TMIdynamis - the history

Apr 30, 2008 06:35

Well I guess its fitting to make my first real post about one of my favorite aspects of the game, Dynamis. Well over a year ago I joined a linkshell cleaverly called "Dynamis". The primary function of this Linkshell was to do an event called, "Dynamis". The leader of the shell was Papasmurf who I grew to be good friends with, and had a lot of fun with doing stuff in and out of the linkshell with.

Not too long into my stay the lotting rules changed, it went from everything free lot to whoever had the most points wins the piece of AF2 at a cost of half their points. This was all good and whatnot, but people who had been members for a long time with ~50-60 runs under their belt and many pieces of AF2 got points for all those past runs, but no deductions for what they had already recieved. As a result people who were never on RDM were getting 4/5 relic and so on while I did preety much all the work.

I guess that was cool, I mean I believe in following a leader, and I guess they did deserve it as dedicated members even though I Never missed a run and worked my ass off, anyone from the linkshell can attest to that. Ohh my and monsoon (Akarain) bitched and laughed endlessly to one another but it was all in good fun we never stirred up any trouble or anything at all, we were good little soldiers, but after a while I got kinda tired of dedicating my time to nothing and tried quitting the LS on several occasions. Well on those nights I decided to finally take a break, close to the run start time while i was sitting in whitegate it never failed, I'd get tells from my friend Papasmurf begging me to come, and that he "needed me"... I'm not one to be seduced, but I knew it was true because everyone else was spoiled and never slept shit, so I went to help my buddy out and the routine continued.

In the end it took me 40 or so runs to get my first piece of AF2, and what a piece it was; the lv 74 Duelist Tabard.

What a glorious day, the joke that the world wouuld end since I finally got a piece of AF went on for days but all was good, cause you know I looked good in this bad boy, and with all this fast cast nothing stood a chance to not get slept, win win deal for the LS.

Sooo anyway, carrying on now. A short time later Papa got busy with real life and couldn't sustain the shell anymore; a lot of people were upset that they put a lot of time in and hadn't gotten anything, or enough out of it. Agreeing that it would be a shame to loose the progress we had all worked for me and my buddy Dantaro who I had grown close with through the LS (he knew how to flatter a girl let me tell ya, seductive little bastard <3) decided we weren't gonna let that happen. We reshelled and brought over all the old members we could, converted the forums and made a new point system that would make everyone happy, and give everyone an equal oportunity!

The Birth of TooMuchInformation
So we gathered in Ru'Lude Gardens and dan handed out a pearl he decided we'd use, called TooMuchInformation. I hated the name but it made him happy and the color was a nice light blue, my favorite sweet.
The Silent Bids
So our winning point system was a silent bid system. Members would get 50 points for being on time, 100 for the general purpose run, and 50 for farming after the win. When an AF dropped members with that AF sest point lot in their /seacom would send me a bid for a certain amount of points (300 minimium cities 1000 iceland). Whoever bid the highest would be announced to lot in /l chat, congratulated and docked points. This meathod was great because it rewarded senior members a guarantee to get their AF if they wanted it bad enough, but also if it wasn't desired greatly a newer member could easy lot 5 or 600 (yes only 3 runs) and outbid someone bidding minimum for something they sort of want.
The begining
As anyone would guess we had lost a lot of people who went on to join their HNM shells for Dynamis and whatnot, plus we were no pullers lol. Towards the end Papa had showed Dan how to pull windy and beuc once. Thats all, in my experiences of often being the only leader to show up for a run I learned pulls weren't too hard too decifer it just sucked trying t omain pull, organize 2 alliances, and main sleep. Anyway after a few months the shell started going downhill, officers weren't motivated, people were tired of cities, everyones attendence but my own was horrid, id sit with cold feet at the markings 5min past entry time wondering if we'd break 16 inexpereinced people.... Until like an angel Kow came back from his cross server adventures and began pulling for us again.RUns instantly got smoother and the shell went upward and onward to icelands and etc.

