Laurince Legacy, Generation 17.5!

Jan 25, 2012 03:26

Last time, Quinn boozed it up while the younger kids beaned each other with balls. Penelope continued right on romancing men right and left, and Quark became a child. Quentin was booted off to University to make bedspace for his little sister. Derin died, and the kids that weren't biologically his grandkids took it the worst. Parvati's twins aged to teen: Quimby rolled Family/Romance and Quincy rolled double Family, giving me hope that one branch of the family might be sane. Quint and Quinn decided they hated each other, probably because they overheard me lamenting at how boring they were.

Penelope finally got 20 simultaneous loves, no easy achievement with lovemod in and 18 other sims on the lot at times. With Pen in retirement, I let some of gen 17 start dating. Norah topped her career and became perma-plat, too. The family finally earned a genie lamp. Pen's quads became teens: Quý Pleasure/Knowledge, Qo'nos GC/Pleasure, Quistis Popularity/Family, and Queenie Fortune/GC. Quint and Quinn went to Uni to give me a break from dustclouds. Quark became a teen, rolling Pleasure/Romance. Queenie became an overachiever, and all of the newest set of teens went dating, but Quistis decided she was in love with her uncle Saul. His unwavering love for the crazy meant he still only had eyes for Parvati. Quimby and Quincy went off to Uni and were slammin' hot.

So, hello everyone. It's been awhile. I hope your lives have been going well. I got sick on Christmas, then my cat died, and most recently this week I have been having back pain constantly since Sunday morning. Since I don't work on Wednesdays, tonight I am trying a novel approach to pain management--alcohol. Let this be a warning in advance for declining quality of writing and/or this update not being posted until after Wednesday.

Aside from the fact that Orchid's constant maxing of two hobbies probably earned this lamp, matriarch gets first dibs on wishing.

I probably should've waited for the sun to come up. Makes the whole thing where I installed a default replacement for the purple guy here a little pointless.

I think it's a bit telling of both my affection for Orchid and how torn up she was because, despite the house's long-lasting overpopulation, I toyed with the idea of bringing Derin back from the dead. But I didn't.

Orchid's now more irresistable, just in case she wants to get in a little end-of-life cougaring. What Orchid wants, Orchid will get.

If you have managed to avoid seeing pictures I plastered over the entire earth, I changed Quý's hair since I initially gave her a style her older sister Qistina wore. As to why I plastered pictures all over, that reason will come later.

Ah, the many reasons to go to gain knowledge to make lots of money later in make lots of friends...

...Qo'nos, why is your hand on your junk?!

To mark how long ago I began taking pictures for this update, have a small taste of the photoshoot I did with Parvati on the lot when I was toying with the idea of making a picture for MTS's calendar contest. Then I remembered that Parvati's hair is probably a pay mesh, and I can't change it out because then it wouldn't be Parvati's hair, so I lost interest.

I can't remember if Orchid rolled a want to see Mortimer specifically, or just to get laid, but it works either way.

You know, I think I'd like getting a job if it was in the Slacker career!

That's a nice thought, Quark, but all of you guys' teenhood is over the moment your parents hit elder. This generation has gone on too damn long already. And part of that is your fault...

I wonder if this began as an argument over who decided to buy those boots first.

Quistis, honey? Norah over there has 10x of the shot you do with Saul. (Of course, ten times zero is still zero, but that's less discouraging.)

Queenie, there is nothing wrong with putting on your jammies in the middle of the day if you don't have anywhere to go! Now leave me alone!

Orchid, will you kindly explain to your daughter that I am not hung like a mouse? Because she keeps telling every--



...I mean Penelope, not her.

I see Queenie's realized where her sister got her views on wearing jammies in the afternoon.

It's quintuple birthdays!

Wow. I just can't see Peter, of all people, wearing a hobo sweater and Tidus shpants, so he's changing.

Old dude Peter. Not too shabby.

And Qo'nos is the first off to Uni because of proximity, more than anything. The other four will be trickling out as soon as the previous one's taxi leaves.

Hahahaha, no, Penelope.

I imagine Penelope to be in slight denial about her age. Her getup is a little revealing, but slightly classier, and I get to use my Christmas gift hair!

Aren't you going to get chilly with bare legs like that? - asks Pen's near-perpetually half-naked plant mother.

