Title: Revelation
Series: Family
Author: Cosmic
Author's Email: bananacosmicgirl@hotmail.com
Author's Home Page:
CosmicUniverse.netAuthor's Journal:
http://bananacosmic.livejournal.com Fandom: H2O: Just Add Water
Genre: Het
10 Hurt/ComfortPrompt: 04. Truth Revealed
Part: 1/5
Rating: PG-13 (for all the series)
Total wordcount: 12 200
Words in this chapter: 2 262
Characters: Rikki Chadwick, Zane Bennett
Pairings: Zane/Rikki
Warnings: None
Spoilers: General series
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations from the tv-show “H2O: Just Add Water”, created and owned by Jonathan M. Shiff and others. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: They've been together for four years and now Rikki has something to tell Zane. A five-part series dealing with Rikki and Zane starting a family.
Author’s notes: This series is a response to prompts 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 on my Hurt/Comfort table (one prompt per chapter). Future fic, set about four years after season two. Written as a series of oneshots.
Crossposted to
rikki_zane and
h2o_addwater Can also be read on my website “You’re-pregnant,” Zane said. “As in-having a baby?” “Is there any other kind of pregnant?”