Well, Im fairly bored, to be honest. My head's hurting. I may be getting a domain and hosting plan soon.
Still not totally sure on a name. Also, If i get it from this place (i forgot the url x_x but I have it written down somewhere) I should really type aseriana.net as the referral cause she helped me a little. Mainly cause I emailed her, but hey. I got help. heh.
Anyway. for now ... everything remains in an extremely small list at
http://www.keloid-milk.tkbecause i'm too lazy to put the rest.
Well, school college tomorrow. I'm so used to typing school. ack x_x
I only have English. We're gonna write the argument/fiction story thing and work in the groups for a while at the end. Honestly, I can't wait. But I really should try to concentrate and do my work. Heh. You know it won't happen in 'mr obesity's group :D
I think that'll do for tonight. There's nothing else to really say.
Oh. James failed his driving test.