You just can't pull off spaghetti straps! - chides Pen's daughter who just earlier was cheering the jammies in the afternoon school of wardrobe thought.

Quý's totally smirking because she got all of the skill scholarships. ALL OF THEM.

You know who's going to be totally hot as an old dude? Saulie!

Who managed to get all the way up to the second floor to age up, for some reason. And Parvati was right...only thing I had to change was getting him some slightly lighter brows.

Parvati's still Parvati.

And when Norah came home, she aged up pretty gracefully herself. I'd say Peter and Norah look like the most traditional elders of the set, my choices on how to clothe them aside.

I don't care what the doctors say, your youthful appearance is definitely due to all of the Grilled Cheese I've made for you!

Penelope doesn't really need to act her age, does she? *SMIRK*

Oh god, Mortimer, that's pretty unnecessary.

Since Orchid was outside and winter is chilly, she's basking in the glow of her UV lamp AND the fireplace for her nightly chess marathon.

You know, I'm going to have to go searching to see how long my oldest sim lived for. Because Orchid...looks to be on pace for shattering ALL those records.

Penelope was busy playing video games when I deposited the second half of Gen 17 in uni, so Quistis's one-night stand dad, the neighborhood burglar, accompanied her to the dorm.

I think he's worried if she grows taller, the skirt's not gonna grow longer.

You weren't concerned enough to show up at the house EVER AGAIN. Actually, how do you even know you have a kid (or four)?

Given I have the handy-dandy Bork dorm in my lot bin, I plopped it down and teleported everyone in! I figured we needed a nice recap and categorization of all the billion children this generation, so let's begin.

First group we've got is Penelope's children. A set of twins by one dude, and a set of quads by the burglar we just saw above.

Qistina, whose resemblance to Paris Hilton is lessened when she smiles. She's a blonde Romance sim like the women in her family before her.

Qitarah, a Pleasure/Knowledge sim. Very laid-back, slightly boring.

I just couldn't keep Quistis in the glasses. She's not got a whole lot in common with her namesake, when things are said and done.

Qo'nos, the anti-Klingon, more like Asian boyband member.

Queenie, adorable, way too responsible to be one of Pen's kids.

Quý, who looks scarily like Gwen Stefani. The only bow I really made to that is the red lipstick, and it taught me that I don't really have much for red lipstick. Probably because I don't wear it.

Slight aside, it's still downright bizarre how lily-white 3 of the quads are, then the other is S4, when I would have expected everything in between Pen's paleness and their dad's S4.

Peter and Norah's kids. Reminder: While I might have posed their bodies, those faces that clearly say "I despise you"? They did that all on their own.

Quint. Aside from hating his sister, though, I still kind of find him boring. (Pleasure/GC...I am starting to get sick of GC aspiration in any way, especially after the last Bork gen. And he looks just like his father.)

Quinn. Double Popularity, I've always found her a bit more interesting than her twin, though she looks so much like a Deline I don't know if I want all this recursion in the family line...

And finally, despite Parvati being a fucking lunatic, her and Saul's set of four kids manage to bring some variation and extra amounts of being well-adjusted to this generation's table.

Quentin. Fortune/Family. With him around, I realized there might be the possibility of the family having a calm, settled generation for once.

Quimby. If I were to be completely shallow, and I think I'm allowed to be sometimes, I would say he's straight-up the best looking of the entire group, the most interesting looking. I think the only reason this Family sim rolled a Romance secondary is because without the subaspiration, the female population of Veronaville/Sim State U would be deprived.

Quincy's double Family, which is the aspiration theme for Saul's kids, apparently. Add in his rolling being bi, my personality impression is "sweetheart who loves everybody." He didn't quite grow into his chin, which is why his hair is so big. XD

Quark's wild, as the coddled youngest baby sister/cousin/only daughter all sorts of things. Worth noting is that she's a lesbian, so aside from the diversity in appearances, the Parvati/Saul crew is like a mini gay/straight alliance. Awww.

She also kicks off her university life by demonstrating a death wish. I can't watch you all, dammit, there are TWELVE of you.

It took a little thinking to get rooms assigned. I put all of Parvati's boys together in one triple.

Quinn ended up in a double on her own, with a dormie roomie. Any other family, I let twins room together, even if it's a co-ed set, but she and Quint would just attack each other constantly.


