Tell me what the Rain Knows.

Jan 18, 2009 02:06

So this is my updates... Mostly gaming stuff.


Its been a gaming bonanza this month! I have a Cyclon for my DS so it does let me try before I buy. usually I will purchase the games I enjoy to support the companies. Now a lot of the games listen below I played or borrowed from a friend of mine, I have promised myself I wouldn't really buy anything new till then.

Mirrors Edge (360):A little more frustrating now that I played the game itself. Rather short but still is a lot of fun, I wish there were more cases where I could wander the top of the buildings without someone hot on your tail. I don't handle peoples hooting at me very well, I tend to panic think I can fly and jump off a building. Oh and the cut scenes are TERRIBLE, it’s like watching an Esurance animation by billy.

Tomb Raider (360):I'm actually not a HUGE Tomb raider fan. I played the first one and I played a bit of the others, but I don't get Goosebumps about the franchise. I watched a friend play the Demo on this and I really did like the controls and how everything looked.. Felt like a Female uncharted.. or was Uncharted a Male Tombraider.. wait.. what? Anyways! The backgrounds, the movement and everything looks great.. except.. HER FACE. Her face looked like it came out of an earlyPs2 game. I have a feeling they think her face is her trademark, but she looks like that crazy catlady with all the plastic surgery. You can give her the same look but make it more realistic. Sheesh. So yeah, the auto correction and camera angles got annoying REALLY fast. It was cool you get to use Uber weapons at the end. I think the game should have been Called.. Lara and her Pet motorcycle. The bike was everywhere at the end. It was great to doughnut over undead vikings. HA! Take that!

So in summary -
Face, Camera angles, and story - Not so good
Puzzles, movement, Clothing options - good

My understanding its better then all the other Tomb raiders, I think like with most games the camera angles can get really touchy. Personally I think uncharted might be better game, its just that Tomb raider has a bigger following. Not to mention Would you prefer looking at a blokes bum for 8 hours?I think not!

Mortal Kombat Vs DC(360): Only played this for a few hours. Let me start off MK is one of my LEAST favorite of the popular fighting games and that I'm not so good at fighting games. I don't know how else to explain it other then the characters are Heavy. I think its suppose to be more realistic, but I like the over thetop moves. In fact I still really enjoy the 2d fighting games more then most 3dgames fighters. Anyways I had no interest in the MK characters it was all about pairing SuperMan against wonder woman and Batman against Catwoman. Seeing outfits get ripped up and blood all over them is fun. I can't say I'm too happy with the designs of some of the characters.

Overall the faster characters weren't that much faster, they all pretty much felt like bruisers. I mean when I played street fighter then is a noticeable different between Chun li and Zangief. This game not so much. Nowlike I said I only played a bit but most the basic moves we were doing were similar between all the characters... I like when the animations are different.

Interacting with the background is always fun, but the battlegrounds felt the same. Also I HATE HATE Fatalities!!! first off the booklet doesn't tell you HOW to do them with a character, so then I went online and I still wasn't able to pull any off. Granted I suck, but someone with basic coordination should be able to do this. I want to see the super duper moves,don't make it a pain in the ass for me! I will give it that tha combos are easy to do.

Anyways I would never buy this game :.. It would maybe worth trying if it was a bit cheaper and to have Capt Marvel and Superman fight.

Warcraft: I only play for a few hours a week. I have been focusing on my death knight primarily.I'm looking forward to running some new instances. Benson and Kwan have been really helpful with leveling. Considering they are a priest and Tank, they are the most necessary classes out there. We always make sure to set aside a few hours a week to all get together an play online together I look forward to it!But I been screwed in instances lately cause all the clothys get the loot.

Chrono Trigger (DS):I played the hell out of this game on the SNES. So I have it on my DS just to reminisce.Along with FF2 (FF 4).

