Update on what I've been doing in game. March.

Mar 20, 2010 02:25

EDIT: Some pictures are a little too, wide for this LJ format. I could change it, however I really like the current format. If its unbearable let me know I will do so, I usually get the tickle to change every week or so anyway =\ . Too see the 2 or 3 pics that don't fit fully, Right Click -> "View Image". Or if your running firefox, click and drag the picture to see a translucent version of it in full, works pretty well. Or completely ignore it, your missing 1 DMG screenshot if you choose this option. Sorry ^^; enjoy and leave feedback on the LJ theme and post content. thanks.

Hello all, this is my first post back about in game "accomplishments" I guess you could call it. Contrary to popular beliefs, I don't just shit on people's hopes and dreams of being better then me all day long and this post will pro... oh, well no wait this post might not help that argument. Oh well, let's see what you think.
(Note: Sorry if my constant plasticSurgeon'ing makes anyone sic, I'm not a huge fan of fake boobs myself but, you know. Being a hippocratic and all I make exceptions for myself. Cheers!)

To start off, I want to point out that I've been playing BLM; a lot. RDM is kind of tedious, and to be honost I'd rather just care about myself on blm, then the entire alliance on RDM. So here's some of my first HNM fights on BLM, and the DMG I've done on them. In my previous post is a video of the fafnir I will make reference too, please enjoy that video as well.

This first one is nothing special I know, but it was my first HNM on BLM so I was excited.

Now it's time for the first fafnir. This fafnir was pretty much free, popped second window with only maybe, 2 people from other Linkshells in zone. Read the chat log, then look at the background in the top right. You'll get it. (Or what I'm targeting also)

At 1%, when the battle was almost won, Fatmo did the only thing a true frenchmen knows how to do. Surrender. lol, just kidding mo we know that NIN 2hr was going for the killshot, but alas you failed where I succeeded :) . Watch the video to see this in slow mo, you can skip through the boring middle part.

I got full drops from this fafnir pool, oh joy. A new nuking piece for BLM. Next is 1 last fafnir screenshot of Damage.

Next up was Sandworm, once again on BLM. I dedicate these next two screenshots too all my fellow SMN burned BLM's. Besides for 1 round of nukes that stands out in my head, these dmg shots were pretty consistent through the entirety of the fight. Keep in mind I'm an Elvaan BLM, nearly capped ele skill and merits, but no 320/120 build yet.

The Fafnir fight, and Guirve fight took forever. It felt like an eternity. I still see the occasional flash of brilliance from the shell like we used to have with the old A-Team, myself included; but for the most part, events have been tedious mind-fucks. That's straight up from the heart right there. The standards have been lowered so much to get into the LS it's almost sad too see what it's come too. A shell of its former, well, shell. No pun intended. I don't bot anymore so I won't take credit for claims, but last week 2 fafnirs I wasn't at, were lost because of darters. Two days in a row. We still claim darters in 2010? I thought that stopped in 2004 but I guess not. Since then you can see the progress, a successful albeit epic long faf (by my standards at least), an epic long Guirve where people aggro'd it 5 times before we finally sneak attacked it successfully. We even had to freenuke without tanks since they were down and we had to force him to run. It was a horror story I didn't think we were gonna win at first.
The KB was faster then the Fafnir & Guirve, it blows my mind.

Despot farming - I'm tired of it not popping or taking too long to pop solo, so i've recruited my friend deathgigus. I get up to sky before him because I can warp there and he can't, and I see the boyfriend of the RDM from the composure post I wrote lol. Conversation is friendly, I ask what they're after because I don't like stepping on people's toes, especially if its an acquaintance even. She arrives, they're all watching me kill my groundskeeper, I say I'm gonna kill 1 more before I go and leave it to them, if its meant to be for me to have him I'll get him if not oh well. I was fine with the idea of not getting it. But THIS was too much.

They wait for me to kill my first one, probably so they can steal it if it pops (which wouldn't happen cause I'm epic). It doesn't, they pull a groundskeeper while I rest, and BAM! Despot. 1/1. They have at least 15 people there and despot is dead. Ok. I was pretty upset, because this kinda shit happens too me all the time, in fact so often that I'm 0/15 on popping him solo, only once did I pop him and that was duo with klien. Which was epic in itself, theres a post about it on my blog somewhere. Solo'ing him rdm/whm with a dead taru blm to raise is not easy, but it is fun!

So death arrives, I express my discontent, and we pop his Eraser Elite FoV augmentation NM (whatever you call it). Wait 2 hours as the only ones with ToD's to despot and head back a few min before window. We run into another friends LS gathering there. Now I knew they were killing casually fora good 45, BUT I knew the window wasn't open so I wasn't threatened. Talk to my friend, its now 1minute into window, he says they're just killing time waiting for the rest of their shell, despot isn't on their agenda, and they will be moving on after one more thats aleady otw.

If you couldn't guess by the bold...

Then tonight, (2-3 days later) I see another friend up in sky on rdm/nin. I question him, he says he's just getting a buffer for dynamis or some event going on tomorrow. "maybe pop despot" he says. I respond with "yeah right, good luck with that", and I recount to him the story I just told all of you. 30 seconds later I see
Halogod>>: pop Despot
>>Halogod: ... are you serious?
halogod>>: Despot
>>Halogod: Want me to come up or u got it?
halogod>>: I'm with friends already

10 minutes later I get a tell they lost it cause it unclaimed when they got a link.
I despise Despot.

Random picture and story of the day
KV pops, and I'm asked to come RDM/DRK. Reluctantly I tavvy ring out of sky, change sub, warp, change sub, OP, wait for invite @ OP to nexus cape to KV. Wait 10 minutes for an invite, nothing. It was decided that the last spot was more important for a thf then me, when at the time I saw only 1 rdm/drk there but hey, maybe someone was anon, or for some reason it was better to have someone in windy in the alliance over me, since you know. I wasn't already there or anything. But whatever, they killed and its all good. P.S. Don't flame me I know feint is ballin'.

All I got outta KV was this screenshot while sitting at the OP. How many times do I gotta tell you people I don't understand Star Trek  references!!! /grumble. I do enjoy them though haha.

I hope you enjoyed the read, and furthermore feel compelled to comment, even if its just a smiley face; or if you wanna tell me how much you hate me. :)  In conclusion, I know my channel is fresh and new, like an infant but I'd love for it to grow, youtube.com/rikerffxi please visit it, rate comment and subscribe to  any and all video's you find I would greatly appreciate the help. If I get enough support I'm gonna regularly record fights, missions, HNM's you name it, and overlay commentary on it. Should be pretty interesting ^^; thanks again.

blm, sandworm, fafnir, king, rdm, guirve, ffxi, behemoth, drk, rikerffxi, kv

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