When I'm not out Kickin ass, I like to kick back, relax, and pose like a sexy female model on a beach... beside a mountain with sexy black men on vent!~
So I know a lot of people from iDynamis don't like me. Heres the bottom line,
I was completely justified in what I did and you wont understand because theres two types of people in this game, Leaders, and Followers. Before you think to speak ill of me again, remember this screenshot. Everyone was dead, and the Champ had to step up and solo Dynamis - Jueno for you all to get your win.
And not to mention I stepped up and got everyone to the ??? which was behind enemy lines as you can see in the screenshot even through the Dynamis - Jueno glitch where you can't see ayone whose not in your pt after MB death.
Quick shout out to my hale ring rdm's ! Hi gais am on TV@@@!!!!@!
I love random tells. The next day I saw this taru as a 24whm/ gimpblm in qufim ... damn they can xp... Still rank 1.
Keeping with the trends of random SS, I FINALLY got a real item out of a chest, it was in ronfuare and I think it was rather ironic what it was ...
JP man loves his piggy wife <3 so cute :D
Some people have a fierce Claimed vs. Finale Rivalry, Idk if you can tell if I do or not ... (Aiki is in a rival LS if you dont know, just realized she had mentor status on that should be a green pearl :p)
...But friendship and love shines through <3
BTdubs Dan grats on nashira hands /jealous. I couldn't be there cause I took my cousins out for sushi (they are sushi virgins) and ... well lets just say the guy cousin ingested too much WASABI... which proceeded to close his throat and land us in the hospital for a few hours. Was kinda funny everything is Fine though ;P
Ok, Now TJT & Berzerk hold special, little black pieces of my heart so why not an equally sized portion of my LJ? Right .
No drop x3.
Random fun but because of zerks black anti TH I'm now 1/2 on this epic drop =\
.... Now I never said Black anti TH was always bad...
Sometimes it becomes like a double negative with my own anti TH and we get some dorps :o, still no haguns in like .. 4 runs? But we beast and its epic fun.. we have 1 video of climbing the MT. and fighting zerk took with vent comentary I gotta look into gettin it. BTdubs thi sold for 400k and I havn't seen a dime even after I lent zerk 3M ... Fucking ni.... Ugh its for the relic <3
Shoutout to Manae for 75 DRG which insta dinged to be hotter then 99.3% of all DRG's out there currently.. In fact @ 72 it probably was as well...
Shout out to my boy Choco on finally getting sea, glad I could help even though i didn't get to leach tenzen XP but I was busy so my own fault. (1/1 wen't in with no strategy except me randomly calling out punps since no one payed attention during the prenup .. I mean pre planning [I'm probably taking more credit then I deserve here but wtf its my LJ and no one else wanted to help. In fact, Hiro and I were the only ones who WANTED to help lol, the 2 black people were dragged along, and hoodsy needed it. <3 all of em except hoodsy who idk but a friend of one of the 153497072 Hiro's is a friend of mine])
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And so my friends this update is almost over... I did some Alky farming (to no effect) with Hyriu, entaro, and Kidnokia [on a seperate night] to try and relv DRK on Aleks who i reactivated and have no itnentions of letting YS use again (luv u SUSHIYA)... Got 500tnl afk'd a min and came back dead with my buddies gone lol. Hy offered to come back and r3 me its w/e didn't wanna make him run.
Anyway, I wanna finish rank 10 sandy, currently on 8-2 which YS and I wiped too cause he ran outta shi hei before the NM's .. but we almost won with him blood tanking on a taru thf lol... epic loss however I solo'd 8-1. Pulled 1 kraken and solo'd to maybe 40%? before some old friends ran by on their way to do the mission as well, So I accepted the invite and we just finished it off even quicker.
And finally, a moment to refrlect. Back in the day, up too and including my early days in finale I would see Ananke afk in whitegate at the AH (he's famed to be afk there on alexander). I always admired his gear and someday wanted to have even a single piece of it.
As such it gives me great Joy to post this SS.
I'm not sure exactly but I think I may even 1up him in a few slots. Don't hold me to that though! And.. I dont think he's played in about a year so... no disrespect in that regard. :D
P.S. I unlocked DNC and its lv 7. I am so gangster suck it!