally, I'd go from these shots to ones of the kids wreaking havoc, but Loki and Lofn are fairly studious and well-behaved. They're making my ISBI into a...snore-SBI?

...I'm sorry, I'm a little out of practice at this whole thing.





Mother-daughter bonding time~

Oh, Eostre, honey, soon you'll be up and dancing with them, I know it!

Lofn is still a very cheerful child.

Loki is still...Loki.

And potentially suicidal?

New challenge time! And since I screencapped the diceroller instead of the description, let's get our C&P on:
One sim from your household is the victim of repeated alien abductions! Keep forcing abductions on that sim upon returning until the end of the week - once isn't proof! But multiple instances..?

The original challenge called for a dice roll, my modification was to also pick the torch holder, if I so chose. So...looks like Zisa's meeting some aliens.

Hi, Astrid! Your sister's a little too busy to invite you in.

Damn straight I'm making sure Eostre grows up happily before I turn her mother's life upside down!

Because, guys, I have a secret: when I picked my hack cocktail out for Freetime, I included one to make the aliens not discriminate against the female gender in their experimentation.

Ullr, seriously, I'm going to need you on your A game this week. Not...doing this.

One set of ISBI twins wants to bring home the other? OF COURSE!

Loki's proudly showing off his report card. :3

If you weren't following the Randolphs (or just plumb forgot), Triton here and his brother Thanatos are identical. fucking. twins. Yay!

Too bad these two are too busy grandstanding about their grades to pay attention to their friends.

Thanatos goes to amuse himself, and I will admit the new landscaping made this into a pretty spectacular picture.

On the plus side, despite Zisa still not having a fucking job for her LTW, she's practically permaplat just by only serving Grilled Cheese for meals.

Oh, Ullr. I done told you to stop that shit.

And Eostre's about to start school, then you can have three best friends!

Zisa, you're talking to twins. Who are friends with your twins. That should give each kid three best friends.

Hey, Libs, sorry to hear about that death thing. :(

What the fuck, Ullr, I just watched you sit on the toilet! FT hack cocktail apparently lacked a fix for the broken forced abductions. And then, in the midst of searching for a fix, my power went out. This delayed the update even more! (Only by a day or so, but I still found it ironic.)

Poor Zisa's off to space. It's only Tuesday night.

Gonna be a long week, darlin.

Lofn's reaction is like... "Oh, a flying saucer."

Ullr goes and sits on Zisa's bed, like she's going to be able to sneak back into the house when she's going to be dropped off by a fucking flying saucer.

Speak of the devil...

Apparently, Loki slept through this entire ordeal.

But Libby's here to welcome her daughter back to earth. Don't think Zisa quite appreciated the sentiment, though...

:( You know, game, I had kind of decided on keeping the generation short and simple, and now I've got late alien pregnancy in the mix. THANKS!

Eostre is still spoiled rotten, in case you were worried on that front.

I figured the remnants of Zisa's green should be long gone by now, so we're back to pure blonde. I like showing off the ears again, too. :)

Dammit, Blake! (steezie_k) I'd totally have Zisa invite you in, because she deserves some lovingkindness, but she's on a tight schedule.

Eostre's birthday, first. Then kids' homework. Then aliens.

Child!Eostre. Her lips are getting bigger. I like the way her nose sits on her face, though.

Welp, Wednesday night isn't an improvement on Tuesday.

I did debate ending the abduction debacle after every person in the household witnessed an abduction or return, but I decided I was just being too soft-hearted because of how well-adjusted they'd all been before I did this.

...Eostre, are you looking for your mom? Because I don't know if touching that telescope is the best idea...

And Valhalla agrees!

Yes, Ullr, the main complaint here should be that the spacecraft is loud. Not that it keeps abducting your daughter.

Alien baby incubating nicely, I see...

...Zisa's not especially thrilled by this development.

Zisa finally has an art job lined up, just in time to not be able to go to work until about next week. *headdesk*

Um, don't look excited.

Lofn is happy, Eostre is...blank.

Zisa did this again, because, not much to do with the kids at school all day and entertaining aliens all night.

Come get me, fuckers, if you dare!


Loki finally notices his mother's close encounters of the third kind.

We're not even halfway through the week, and Zisa's becoming inconsolably depressed. Not even cooking, serving, and eating Grilled Cheese can keep her spirits high.

Time to see the byproducts, soon, though!

My multi PT hack is one made by simagroop, so the alien offspring will be P_T compliant, at least!

What is the nanny doing here? Well, you see, Ullr's got work tonight...

...and Zisa is, of course, occupied.

Libby is understandably upset about dying (relatively) young. I don't know why she keeps trying to make her progeny do it at an even younger age, though!

At least Zisa's family is always waiting for her when she gets back?

The family...and the nanny?

The nanny never finished making what she started (she noticed the aliens snatching up Zisa), so we finished up...a platter of baclava. Too bad Zisa needs to serve Grilled Cheese constantly to stay as sane as she can.

The twins sitting down to piles of homework can only mean one thing: I used their one childhood command because they'll be having a birthday soon!

And...Zisa gives birth!

