Always win, Rikkaidai

May 11, 2008 21:55


Name: Michelle 
Nickname(s): Micha-ruu, Mikee, Mitch 
Age: 14 
Likes: anime/manga, chocolate, hoodies, music, internet, computers, guys' perfume, accessories, fangirls, yaoi, slash, fanfics, novels 
Dislikes: sports, most animals, softdrinks, weird odors, too much perfume, racism, discrimination, failing, bad grades 
Talents: writing, singing, memorizing, being sarcastic
Hobbies: reading, fangirling, going on the computer, watching movies, writing fanfics 
Describe your best traits in three words: smart, determined, realistic 
Describe your worst traits in three words: sarcastic, shy, scared 
A picture of yourself or description of yourself/your clothing style: 5"3 tall, 110 lbs. Dark brown hair, reaches just below the shoulders, with fading dark orange highlights at the ends. Round dark brown eyes. Asian. Jeans, shirt, high-top Chucks, hoodies.

What if...
  • You were stuck on an island with your least favorite character of the series; how would you survive? My least favorite character, Sakuno? I don't think I would survive. I'd kill myself eventually, unable to take the stress and my companion's clumsiness.
  • Were faced with a difficult, life-changing decision; how would you handle it/come to a decision? Lock myself up in my room, think about it for a longlonglong time, put off making the decision for as long as I could; maybe ask for advice from someone close to me.
  • Your home were in danger of burning to the ground and you had time to save one of your possessions; what would it be and why? Laptop. It's the only thing that's actually important to me at the moment.
  • You couldn't find something important you needed and were late getting out of the house; what would you do? Scream loudly. And then after a moment of insanity and desperation, I would just look for it until I found it and then leave, armed witha  thousand excuses of why I was late. (EDIT: I'm a dork. I just finished answering the previous question, and was like, WHATI'MGOINGTOBURNTODEATH so yeah)
  • Were in an uncomfortable or unfamiliar situation that wouldn't be changing on its own; what would you do? Hold in tears and just smile through it.

Rikkai Character (and why): Niou Masaharu because DANG, is he SCALDING. I love everything about him, his tricky ways, his awesome hair, the ultimate mole, his drawl, everything. Wow.

Rikkai Pairing (and why): At the moment...NiouKiri. Their love is so...uh, no adjective comes to mind right now, but they're awesome. The dynamics of their relationship, Niou's sarcasm, Kirihara's personality, I think they click just like THAT. NiouMarui comes in a close second, my OTP. But at the moment, it's NiouKiri owning my soul.

Least Favorite

Rikkai Character (and why): Oh, wow. Uh...I'm thinking Yagyuu. Just because I'm not too interested in him. Which is weird, since he's like Niou's other half kind of guy, but I dunno, I'm just not interested.

Rikkai Pairing (and why): I love every Rikkai pairing. Every.

Anything else you'd like to mention: I'm good. :D 
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