Feb 17, 2010 08:14
Among my top "Things to do" when I make my triumphant return to final fantasy as soon as my alienware arrives... Any week now -__-... Is to solo Arrapago Remnants for a Macha's Coat! I've spent all morning looking up information on it since I only really started doing salvage a week before the salvage dupe bannings, and as I said earlier in my blog I narrowly avoided the banhammer myself. Anyway, I had my hand held through all of it and my eyes closed, so I have no idea really.
From my understanding you get some necessary cells from a starting chest? Which might be enough to solo the QQ's, but I'm wrong I'll have to farm a few mobs for some cells on the first floor which wont be a problem on my first run because I'll ONLY be going for the QQTH of which I believe only 2 are available too me? Clearing all of floor 6 solo or duo with a THF friend in under 5 minutes is out of the question which I read is in fact how to pop the remaining 2 QQTH's.
Continuing, run right through the first few floors to 3, pop and kill, move up, pop and kill. Or thats the plan at least. Since I've somewhat considered leveling PLD if I get good at this and have successful runs I'll look to do the QQA's as well for an are's body. That would be a nice piece to have waiting for a leveling PLD wouldn't it?
"Things to do"
-Finish Merits across all jobs
-Solo Arrapago Remnants QQTH's &QQA's
-Finish ZM storyline (still never got any of those gay earrings)
-Get Bv2 access and a staff
-Get back all the gear and gil I had jacked hopefully
-Level Blu Pld or BRD or something fun. Maybe BST
-Finish Marduk's body if I get lucky. Doubtful but I have the 25, 15 is easy, and hey, you'll never know when you can snag a 35 to finish something off.
-Get some much owed to me, AFv2 gear. Particularly SMN horn, BLM hat, and RDM hat-1.
-AF+1, limbus gear. Still siting on apollyon rdm and smn items, with no temenos to go along.
-solo/duo temenos and apolyon zones on blm.
-Solo, solo, solo. RDM solo'ing is so much fun, I miss it greatly. I want a morri body and novio so I can nuke better, being elvaan fights drag out due to not getting a lot of bang for your buck (or mp rather), and no having extra MP to make up for it with more nukes.
"Things to do if I server hop" (Asura, Garuda, Hades or Odin
-Herald's Gaiters
-Relic (horn or shield)
-Gil Gil Gil to make up for the 25+mil jacked from me.
If anyone has any info at all or experience with solo'ing AR please comment and let me know! Also, though I think it would be quite commical to have carbuncle chasing a fleeing QQTH, I plan on solo'ing them on RDM/NIN. Any experience on RDM &/or BLM would be appreciated. Since they dont have much HP BLM seems like an option but I could be wrong. Any tips on the mechanics of salvage would be appreciated as well. Thanks.
Sorry no pics, pics & for the first time vids will be introduced when I get my new PC. SPeaking of which what is a reliable, high quality, FREE video recording program? Thanks.
to do list,
arrapagio remnants,
server hop,