Feb 28, 2010 09:34
My thoughts on vanafest:
Major Dislike:
-Raising the level cap to 99 is retarded, MAYBE, MAYBE 80 would be an interesting, fun change cause theres really nothing game breaking it would just allow us to do things with fewer people.
Major Concerns:
-Is all the gear I worked so hard for gonna end up being gimp?
-It took me so long to level, rdm alone took me a year to get 75. I was known as the man with 1 sub for the longest time because I HATE LEVELING.
-Whats gonna happen to all the current endgame drops? I don't wanna be lv 99 wearing lv 75 gear despite what augments it can have. Augments are gay I never liked them to begin with but whatever.
-Every job having access to refresh and convert? These new enfeebles they're adding for rdm better be ballin or we'll be completely phased out. Someone mentioned refresh 2 during a conversation I was having, its feasible seeing as how people are gonna have 2k mp now and 3k/tic refresh might not cut it ironically, but I still don't really see it. If it stacks like mages ballad 1 &2 i'll be soooo pissed with double refresh cycles >, >
Why not scrap the level cap and spend time instancing shit like Dynamis? Especially with some servers now being merged!
They better drastically lower the XP needed to level or I can't see myself bothering.
More to come later, so dissapointed I don't even wanna come back.
level cap