I had personally never missed a run until my xbox broke mid october, my birthday was early dec. so I was out of ffxi until than... missed a good 2-3 weeks which sucked. I checkin on the LS daily chatting on the phone with my boy, Chocoboy (summer 08 baby go yankees!). In addiction my RL friend Yourshadow had been in the shell for some time now too. So Dec 4th 07 rolls around and I get $500 from my parents for my 18th' birthday, it was really supposed to go twoards my car but I explained to them how badly I wanted to get back to my shell and I instead used it to get a new 360 ~ ( Yes i still owe them that money from my car :p ). So I get back in and I'm so happy with the progress the shell made, do a /handshake emote with dan kow and choco, let them know how proud I was of them and etc.
Here's where the problems start...
Within my first few runs back it became apparent that in my absence a stigma grew around Dan's name being the shellholder and my name just didn't hold as much water as it once did. I wasn't exactly surprised, if our Co-leader tandem he was the only one there for a couple of weeksthere was no need to speak as 2 since there was in fact 1; and that was fine.

I approached him about the situation, wasn't very agressive just basically said "hey man, I'm back now we need to discuss decisions more and the I needs to turn to WE again." now thats quoted but its not an exact quote~ so dont " ' " me. Dan was instantly defensive for some reason, which kind of hurt...(exact quotes incoming) saying "you were gone and the shell needed a strong centralized leader", well yeah Dan we established that, thta was fine now I'm back lets fix it thats the point of this conversation, which imedietly carried into an unprovoked "we're gonna have problemsyou and me...." I was absolutely "mindfucked".

In the end Dan admited he may have been acting a little above me, and agreed to tone it down, as long as he could deal with social relations with other shells and choose runs.... which left me with the fun jobs of taking attendence/updating opints and listening to people complain; but whatever I didn't wanna fight anymore.
The Eventual Reshell
See a lot of people just don't understand why we reshelled, or the point were at now, so in the conclusion of this essay i'll clear that all up, but first a little more backstory.

After our little talk not much changed, things carried on for a few months, baout 2 i'd say. After a Dynamis-Windurst we had an officers meeting called by Dan. He proposed to move wednesday runs to thursday since he had decided to takea music course Wednesday nights at our run time. Now before anyone jumps to conclusions let me say this, Dan is a music major, he's very serious about his music writes plays sings, and he's damn good at it too. I've heard his music that he sent to me a long time ago and to this day I still have it on my computer. Sure I made fun of him because it was a arabic music class or something but I didn't really mean it.

The idea was voted down quickly because most people are only available sun and wed. So we carried on with Dan only running on sundays. It started getting annoying that he wasn't on to deal with his own contradictions on things he had told people about who could lot for their mule and whatnot. Soon after that he had to take a "sabbatical" or an extended break until school ended to focus on his studies, acceptable best of luck tohim I said. I put up with the an incredible amount of BS over people having friends log them in to lot AF2 even in icelands not gonna mention any names.....cough cough and almost lost a good friend that means a lot to me, and cost the shell some good treasure hunter for a while. Their final words to me was "we'll come back when Dan is done fucking up the LS and you take over because its going downhill and some shit around here is flakey as hell". Now this was a complete "Mindfuck" to me because I never once thought of being in this shell without dan, we started it togather and I always thought we'd finish it togather.

I gave some thoguht to what was said and started talking to a few friends, all I got outta kow was complaining and "xarc xarc xarc", he didn't seem to understand that it is in no way shape or form fucking possible for a non HNM shell with a huge bank to spam xarcs.

A. Our time slot ran on a schedule, he wanted to fck over all the other LS we made agreements with to have organized schedules. If you could imagine being in <3 Kaolin <3 that didn't fly with me, I wasn't about to screw over my HNM shell's Dynamis division ...
B. Xarcs are total losses gilwise, we would do maybe, maybe 6 or 7 and than pucker outta gil and be done. No cities with + gil = no xarcs.
C. To counter this he wanted to have people pay to enter, i've seen 3 shells try that and every one broke. No thanks worked too hard on this LS to see it break and we owed him a lot I'm surprised he didn't see that way too.

