Lost finale -- Spoilers obviously

May 27, 2010 01:51

I think I've officially gone through all the stages of grief and have accepted the fact that it's really over. People seem to have very polarized views about the finale, but I'm totally in the LOVED IT category. I thought it was beautiful. I've been saying for weeks prior that I honestly cared more about the characters having a good ending over getting "answers" or mythology or anything else. I started watching from the beginning for the characters (MERIADOC IS DOING A JJ ABRAMS SHOW?), I stayed for the characters, and would have been very angry if ~rocks fall, everyone dies~ type situation occurred and to be honest I was expecting to be totally disappointed because Lost has a habit of killing my favorites. But this is probably the first time a series finale has ever been satisfying in my opinion. Here's why:

I squeed so hard during the Daniel/Charlotte meeting scene. I smiled so hard my cheeks hurt during the Charlie/Claire/Kate bb scene. I BARELY held it together during the Sawyer/Juliet scene (god that was good, you could tell that she felt and remembered her own death...so sad!). My eyes started watering during that last scene with Jack walking through the bamboo forest/everyone in the church, but I thought I'd be okay. UNTIL VINCENT HAD TO COME AND RUIN EVERYTHING! Jesus, I lost it so hard when he came and just lied down next to Jack. He wasn't going to let him die alone. I'm getting teary just thinking about it 3 days later. I hugged my dog for a good ten minutes after watching that. I started crying again on my way to bed only to discover Emma had a case of massive diarrhea all over my carpet so then I cursed the existence of dogs everywhere lol...but then after it was all clean and I got in bed I started crying again just thinking about the end. I hope I have a Vincent with me when I die... now on to the bits people are bitching about.

Yes, people are bitching about the lack of answers, but honestly I don't understand WHAT answers people were looking for. There are a few things that I wish were explained, which I'll go into later, but for the most part I don't understand how people can say NOTHING was answered. I swear, people are still wondering where the polar bears came from. I think it's pretty obvious that the Dharma folk brought them there for experiments and what not. Several things like that have BEEN answered throughout the entire series, I guess people just want everything spelled out, handed to them on a platter. As for the whole Island being explained, why can't we just accept it as a island with these unique and magical properties and that's that? The characters never knew what was going on, they didn't need to, they just accepted it as is. I don't think the writers needed to have given it a scientific, midichlorian answer without it being lame. The island is unique and magical just cause it is. The force just is the force and that's that. George Lucas GTFO with this bullshit ~DNA~ or whatever explanation. Do we need a scientific explanation as to why some people are wizards and why other's a muggles? No I don't think so. It's a show with heavy sci-fi influences and I'm glad that they just left it as is and didn't try to make it scientific and more relative to the real word. Besides, looking at the lostpedia page just reassures my belief that they've been answering things all along. Plus I like the idea that not everything was "answered" because half of the fun of watching this show over the past 6 years has been coming up with your own theories and ideas. I like that 5 years from now we can still be discussing and theorizing about things. So there's my rant on that.

As for the whole controversy over what the sideways world turned out to be, I'm actually really happy with the outcome. Like most people I was thinking the alterna-world was a result of Jughead and that the series would end with the worlds coming together some how. Then at the NYTimes interview with Damon and Carlton that I went to, Damon kept saying that all of the flashes, whether back, forward or sideways, were non-paradoxical. This lead me to believe that the flashsideways were NOT some other dimension or whatever that were happening simultaneous with the island world, and since we saw the island at the bottom of the ocean I theorized that the finale would show us that Flocke DID sink the island yet somehow that made them all travel back to being on flight 815 and the series would end with Desmond helping them to remember their island life yet everyone gets to live in their happy non-island life. LONG STORY (NOT) SHORT-- while this would have made me happy from the stand point that I cared more about the characters, it would have negated everything that had happened over the entire series. What happened to these people pre, during and post island time needed to happen. Whatever happened, happened, right? So the twist of sideways world being this purgatory, limbo type place, to me, was very satisfying. Everything really happened, the good and bad, yet we got to see a happy ending for these characters. It made me very happy. Doc Jensens review really sums up my feelings so much better than my non-writer self ever could. It's a fantastic read so check it out: http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20313460_20387946,00.html

I'm not a religious person at all, yet I still really loved the ending. Yeah, the were in a church I get that, but I think how they pulled it off was brilliant (yes even the cheesy stain glass window with all the various symbols from major religions). I believe they left it in such a way that the viewer can believe what THEY want to believe. They were in purgatory and then went to heaven. They were in a made up world they created that then they went on to be reborn...or perhaps cease to be. It was all in Jack's head and the white light was the aliens beaming them onto their spaceship. I know what it is that I took away from it...and I'm satisfied with that.

And now because this went on WAY longer that I ever anticipated, here's something that turns my sad face to a happy one. It was all just a puppy's dream....

OH WAIT ONE LAST THING: FUCK YEAH! FRANK LAPIDUS! I was so happy they found him alive. Then I noticed it was him, Miles and Richard together and I couldn't help but think "DAMN there is no way in hell just these 3 are going to survive" so I spent the entire time panicking that any moment they would be shot or explode or have simultaneous heart attacks so the fact that they survived made me VERY happy!! All my favs survived! ...and I forgot to mention the few things that didn't get answered that bothered me but I'm tired so I think I'll do a Lost bitch fest post later.

lost, epic rant

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