[Drabbles] - Tenipuri : Niou*An*Marui

Apr 14, 2009 16:04

Title: Three's a Pair for  ot3_100 
Author/Artist: rikkaian 
Disclaimer: I own nothing. >.<
Rating/s: Safe!
Notes: Finally posting some drabbles for ot3_100 ! I tried so hard to keep them 100 words max, hope I succeeded. I also plan to post by five so I could spam the community so it wouldn't look too short. And don't kill me, I broke Platinum pair! T__T.  Putting that aside... Yosh! Onto the drabbles! XD

Prompt : Kiss

It was the first time Marui Bunta talked much about a girl. Yes, a girl. At least, it was the first time gum boy talked to him about it, and the trickster just couldn’t believe it right away. The tensai never took interest on one, ever.

But now, Marui was babbling about a certain girl all the way from Tokyo. A girl whom the great tensai Marui Bunta incidentally helped with some bullies. A girl who thanked gum boy with a kiss.

Tachibana An, was it? Niou wasn’t quite sure, but there was something with Tokyo-chan that sparked his interest.


Prompt : Hug

“I bet I could hug her tighter than you could, Bunta~.”

The redhead slumped on his chair, irritated with the trickster’s taunting. The latter kept on grinning, enjoying the other’s misery.

“Who cares?” Marui blew his gum and retorted, irritated. “At least she would enjoy mine better.”

Niou snorted, unsure of what he heard. “Oooh, touchy.” Marui rolled his eyes, not bothering to make a comeback.

“Is that so, Bun-chan?” Niou had a devious grin in place, as if challenging him. Marui could only glare.

“Sorry for being late!” She huffed. They eyed their prize.


And the challenge starts.


Prompt : Touch

Marui couldn’t wish for anything else; peace, a slice of strawberry cake, two cups of steaming hot cappuccinos, and…his crush. All in one café. And he even managed to touch her hand, accidentally.


“Back!” The trickster’s grin blinded him. Why oh why did he have to tag along?!
Niou was about to sit, when his cake accidentally slipped off his hands, dropping it on the lady’s skirt.

“Ah, An-chan! Gomen!” Niou gave an apologetic smile to her and cleaned the mess with a napkin. And accidentally touched her hand.

Marui sighed exasperatedly.

Make that three steaming hot cappuccinos please.


Prompt : Love

Love was a subject Niou never took seriously. He found it even more than boring. Feelings like passion and loyalty didn’t reflect anything about him. Yet he wanted to be involved with it, especially other’s love affairs. Others only meant Marui Bunta.

Marui wondered how love managed to take over him. He really cared for her, and never looked at anyone else. Maybe it was loyalty, or just passion. He was never sure about love.

An thought she knew everything about love. After all, she helped a lot regarding the subject. Yet, there was one person she couldn’t help, herself.


Prompt : Share

“Niou, can I borrow your chemistry book?”

“You know, you should try finding your own things, Marui.” Niou wasn’t the type to lecture anyone, but it was happening way too often. Marui snorted, amused.

“Roger that, now can I borrow it?”


Niou raised a brow. His friend was leaving way too early.

“Gum Boy! Where’re ya heading off to?” He asked curiously.

Marui grinned, surprisingly. “I have a date with Fudoumine-san’s sister.”

A smirk managed its way into the trickster’s face. “Marui, care to share?”

Marui glared, telling him off, “You should try finding your own things, Niou.”


ship : niouanmaru, work : drabble, comm : ot3_100, char : niou, pairing : niouan, pairing : maruan, char : marui, char : an

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