So whoever annonymousely said the above stated stuff about my Co-leader Dan was right, but wrong. It wasn't so much him, hell we all make mistakes and the mistakes of a single man can't be THAT bad. At this point I hope it doesn't look like im pointing my fingers at him cause this isn't a blame game, its an explanation. The problem lay in this simple fact, and I have Pooky to thank for helping me realize it! Thanks Poopy! "The shell needed a strong and centralized leader". My old friend Dantar was right, but not because Co-leadership doesn't work, becuase at the time he said it, i wasn't there; there was no co-leadership, and at the time of my saying it a week ago or so, he wasn't there.

So thank you pooky, you were always a whiney little bitch but in the end it was your words "Dan > You" that inspired the reshell that took place a short month or so later. After 2 or so weeks without access to the bank which was on Wootzore a mule of dan's, or any response as i tried to get access i got fed up with the disorganization and reshelled to TMIdynamis with a sexy crimson red pearl. The reshell wasn't meant to establish an Empire and kick down the door of Co-leadership no, it was just to establish leadership since the shellholder stigma apparently never wore off; apparently the talk we had way back when hadn't stuck. I noticed an effort to even it out a bit and i appreciated it, but to get on and see the /lsmes reshell and automatically assume a mutiny?? Obviously not being shell holder meant something.

We exchanged some words after the run that I reshelled, kinda heated some accusations here and there as I tried to explain but in the end we met up to turn over what was left of the bank and had some laughs. It was apparent that there was no intereset in staying as co-leader, in fact I think he appreciated an escape from the job. In the end I brought back some old officers, and took in a few new ones, as current the shell looks like this:
Leader: Riker
Officers: Yourshadow, Jammingjamie, Geminicastor, Talna, Kindokia, and Toulour
I couldn't be any happier with this settup, our runs since the reshell have been incredible, full clears, 100% on wins getting all TE's in most zones and just pure fun. I have reliable officers that speak up this time around, its a beautiful thing. We dont rely on 1 or 2 people who were unreliable in attendence or tactic, we pull as a quadrapedial team its amazing fun. 95% of our new recruits from 2 weeks ago now have ice access and everything is going swimmingly! :D Old members are back as promised and were stronger than we ever were as "Dynamis" and "TooMuchInformation".

Final HEARing
So in conclusion, i've been "Hearing" a lot of things, that people have "Heard" about this and about that. Lotta talk about progress, and epic "mindfucking", and loosing a lot of members due to the split in leadership, and I even heard some old officers were wondering if they would be officers in the reshell. Well the answer to all these questions is good for you, no i'll name every single person we lost and why it doesn't matter in just 1 minute, and no you were a terrible officer to begin with but it doesn't matter anymore aparenly because it was one of the many people we lost.

The list...
1.) Dantaro- Hardly ever there twoards the end, pulled when he was on. We have an evven better pull core now so needed? No. We will always be Riktaro, <3 this kid with a passion nothing will change that. Im happy that he's in a happier place now, plan on duo'ing my smn with his crazy little puppetmaster (read that on his blog i'll post a link when we start!)Always has and will be on of my best friends on this game. Oh and i'll miss the r3's~ but i'll still get them outside dyna <3 its how we mate.

2.) Aiki- Riktaro + Wyvern, again I love aiki, never had I had such wild sexual encounters witha woman in my life as I have with Aiki. Only time Aiki ever spoke as an officer was to say something irrelevent, or speak for dan when he wasn't around. Which often contradicted me and was rather annoying actually. Hardly stood for whole runs, left after Xarc NM's, dc'd constantly halfway through runs, level brd sayin she'd pull and when was called on too pull.. didn't want to dc'ing 5minutes later oh dynamis jueno stairs <3. In the end we got not much "Progress" and a whole lot of

Its a complete "Mindfuck" to me how we needed shit like that.

3.) Kow- I think its been explained, he's in a, better place dynamis wise, some JP pay-as-you-go shell. After selling pay as you go cellphones at radioshack I know that type of shit is a complete rip but its what he wants so best of luck. grats on you sirocco and your THIRD Assasin's Vest do try to hold onto this one bro.