Quistis decided to take the longest route possible to claim her door... the triple room she's sharing with the other two quad girls, Quý and Queenie.

You can obviously see I binned the dorm with all the suites colored for Bork Gen Yellow. I may or may not redecorate while the Laurinces are here this gen.

Qistina and Qitarah are upstairs in a triple with Quark. If I had more than two doubles, I would've had Quark room with Quinn, but to keep the peace, someone had to room with a dormie.

Queenie's actually playing chess with Quinn's "suitemate"...

...the whitest dude in the world. Gives Penelope's title as "whitest person ever" a bit of a challenge.

Queenie's soon drawn away from academic pursuits, probably because Quistis needed help keeping the other two from stabbing each other with pick-up sticks.

Damn, I hope some of you start rolling wants for majors soon.

I wanted to give at least one of them a tattoo from my gifted tattoo box, and Queenie was dressed the best for it...but, let's just say that having Penelope for a mother leaves its mark on your sensibility one way or another.

Quimby just randomly chats up the female dormies, because he's just that cool.

...we managed to get to sundown, I was hoping maybe they'd made a tentative truce?

This is looking less like mutual dislike and more like Quint looking for excuses to beat the shit out of his sister.

I'd feel worse for Qo'nos if the floor hadn't been dry until HE SHOWERED.

Quinn not rooming with any other Laurinces isn't a totally horrible thing, she just hangs out in her cousins' rooms.

Yeah, I was just ogling Quimby here.

How can she stand to let that bitch hang around here?

a) why the hell did you invite yourself in, anyway?
b) it's not Quistis's living room, either!

You're an ass.

Yeah, Quark, you're not "really" that grown up. You just lucked out in that I was very, very sick of this stupidly full generation.

Quinn had gone to find some peace on the couch that actually does belong to Quistis, and guess who shows up?

A normal set of twins would make me find this scene endearing, but I just think Quint's a creeper.

Quick, Quimby, no pudding for jerks like Quint!, I must be out of it. I was thinking it'd be cute to do a totally alliterative sentence, but nothing sensical and greater than a few words can be done with words solely beginning with Q.

Yay, now they won't all be going to class simultaneously. Poly-Sci for Quinn.

English for Quistis.

Art for Gwen Quý.

Drama for Quark.

Biology for the supremely practical Queenie.

At least I've got these two (and Qistina and Qitarah) to prove that not all twins are supremely broken. Quimby and Quincy major in history--together.

And wear matching PJs, apparently!

...considering how much earlier Quinn picked Poly Sci, I can only regard this decision as one of malicious stalking.

I didn't catch the pokefest before it became mutual, but I know that Quint followed Quinn after she started playing Wii.

While Quinn was the actual attacker for once...

...things still ended with Quint beating the shit out of his sister.



Aw, Quinn. :(

Quimby does the most fraternizing outside of the family. All with the ~ladies~.

Haha, I don't know why, but I am so amused with Qo'nos beaning the hell out of Qistina with a water balloon.

It's still fall, so I guess you can't fault Quentin for trying to squeeze the last bit of enjoyment he can out of the outdoors.

I'd have more sympathy for your diary-writing, Quistis, if you didn't finally have your own bedroom for the first time in your life.

I think Quinn's realized her family's a bit desensitized to her unhealthy relationship with her brother, so she's sticking to more common areas.

I do try to pay a little attention to everyone...that's why Qo'nos got to influence the cafeteria cook to make Grilled Cheese.

Behold, you are about to take a bit out of the best food in the entire world!

...I should probably stop paying attention to Qo'nos.

I heard that.

Nothing is stopping you from using the stove on your own.

...Quý, you had enough creativity points to get a scholarship. What can the WOOG WOOG machine teach you at this point?

This is getting tiresome, even if I can't blame Quinn for starting shit at this point.

That's hot, Quark.

Don't know who started this, but we all know how it'll end.

Oh my god, that dude is kicking the crap out of that girl who looks like him!

Alana here is one of a set of quads. She'd probably shit herself if she knew those two were twins. But, she actually likes her sisters.


Peter needed to slap you upside the head the first time you got into a slapfight with your sister, or SOMETHING. I guess Parvati's SMOTHERING was the right parenting method this time around.