My Japanese Coach(DS): I Got this awhile ago, but it is fantastic. I figured combined with my Japanese classes this would help me really focus on studying more.Especially on the Hiragana/Katakana/Kanji portion. Its a great game/learning tool. They also released Spanish coach and French Coach. It can also double fora dictionary AND phrase book (with English, romanji, Japanese and audio).

Prince of Persia (360):Only getting to play this briefly, the characters have Pin heads, and while the ability NOT to die can get annoying I know I would get more annoyed having to restart every time I lobbed myself off a cliff. It has a very shadow of colossus feel which I love…

Can't decide what toeat (Cooking trainer) (DS): This is a great little game for the DS.Basically its like 345 recipes from around the world you can try, also gives you some of the basic of cooking. You can choose your meals based on difficulty, time it takes to make, calories and items you don't or do want touse.


Oliver the Sheep Dog- A friend of ours is part of a sheepdog rescue. She found out tthis sheep dog whose owners has to let him go, was being left outside (and it was suddenly getting very cold, didn't have anyone around, hadn't had any shots in years and had some infections. Anyways they were going to bring him into the vet but they had no place for him to stay. It was freezing cold outside and they didn't want to leave him outside in a friends of th previous owners back yard. While my place isn't really set up to have animals we took Oliver (the dog) in for the night. It was great to have an dog around again. We stayed up late to watched TV with him, and gave him a bit of a brush (he was really matted up) and make sure he did his business and ate. We left music on for him throughout the night so he wouldn't wonder where we were when we went to bed. This dog did have a serious humping problem. He would totally latch on and not late go. Talk about having pent up urges.

The next day our friend came to pick him up, then took him off to the groomers and vet where he got all cleaned up. I recently got an update and it seems like everything has cleared up and he is settling well,after a little snip snip Oliver has calmed down in the humpage department and everything else is going well.

Dreamweaver courses- Took a continuing education dreamweaver course, it was really a bit dull. The teacher wasn't too bad but by the second day myself and a couple other people were getting a bit bored. I much prefer having free time to work on stuff thenc oming back with questions.

Work - Mold making job has been really light the last little while, which is good because my other job has been really busy. Recently with the mold making job we got commissioned by a local sculpture studio to come in and take a mold of a 15 ft piece (2000lbs of clay). Of course doing rubber your always on a timer, so this past week was rather hectic, getting up a 5am and getting home around 8pm with one small lunch break. I’m not use to the more physical jobs, luckily my primary job was to provide the mixes for all the coats of rubber. Other then a fantastic arm workout its pretty easy once you get the hang of the formula depending on your surroundings (Ie if the A is too cold it can cause a gummy effect). In themorning it was about 50f in the room and I was freezing my ass till we couldget the room warmed up. Also my right arm has a skin irritation on my forearm due to the rubber on it and me scrubbing to get it off. And the Fumed silica just gets everywhere and drys you out. So I been drinking crazy amounts of water.. Managed to get a few pictures, I look tired in all of them cause I was usually running on like 4 hours sleep which isn't much for me.

You can’t tell how big it is behind me. I had to wear a hat every day 1. it was cold! 2. I manage to always get rubber in my hair.

Largest crotch I have every rubbed. Luckily there was rubber involved… You know for safety.

Your not suppose to breath in the Silicia, so I pretty much had a mask on all the time

Next week is all plaster. Which I hate! But the nice thing is the studio is in an area which has lots of great restaurants like Taqueria del sol and Nuevo Laredo. So I hope to eat there during lunch if If I don’t bring my own lunch. Also the studio we are doing this at hosts sculpting class during the week,so you get Wine/fresh bread/nudity :D Out of all that the fresh bread is the most exciting… what can I say my top priority is food.

Japanese - I struggle so hard to learn languages... ugh! I am really trying my hardest but its like I reach a threshold of studying where my brain can't take anymore. I think a huge part is I’m not getting to practice much but I’m too embarrassed to practice. I’ll keep at it because if I stop I know I’ll kick myself but I know at least a bunch of hours of review I have been trying to watch language videos to also help me along. I have so much respect for people who speak a second language. I heard those people have a wicked club house.

