I Think I Have Something to Say

Oct 14, 2005 15:18

I miss you all...I am sorry for my silence this year...
Sometimes it's just really hard having so many good friends so very far away.
I haven't been writing at all lately...
...just geeking out and playing mind-numbing video games instead.
I just don't have much to say these days...this year has been a whopper.
For those interested, I am healthy and still smile most the time...
I'm not working...still/again...and so most days feel like the one before.
Not much to report really. I've have my moments, just not able to find the words this year.
Like when I went to Hawaii (Aug2005) I had SO MUCH to say that I didn't even know where to begin...
I had a birthday in February, but in my cynical old age I find them highly over-rated.
Sometime over the winter my best friend (Kris) moved in. That saved my sanity more then once...
This year would have been much worse without him. Not to mention Gas$$ saved, LOL
My Baby brother(Joey) joined the Marines (Jan.2005)& has since shipped out to Iraq (Sept.2005)
A far cry from bong rips and banger Blunts of old and I am so proud of him.
Let see, what else...I mean, it has been almost a year so there must be more...

Everyone remembers my better half of course - mastelmo...
Well, I still love him to death even though he has turned our house a into a construction zone.
After the kitchen wall came down last fall it was all down hill. LOL! Bright side though...
I recently aquired hard wood floors from the process though so I am Not complaining. =D
Speaking of Mastelmo - He Graduated!!! (May.2005) Whooooot! **ThreeCheers**
He is now officially the smartest dude I know and I am so very very prous of him.
Having mentioned Hawaii I should also give props to my other baby brother, Kevin.
Kevin got enagaged (to Anna from Sweden) and they both graduated from HawaiiPacificUniv in Aug.
So Kevin got his MABA, Anna was Validictorian of their class and the whole fam got to go to HW.
But that is a post (or six?) in and of itself...I'll save it for my next writing attempt. Later
What else...hmmm...let me see...news from my_diet_log...
After 18-months of hellish nutritional torture I dropped ###lbs & 12+ clothes sizes...
My wardrobe is...well, it's non-existant almost and that's the best news of the year.
Yes, I will try to post pictures soon - I'm going to try to slip back into LJ-Mode
Oooh-Ooooh-Ooooh we also got a new Sibe! - "Lycos" is just the perfect addition to our pack. =D
She's about 1.5yr and was neglected for most of it when we rescued her...
...but a trip to the vet, a few weeks of medicine & some lovin & she's almost like New again.
Yes, I will post pictures, I'll even try to post em before Christmas, ROFL!
To wrap up this, now very long, post

...in recent news:
Yesterday Mastelmo & I celebrated our 4th wedding anaversary. Whooot! **FourCheers**
When put into perspective, 4yrs is really not all that impressive...
Especially compaired to the 50+ we still have left to enjoy together, LOL!
But we did enjoy it and next year - for #5 - LasVegas Baby, Yeah!
Other news...I still need a job - any of my ATL friends know of anyone?
This year I have Not worked more then I Have worked and it's driving me slowly insane.
Sadly, Kris moved back up to TN a few weeks ago and the lonely bordom has really sunk in lately.
Even though it's just an hour away and we still see one another 6days a week...it's been an adjustment.
A lonely, hard, boring, adjustment - and I must admit I am still not "Happily" adjusted.
And the "Kris Saga of 2005" is another topic probably best saved for it's own post.
What keeps me going you might ask?

Well, some of it is the mailbox luv I still get regularly. batgoth - I can't tell you how much your random and regular mail has made me smile and helped me push through some of the rougher patches this year. What I wouldn't give to have a friend like you here in GA - in Person! But as far away as you are...know you are loved...by ME!
And of course I do NOT know where I could be without tonya. Christmas, Easter, and just last week...let just say I am a Huge Sucker for that adorable Baby.J of yours. Thank you so much for remembering to send me the updates and pics. It means so much to me that you know...well...that you know how much your family trio means to me. **HugeHug**
And speaking of Adorable families - dischisser, you better get up off your duff and CALL me if you ain't got the time to update your LJ for me to keep tabs on your latest and Greatest. Your baby girl is ADORABLE! I think I am in love and I am actually looking forward to coming home for a visit and meeting her. With you for a mom...I'm really looking forward to seeing her mature and grow. And hey! If you get a spare moment could you please **nudge** charaela and tell her if she doesn't send me pics of the boy soon I'm gonna have to to drive to AZ to take my own. =D
Gawd, I'm such a slacker I've even grown distant from my local LJ friends. How horrible is that? Well, too horrible I teel ya. debina, daonnan, karlita...all my ATL friends...I Hope to crawl out of my cave soon. I miss you guys...all you guys.
Okay, this is getting really too long so I am going to wrap this up with last "Shout Out"...
bubbles35632 - I MISS YOU! I miss talking to you everyday! I miss seeing your crazy smile and your even crazier hair! I miss you making me laugh all day and I'm really really, REALLY looking forward to seeing/hearing/reading from you on a regular basis again.
I could go on and on with messages and thoughts of/for/to so many people...I've thought about so many of you over these past months and wish I had the time, space & words but then this post would be Way too long. So, maybe I'll save all my "Shout Outs" for their own post too. It'll be like FluffyTuesday reborn. =) **Giggle**

Anyway, I better hurry up and save this post and walk away before I lock it, attempt to edit it...tweak it and disguard it...like so many other posts (and comments) this year. Well, here is my effort. Lets hope this hour of typing/writing helps trigger something in me to motivate me back to the real world. I think it has already. I hope it has. This was meant to be a short 2 paragrapher, just to say "Hi" and warm up and look what it turned into...another fabulous Babble-Novel in my LJ. Surprised? No? Well, I am. =D Happily. I hope it sticks...I truely and painfully miss you guys Alot. I just gotta figure out how to motivate (force) myself from this social slump already.
Ideas welcome...no make that encouraged! Drag me out if you must! PLEASE! LOL

Til the next time...Stay Fluffy!
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