Last exam today!!!

Jul 05, 2005 19:26

*yay* it's over! Had my last exam for this semester today. Was French. I guess it could have been better - should have started studying earlier but then again I *never* study for languages. This time it would have been better - was way too much on my "English"-trip to remember all the French vocab I would have needed for the exam but I wasn't the only one who probably invented some new words. *ggg* And the text production part wasn't that bad either - just that damn vocab test. It's a bit like a crossword with very weird descriptions of the needed word. I *hate* that kind of stuff!

But the best part was that my mum, when I told her about the exam, said that I should start speaking French with Lies - cause Lies is supposed to know that. When I told mum that Lies' mother tongue is Dutch... or rather Flemish, I guess, but mum said that Lies will have to teach me Dutch then. *ggg* Poor girl. ;-)

Now I'll stay here in Wilhelmshaven for another couple of days. There'll be a farewell party for a friend on Saturday, and I'll have a drink with another friend on Thursday. God, so much people will be gone next semester... Can't believe it. Should have studied a bit faster, I guess. :-P

Well, anyway, will stop rambling now.

Love, Rikki
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