It was lovely and low Key. It’s the first Christmas I have spent at Home inAtlanta. The day before we had to rush down to Orlando for my cousin wedding,so in the span of 24 hours we drove 14 of it. Blarg not a fan of road trips.
Spent most of the day at friends place playing Halo.
Christmas Swag:
- 2 Pairs of Pjs from my Mom. *Psst mom I’m still a SMALL not MED :P*
-Persona 4
-Hot Chocolate Maker with Chocolate and Marshmellows
-New Fall jacket
-Fall winter Hoodie, pretty sure made with red Seal skin (jk). So Soft!
-Travel Blanket and pillow
- Heinz Ketchup T-shirt.
- 10 Dance lesson, plan on trying out Disco and Ballet maybe some hiphop.
- A Sketch book with a Sketch from Adam and Allison.

Side Story: This is Adams sketch, its me as Ice (image if a little messed up cause it was a photo taken out of my sketchbook and not scanned)When I first did Ice I was always lamenting that everyone was gaga over Fire and Ice got no love. Allison is still working on hers. Chris lined up a number of other artist to do some stuff. I'm pretty excited cause I been struggling to get a sketch book for a few years now and eventually gave up. I was pretty happy to look at other peoples sketches but now I'm ecstatic to have one of my own.

Got my Travel papers and going to try to head up to Winnipeg in the spring to spend some time with Parents, Kwan/Mika  and everyone else. Have a belated christmas with all of them :)

Toys -I don’t buy too many figures, since I have limit shelf space and I’m pretty selective. But the Black widow statue by Kotobukiya kicks ass, I’m not a huge fan of Black widow.I can only like so many comic book girlies with black Catsuits. But I totally dig this piece…. I wasn’t to keen on the rogue but I have preorder this thing. Also Chris got is 1:1 scale Iron man bust and Bat pod Very awesome. I also like how they included a cape with wires for your1/6 batman so when he is on the bike the cape can be flowing.

I’m still drooling over garage kits. Realize why the one I want it hard as hell to find because the sculpture only does 5 casts pet convention (in japan) and most of them get bought up on YJ! I will keep and eye out though for it. Its way more challenging then I should probably be attempting but it’ll be good to have once I get to a level where I can handle it comfortably. Until then I just need to find the ones I want to do, its like a costume, with all the thought and work your going to put into it you need to really be in love with it.

Anime - So someone sent me a interesting link to a site called Anime Planet, from there you can make a profile and go through all the anime and figure out how much time you have spent watching anime.

total episodes: 7,746
Life spent watching anime: 4 months1 week 5 days 21 hours ....

I know of at least a dozen people who have watched twice of this, but it was more then I thought it would be since I watch very little anime over the last couple years so the majority of this comes from early on. They also do Manga, I would be curious if some site had something like this for comic books.I wouldn’t be that high up there unless they count on me rereading my CaptN/Zelda and Pirate of Dark water comic books.

Caught up on Soul eater and downloaded Shirows new Series Real Drive…surprised at the lack of women! Also going to start watching the new Slayers stuff and a few other suggestions people had.

Food - I could have a whole long post on food in Atlanta but since almost none of you are here I won’t post much but I was watching a Food show that had a guy some to Atlanta to eat a giant pizza. I must eat this pizza, the slices are the size of babies and the total meat pizza is 30inchs and 11 lbs. Yes… I must go there soon.

Laptop - Problems with my LAN card, I can get wireless but can’t get a direct connection so I will be pretty much internet-less except for what little I can do on my phone.Gah that sucks, computer = life.

Well going to wrap this up as I have written a lot. So I’m sure there a half a dozen grammer mistakes. Plus I know there was more stuff I was thinking about writing, I’m surprised if you made it this far. In return I give you this video of Balloon animals making sweet loving. Might not be work safe cause there is a lot of sexual squeaking.

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