I was watching 90's and 00's music on youtube, as one does, and It's Gonna Be Me showed up.
And I remember Ohno just literally planked those chorus moves for Rain.
Holy shit guys, when JE got stuck in the pop 'n lock, they just never got out again. And I love it so much.
Watch the chorus in all its glory. RIP Rain though, I literally cut out the chorus in a separate vid on my hd titled IT'SGONNABERAIN.
I'm not allowed to direct embed the video for some reason (the power of Noodlehead's IT'S GONNA BE MAY is too much)
but enjoy LOL.
Though I would prefer not to give Timberlake any kind of publicity, but I digress.
(also answers the eternal question: when is it too early to shitpost? NEVER.)