I've been meaning to get in touch with you about HuskyLove actually. Before I fell ill I was working on cleaning things up a bit and doing a reminder post to inform new users (and remind some old) what the community is all about and why that small group of us fought so hard for it to be what it should be...
Alot of people are lj-cut'ing their pictures...no good. Not even teaser pics. People need to remember this is not a reference community, support community, information community (unless HUSKY SPECIFIC!), etc... People need to be reminded HuskyLove is a PICTURE community meant to FILL members friends pages with HappyHuskySmiles. NO LJ CUTS! LOTS OF PICTURES! I think it's important to also remind people of the community rules towards nonHusky specific posting, general information posting, etc... if I remember correctly we (the initial 25 of us or so) even decided that stories and requests for advice should be kept brief or lj-cut bulk in order to maximize the "PICTURE THEME" of our community.
What do you think...you wanna help me out again for a quick overhaul and reminder...? I haven't done a management feedback post in a LOOOOONG time and since community business is NOT legal posting material and BOY has our little community grown...
What would i need help with? well, I'd like us both to write up a "Community Rules" post as best as we can remember and with any new additions you/I think might be necessary now that our little community has gone from 35 to 350+. Then each compair and review both them together and each write one that combines EVERYTHING from both and we have a collaberated effort...something official and SPECIFIC to link on the home page... I'm babbling in comments now...just reply...let me know what you think. maybe a new wall paper spread to include the newer pups. I'll take on cleaning up and out all posts from day one and re-org of the memories...delete illegal posting...or posts with dead link pictures and nothing else, etc...
FEEDBACK GIRL!!!!! I'm eager to revive what we once had and filter/flush some of the TEXT on our PICTURE website. IT was ours and it was great for a reason and I miss those smiles on our community posting page!
Truthfully, I think the way it's going now is great. Everyone is enjoying looking at the pictures, and I know everyone likes helping out new husky owners or an old owner with new questions. Questions and such are never a bad thing... I think that's the biggest reason we have so many members, is because we ARE a support group for huskies. We've never really been JUST a picture community. I think a lot of people would leave if we made a rule to specify it as that. At the most, maybe make a small(nobody likes to read about rules) about showing more teaser pictures before LJ-cuts.
But yeah... I agree about a new layout. I'll start working on the background and add new pictures to it. But I wouldn't delete anything old. I know people like looking back at old posts a lot.
Okay kewl...if you get the time to throw something small & basic together with what you feel should be our current rules, guidelines, new suggestions you might have thought of or read in comments from others...basically I'd like YOUR feedback on how things are going in there and what you think is important I include in the "Management Feedback Post". You are definately more familiar with READING our current community where as I have been more skimming and picture watching. I want to hear from you as a co-mod before I post anything official or public. Then I'll go ahead and draft the formal post and give you a 24hr preview copy to lemnme know what you think before it gets posted.
I'm gonna re-org the InfoPage and make sure there is a link to some official rules. I have had to address and delete a handful of posts this year due to NonHuskySpecific content and it's been brought to my attention that the new members just can't find the rules...this resulted in a few "issues" this year. There have actually been 3 seperate members who argued with my decision to remove their post because it didn't say on the Infopage that they COULDN'T post NonHuskySpecific posts. I'm very polite and diplomatic when I remove posts...I use a community "Warning - Post Removed" comment template I've used for years to maintain consistancy when removing a post but some people just like to be right and argue and fuss. Even t5hough Our community policy of AllHuskies-AllTheTime is very clear on the infopage. We've grown so big though that I think it IS time to link some official rules off the InfoPage. Problems are rare in our community but that link will go a long way in saving me time explaining and/or arguing about post content. You know how little time I spend on my own LJ but I love this community and have stayed on top of it even when I'm not using my own LJ. Since I've been using my LJ more and trying to come back...I wanna do this overhaul (clean up and re-org) before I dedicate more time to my own LJ again.
Ok, headache...gotta rest. I really just wanted to ask you to send me your feedback and suggestions for rules current and/or additions. I wanted to ask today before crashing so I don't slack off this weekend and you can have time to puit something small together for me if you have the time.
Alot of people are lj-cut'ing their pictures...no good. Not even teaser pics. People need to remember this is not a reference community, support community, information community (unless HUSKY SPECIFIC!), etc...
People need to be reminded HuskyLove is a PICTURE community meant to FILL members friends pages with HappyHuskySmiles. NO LJ CUTS! LOTS OF PICTURES!
I think it's important to also remind people of the community rules towards nonHusky specific posting, general information posting, etc...
if I remember correctly we (the initial 25 of us or so) even decided that stories and requests for advice should be kept brief or lj-cut bulk in order to maximize the "PICTURE THEME" of our community.
What do you think...you wanna help me out again for a quick overhaul and reminder...? I haven't done a management feedback post in a LOOOOONG time and since community business is NOT legal posting material and BOY has our little community grown...
What would i need help with? well, I'd like us both to write up a "Community Rules" post as best as we can remember and with any new additions you/I think might be necessary now that our little community has gone from 35 to 350+. Then each compair and review both them together and each write one that combines EVERYTHING from both and we have a collaberated effort...something official and SPECIFIC to link on the home page...
I'm babbling in comments now...just reply...let me know what you think. maybe a new wall paper spread to include the newer pups. I'll take on cleaning up and out all posts from day one and re-org of the memories...delete illegal posting...or posts with dead link pictures and nothing else, etc...
FEEDBACK GIRL!!!!! I'm eager to revive what we once had and filter/flush some of the TEXT on our PICTURE website. IT was ours and it was great for a reason and I miss those smiles on our community posting page!
At the most, maybe make a small(nobody likes to read about rules) about showing more teaser pictures before LJ-cuts.
But yeah... I agree about a new layout. I'll start working on the background and add new pictures to it. But I wouldn't delete anything old. I know people like looking back at old posts a lot.
I'm gonna re-org the InfoPage and make sure there is a link to some official rules. I have had to address and delete a handful of posts this year due to NonHuskySpecific content and it's been brought to my attention that the new members just can't find the rules...this resulted in a few "issues" this year. There have actually been 3 seperate members who argued with my decision to remove their post because it didn't say on the Infopage that they COULDN'T post NonHuskySpecific posts. I'm very polite and diplomatic when I remove posts...I use a community "Warning - Post Removed" comment template I've used for years to maintain consistancy when removing a post but some people just like to be right and argue and fuss. Even t5hough Our community policy of AllHuskies-AllTheTime is very clear on the infopage. We've grown so big though that I think it IS time to link some official rules off the InfoPage. Problems are rare in our community but that link will go a long way in saving me time explaining and/or arguing about post content. You know how little time I spend on my own LJ but I love this community and have stayed on top of it even when I'm not using my own LJ. Since I've been using my LJ more and trying to come back...I wanna do this overhaul (clean up and re-org) before I dedicate more time to my own LJ again.
Ok, headache...gotta rest. I really just wanted to ask you to send me your feedback and suggestions for rules current and/or additions. I wanted to ask today before crashing so I don't slack off this weekend and you can have time to puit something small together for me if you have the time.
I don't know when I'll have time to come up with some good stuff, but I'll try my hardest to do it this weekend. :)
Hope you feel better!
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