So, can I just pretend I'm your sister, Qitarah?

Yeah, sure, what's one more sister at this point?

I think one of the reasons I had Quý skilling so much is that it's all she really likes to do. This and the synth were all autonomous actions.

And here's Qitarah. She just basically chills out 24/7.


Yeah, I'm just totally biased now, because my commentary here would be:

It's nice that these two get to come back from class simultaneously EVERY DAY.

Qitarah: also approves of jammies in the afternoon.

...Quimby, when did you change your mind about green jammies? (I guess the pink ones are his underwear?)

In this pic, Quý's feelings on snow.

All I'm saying is, Quint is going to kill her one of these days, Grandma, and it looks like it's going to be in one of OUR dorms, so maybe you could get Uncle Peter or Aunt Norah to do something?!

...I don't think Quistis's call did much to sway Orchid from thinking they're just being silly kids. I gave the townie a new hairdo, I think it makes her face look slightly more proportional.

Queenie's probably doing field work for an ecology class. INTELLECTUAL

Quentin. Slowly walk away from the doorway. Do NOT make eye contact. That is a drama professor.

Got sick of all the shower bitching, hired a maid. They got Pamela, even though there are not enough hours in the day for her to possibly pick up after the main Laurince house AND this dorm. Or, really, even one of them.

Qistina, what the hell are you looking at? (It wasn't even me, I tend to play with the camera parallel to the floor.

Quark comes home from class to GAME. This is GAME face.

All I'm saying, Qis, is that you should have some sort of standards.


Oh, so, you'd sleep with the cook or something?

Hey, there's an idea. I bet I'd only have to do it once, and he'd fall in love with me!

Quinn's supposedly looking up info on gaming on the internet, but I hope she's looking up resources for abused women or something.

Quý is punching the shit out of her art final.

I would've thought Quý would major in something a lot more difficult than art.

Just wait until she joins a ska band.

Oh no, you two! This is how the chuckleheads over there behind you began their cycle of hate!

Quentin decides the best remedy is to brag about himself.

You know, if Quint approves of your course of action, you've fucked up.

Watch it, you're starting to be the worst eldest sibling I know.

I can't possibly be worse than Qistina!

Qistina doesn't really pay any attention to her younger siblings, so I guess that makes her closer to neutral?

Quentin and Quark repair their relationship when the talk turns to games, while Quint continues to seeth with disturbing amounts of hatred for a peacefully blogging Quinn.

...I hope she's blogging for help.

Finally, they bond over Quentin's love for tempting fate re: hypothermia. I guess that's better than a bitter fight to the death...freezing to death's kinda peaceful.

What were you two doing out there, it's almost as bad as nuclear winter out there.

In the background, ever-sensible Queenie is getting the vapors at the idea that Quark and Quentin were in that snow-covered swimming pool.

...Qo'nos is wondering why Queenie won't calm her shit and play chess with him.

Quimby wonders whether or not this ballet attempt of his was such a good idea. Don't worry, it was. It's adorable.

Sorry the update's so disjointed. The major reason for that is attempting to follow all of the kids in Gen 17 is a bit unmanageable, and kind of boring since I need to go slow to get anywhere enough material to attempt to give them equal time. (And still, there really isn't. Did we even see Quincy after they moved into the dorm? I can't even remember...

I'm probably going to move a handful of my favorites into the fraternity house with...who's in there now...right, Marko and Max. I'm heavily biased against moving Quint over, because I like Quinn and am sick of the fighting.

Also, I am definitely going to be the one picking heir this generation, and I'm already kind of leaning towards one or two options in particular. However, I am open to moving over one or two sims that aren't in my shortlist if everyone else likes him or her so much they want to see them in the last Uni update. So, simple poll:
Poll Favorite Gen 17 Kid

(I'm totally kidding, guys. You can vote for Quint. I'll just probably ignore you if you do. :D)

Great news, my back is actually feeling better, drink your way to wellness or something! (Don't do this, it's a path to alcoholism, but I haven't had a drink since New Year's Eve, so I'm probably fine.)

I hope to get back into the swing of the updating thing soonish! My next immediate post in here will probably be a couple of lots I said I'd build alfredaskew, since here's the easiest place to put up all the pictures I want. :D :D

veronaville, laurince legacy

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