Name: Athena
Nickname(s): Agot, Agothena, Aore
Age: 13
Likes: Internet, thriller books, Video games, Chocolate, Ice Cream, My dog, Tecnology, Anime, Manga, Tenimyu, J-Dramas.
Dislikes: Cockroaches, Spiders, Liars, No internet(NOOO!), Bashers
Talents: I have none...
Hobbies: Sleeping, Surfing the net, Eating, reading, writing, playing games, hanging out with my friends, annoy people
Describe your best traits in three words: Rational, Fun, Optimistic
Describe your worst traits in three words: WarFreak, Childish, Selfish
A picture of yourself or description of yourself/your clothing style:
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What if...
- You were stuck on an island with your least favorite character of the series; how would you survive? I would probably try to like him at least...If I can't I'll stay away from
- Were faced with a difficult, life-changing decision; how would you handle it/come to a decision? I'll probably rethink it over and over again, pray, and ask trusted people for advice
- Your home were in danger of burning to the ground and you had time to save one of your possessions; what would it be and why? My Laptop...everything is there...
- You couldn't find something important you needed and were late getting out of the house; what would you do? I would look for it for another five minutes and if I still can't find it, I'll leave and ask the househelp to look for it
- Were in an uncomfortable or unfamiliar situation that wouldn't be changing on its own; what would you do? I would take deep breaths and try to adjust myself
Rikkai Character (and why): Kirihara Akaya;he may be all devil-mode but we all know he's just a big baby. I loved him from his very first appearance when he caused trouble in Seigaku
Rikkai Pairing (and why): Niou/Yagyuu. Come on, they're Niou and Yagyuu!!!They PWN!!and the fact that they remind me of Masa and Baba
Least Favorite
Rikkai Character (and why): None really...
Rikkai Pairing (and why): Yanagi/Kirihara...I just don't feel it..
Anything else you'd like to mention: PLATINUM PAIR!!!!!XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD<33333333333333