Happy Birthday to me and then some.

Oct 28, 2008 11:54

Yesterday was my birthday!

Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes.

First off Wicked was fun. I wasn't to keen on a lot of the songs, but the 2 main actresses were Hilarious. My only compliant was being inside the aisle and people not moving so I could get back to my seat, but looking at me like I have a problem. Everyone has to Pee sometimes lady!

Chris had made secret plans for me for my birthday, then Spa place called me on saturday to confirm my appointment. I'm like.. Durr? What appointment? From there they figured out  they weren't suppose to call me they were suppose to call Chris' cell phone (as noted in the file). Then the morning of, I had to call and tell them I would be a few minutes late... then they proceeded to tell me exactly what I was getting before I could stop them. GAH! No surprises!

Anyways it was still great, I got an awesome massage by this guy who looked like Captain America, the one downfall is his breath smelled a little. Best massage I have ever gotten though, not that I have gotten a lot. Always worried that I'm going to relax so much I'll fart or something.
Then I got a Jassam (?) peel. IT BURRRRRRRRNED. Well actually not to bad, but it was a little itchy. I will being shedding in a few days :P

Then once all that was done spent most of the afternoon at the Zoo. I have only been to one other Zoo ever so it was pretty exciting. I got to see elephants, Reptiles, pandas, gorillas, etc. I learned that China owns ALL pandas, and merely leases them out. Even if the babies are born outside of China, the babies than belong to them. Atlanta pays 1.2 million for a 5 year contract to own the pair of panda bears. China has an awesome deal worked out.

I went up to my japanese class and then had dinner at this delicious resturant called Canoe, afterwards we went over to a friends and had crazy donut from Portland (as they had just come back from there). Tang, fruit loop, dirt and grape flavor... I was sad I didn't get to try Maple bacon. Next time!

So there was a Wonder woman Day which I was invited too, but I wasn't able to make it out. So with the help of my friend AD Larue (did the photoshop) , Adam Hughes (remarque) and Me! Put together these 2 pieces and sent them out to both locations. Those 2 pieces together raised $3100, so all the proceeds go towards battered womans shelter

Also a few weekends ago I got a head cast. Now I had had about 4 in the course of a day and a half due to one error or another. So one of the guys I work for (and a friend of ours) contacted this guy (Wesley) to come in and basically teach us how to take a head mold. Wesley use to work in Hollywood but has since retired from SFX (he is in his mid thirties) he has won and Emmy, Oscar and various other things for his effects work. He has been part of taken molds of people like Julia Roberts, Seth Green and Robin williams. So he was nice enough to come out and give us some advice.  We took a headmold and while there were a a few problems, we all learned a lot from it!

Here are a few stupid pictures :P The Aluminum foil ponytail is so I can communicate to the aliens and garbage bags make awesome dresses.

That's about it.

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