Mar 20, 2005 19:18
Wow, lots of goings on. I haven't updated in a bit, so I figure you all should know what's happened.
First is a rather amusing anecdote (though it wasn't funny at the time). Last Friday, My roomie was having a hell of a day. Her friends were supposed to visit for the weekend, and They got in a car accident like 10 min from our school. In addition to that, her grades are slipping. So what does her boyfriend do? He leaves to go get piss drunk at a house party, leaving Lindz alone in the room while all her friends go to the track semi.
So he gets piss drunk and comes back to Marist. He fell into a snowbank on the way back, cutting his mouth. He got into the building and proceeded to spit blood all over my next year roomie's boyfriend's door. Then, he left a trail of blood up the stairs, and ran from the 3rd floor RA's. He ran from there into my room, and did not flop onto Lindz's bed, oh no, he flopped onto MINE. He then drooled BLOOD all over my comforter, and even lifted his head to kindly spit blood all over my wall, whiteboard, posters, and ceiling... CEILING! He fought anyone who came up to try to move him. I came back from watching a movie with RJ in the PAR to see Lindz and Sherman trying to clean up Sean's mess. RJ and I then spent the rest of the night (until 3:00) washing my pillows and bedding and scrubbing my wall and ceiling. I was PISSED. WHO spits BLOOD over other peoples' stuff?! I don't care how drunk you are, you don't do that!
While I was taking care of laundry, I also had to take care of poor Greg Marks' drunken puking. Antacids and water can fix everything... water and a towel can clean it up. The poor boy.
RJ is showing up tomorrow evening! Tuesday is skiing/Fight Club/Hot Tub day. Wednesday is the day to drive around and see the BG play. Thursday is chill with Julianne day and ending with dinner for two at Mikata. *^_^* I'm so happy.
Ooooh, there's a new Simpson's on! Catch you later.
I'm so twitterpaited.