4.) Pooky- So much to say so little time, Pooky was always a whiney bitch. In between setting up pulls and dealing with people bullshit I had pooky constantly in my ear about how all the other rdm's suck but us, and none of them deserve AF2 constantly. Funny thing was I thought he was just complaining and whining to me because I was a rdm and we were friends but no! He was bitching to everyone, its preety funny you can't mention his name without getting a laugh and a remark about what a baby this kid is.

You know what the funny thing is, I said before and i'll say again that he was a good RDM in Dynamis, most people will tell you this right after they call him a whiney bitch; but the funny thing about rdm is that its not incredibly hard in Dynamis. All you have to do is pay fucking attention. I was fucking great at it, always have been always will be, poopy was good too, me him and rev would be the only 3 rdm's sometimes. Now take into account I have rev's phone # to call him and wake him up in case he falls asleep and what does that tell you? I had faith in my core. I spoke with wika about doopy a numerous occasions and right after we laughed at how much of a baby he is I said several times how I hope this drops for him and that af2 body and a second hat right after I get my own naturally.

Its funny really, all was good and cool Pooky was sucking on my ass for months until one day, big surprise kow and dan weren't there i found myself hosting pulling organizing and sleeping Sandy, goin past the first gate no one was paying attention, random chatter in /l annoying the fuck out of me... RDM Drops... Dax was 4/5 and needed boots, I already agreed to pass them for him to get 4/5 as i was 3/5 in the heat of the moment I dropped buju points on it to shut everyone up as we tried to sneak along the wall with everyone acting retarded the entire run. Sure enough it worked and the rest of the run went smooth, we got like 4 more rdm dax got his 5/5 everything was cool, i got ~ 365 coins hotness!

From that moment on Pooky stoped talking to me, I was relieved but thought nothing of it, @ KB a week or so later RE claimed and began kiting King Behemoth, I wished Pooky GL in getting a Wmask, cause who the fuck wouldn't want enfeebling magic+10 for a head piece ifthey didn't have an af2 hat yet? Well I think that was nice of me? Right? No instead I got some nasty comments in return, along with the comment that inspired the reshell, so once again thanks poofy! I owe you one.

Contrary to popular belief at the reshell I wasn't gonna kick you, but I'm glad decided to not come back because, well my officers wanted too and quite frankly you suck. The weeks before the reshell you told me in vent you were playing PS2, you think your gonnna get points for afk'ing and playing ps2 during runs? No. Tanks complained about no p hal II, no refresh, we saw eople dying while u had full MP, no sleeps. Think you had a free ride with all them points? Dont' think so.

In the end hmm... about 9000 points, ~200 a run.. do the math. Shoulda just stuck with it and did your job, played nice, taken my advice you woulda came away 4/5 rdm in a few short months instead of leaving with mnk feet lol. I "heard" you got screawed in limbus too, maybe you stopped going cause ur limbus runs were wednesdays and u wanted to keep up your dyna points? Hmm thats too bad. Wait whats htis Wika is takinga break right? Oh noes how them

doing? Owait I dont think you got them. Well you can just go solo despot for cash and buy Wlegs from a shell... oh no wait you were bragging about Duo'ing them with Wika and said how you need him to do it. Sorry buddy, you fucked yourself. Talk about me in RE vent all you want the jokes on you.

5.) Chocoboy- I'm adding choco for the simple fact that... well I "heard" a lot of people left when dan left but I can only count 4 really, if there were any others well If i can't name them they obviously dont matter cause they're attendence sucked anyway. Choco is up here to dispel this lil myth since im assuming someone may include him. Choco realized a while ago that me and him were both better off in IhateDBD, he left a while ago I decided to stay with TMI. <3 see you in the summer -bigfag

Well I hope you all enjoyed my enlightened and amused view on vana'diel~ Anyone planning to spend points on nice AF and go elsewhere, well do me a favor and just leave now cause I dont approve. For every one person we've lost we've gotten about 6 more, our beuc runs are @ 36 and tonight were doing xarc. I'll post updates later about how we manage since i "heard" we dont have enough for xarc.

so finally I wish all these people the best of luck, and to everyone else; See you in

I hope you enjoyed my first entry! Let the good times roll!

tmi, riker, ffxi, toomuchinformation, dynamis

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