A boy, with red hair, alien skin, alien eyes: Váli.

And a girl, with the same genetics: Vör.

It's back to the Wii for Ullr.

Despite the tons of rain and lightning, we've still got to go on with the older twins' birthday!

...seeing Lofn growing up is startling to Zisa!

Ah, here we go! Teen Lofn, aspiration: Knowledge/Grilled Cheese.

Teen Loki, aspiration: Knowledge/Family.

See, told you these two were studious. Also, Loki still looks like a clone of his mother!

They're both straight as well.

At least Zisa seems affectionate towards her unplanned alien spawn.

Lofn took to them immediately.

Do you think they will even want to play with my old toys, Mommy?

Why wouldn't they, Eostre? They're going to be little kids just like you were. Remember, my mother was part alien, so we've already got a bit of alien blood in all of us!

Not that Zisa isn't sick of this shit.

And Lofn is apparently NOT sick of this shit.

What are you up to, Loki?

Hmm...the girls are now besties, but I don't know if I like how he's lurking. He did attack Lofn once when they were small.

Loki! Grandpa's at work, Mom's in space AGAIN, is this really the time to be acting like children?


He only tried to tickle you, Lofn. What happened to cheerful you?

Loki gets a slightly better response from Eostre.

He reassures himself that he's the smart one, as he returns the baby that Lofn left on the kitchen floor back to the nursery.

I'm inclined to agree, Loki.

Though Lofn's a bit weirded out when she comes in the room to find Loki practicing ballet positions.

Guys, no need to make such a big production out of this. Yes, I'm back, again. Yes, I'm pregnant, again.

What did you say, Zisa?!

...nevermind, Dad.

So, yep, we've got twin alien infants and poor Zisa's already incubating another one. She looks downright thrilled in the loading screen.

She had four sobbing fits in a row before she would go change one of the babies' diapers. My heir is losing it, and I can't do a thing about it. :(

Aren't either one of you going to check on the babies?

Mom's in there, Lofn.

It's okay, Mom, I'll help!

Despite Zisa's overall depression...

...stealing the baby whose diaper she needs to change in order to feed it a bottle off of the kitchen floor isn't helping, Lofn.

But you do look damn happy doing it.

Holy crap, Eostre had a facial expression.

...I hope she didn't pull something.

There's one constant of the Bork household, and that's Grilled Cheese = happy Zisa.

That was a great sandwich, Mom! they all go with it.

ISBIs are supposed to be happy! Fun! (For me, at least!)

I normally laugh at breakdowns and dysfunction, but I honestly felt like I was horribly torturing Zisa so it was slightly comforting to know that the entire household has ridiculously high relationships and that they're all supportive of her.

Grandpa, we need to call the cops.

Uh, what?

Lofn...this is a dangerous road you're beginning to travel on...

...the spaceship is like the bad guys on SVU. That's why Mommy is having babies.

We need to call the police, Grandpa.

God, Eostre, I take it back, stop having facial expressions. :( :( :(

Well, looks like someone's never getting invited back in to the main house now, Skaði.

Are you sure you're okay, Eostre?

I'd be more okay if you'd leave so I could take a bath, Grandpa.

Alien twins' birthday!

Eostre's blindly jamming, Lofn's flexing, and Ullr just looks depressed. I think Loki went to bed, proving that he continues to be the smart one.

Vör. I think she's a clone of the PT pollinator.

Oh, I take back what I said about Loki. Not only did he show up to the party, he's upsetting another sister.

Here's Váli. I keep putting that hair on toddler boys for some reason. I think he actually inherited some facial bits from Zisa, which is good!

Loki, that is not how to make friends and influence people!

I don't know why Grandpa isn't more worried about Mommy and the aliens.

It'll be over soon, Eostre, don't worry.

Well, on the minus side, Val woke Lofn out of bed and she peed herself. On the plus side, Lofn wanted to see a ghost.

I think it's a net positive?

This is the second-to-the-last-time, I promise!

Well, you haven't pissed off Váli yet, Loki! So maybe there's hope! You still have Vör, too.

Which is good, because he's starting to erode the good will he was building up with Lofn.

How do you like it, you little worm!

Best part? Lofn is SO. DAMN. HAPPY.

Older twins come out to greet their mother.

And Zisa has a first pop. Again.

To settle down a bit, and possibly have a spot of happiness, Zisa paints some Grilled Cheese while the older kids are at school. Hopefully, next week she can go to her job for the first time ever, and begin to put this whole alien nonsense behind her.

For the curious, here are a couple shots of Brandon's twins, Arabella and Aldéric. Since he was pregnant at the same time as Zisa's first pregnancy, I wanted to at least give them a shot to be in school at the same time as Lofn and Loki!

Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): 4
Perma-Plat Sims: 4
Shrink Visits: 5
Social Bunny Visits: 0
Fires: 1
Self-Wettings: 15
Pass-Outs: 23
Fights: 18
Deaths: 6
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 6
Miscarriages: 0
College Dropouts: 3

rainbow, viking death squad, isbi, pixel_trade, bork legacy, willowmere

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