Dec 12, 2008 08:36

I will break my silence now.

Yup, I've been uber busy World of Warcraft-ing lately. My hunter, Threun, is already 80 (woot, and watch for an upcoming post) and is now just grinding reputation and trying to get better gear. And helping my other guildies with raids and stuff. The latter is great since I don't get to go around much myself. A post over at Jolliblog should be up soon detailing our successful first guild run at Zul'Aman. The former, ehhh, not so much. As I said millions of times before, repetitive tasks are hard for me to digest.

So I hopped over to my long-neglected level 60 warrior Keldurin. I leveled him up as a Fury warrior from 1-60, which, according to my research back then, was the most efficient thing to do. Wrath of the Lich King brought an awesome talent for Fury warriors: the ability to wield two-handed weapons with just one hand. Woot!

So I went to Hellfire Peninsula and started leveling up. It was friggin hard. Hunter really is easy mode. My health was dropping too much that I had to bandage/eat up every other monster. A group of 3 monsters will eat me up whole. I died A LOT within the first 50% of my way to 61.

So I moved my skills around, tried to study my spells and talents more closely, and tried to adapt the micromanagement that was a fury warrior. It just sucks to change from one stance to another, dropping my rage to 0 every time. But I kinda survived. I had to patch myself up every three fights now. I can sorta kinda manage 3 monsters at a time. Adds are still a problem, but at least I don't die as often anymore.

I then tried to research for ways to make things easier for me, like macros and stuff. I trotted to the hellish WoW official warrior forum as there are no dedicated forum for the warrior class that I know of, unlike for hunters. The leveling guide that was stickied in the forum that served as my guidance before has been updated for WotLK. Oh goodie.

The OMG thing that I first read:
Leveling: DW Fury is the most efficient leveling spec until level 60, at which point Protection becomes the most effective leveling spec until level 80.

HUWAAAT? The tanking spec, the spec with the most miniscule of damages, is most effective at my level???!?!?11

I was loathe to give up wielding a bad-ass two-handed sword on my main hand and a sick-looking two-handed axe on my off-hand, but I have nothing to lose if I try (except some gold).

So I went to Ironforge, bought the best level 60 shield I can get, made me an Iron Shield spike, bought some glyphs in the auction house, looked for the best one-hand weapon I can find (but failed), changed my talents to prot, bought Prot-related spells that I refused to buy before, fiddled with my toolbar and macros, and hearthed back to Honor Hold.

New toolbar and stuff, I set to practice on something easy, a level 58 vulture just outside Honor Hold. So okay, (looking at the keyboard and the toolbar) Defensive stance (forever), Charge, Devastate, Shield Slam, Revenge, Shield Slam, Heroic Strike, what? (I look at the screen) I don't have a target? The friggin vulture is dead within 10 seconds. And I only lost 5% of my health. AND I forgot to cast my shouts. AND I don't have good enough gear AT ALL. Holy crap.

One level went by quickly. A level 62 quest that I had trouble with as a fury warrior was just chicken feed to my now prot warrior Keldurin. AND I was fighting 6 demons at a time at one point.

I'm loving my prot warrior now. As for tanking, I'm not there yet. Eventually I suppose. One small step at a time ;)

hunter, warrior, gaming, op, wow, pc

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