Jan 04, 2006 23:18
Had to get my tummy radiated for pictures today. Would have ben yesterday but the doc didnt tell not to eat or drink before hand, all he said was go now and wrote STAT! on the paper he gave me. Went to Fox n Hound with Megan last night and couldnt drink, so I got water... YAY!. At midnight I couldnt eat or drink anything. Came home and sleep didnt hapen, forgot to get that perscription filled. Fell asleep around 6ish then woke up at 8:30 to go to the x-ray. When your are checking in they ask you your religious preferance... since it was an obviously christian hospital I said I have none... Anyway today I only waited 30ish min instead of 2 hours. The one guy took some radiation pics of me and puts one of theose... lead? approns over my crotch. Then he has me stand and put the apron thing over my bum. I am not shure why the apron was sposta be on my bum when they are takeing the radiation pics from the front, I was more concerned about my lil troopers than my ass. Now I am standing there in a hospital gown and have a metal apron covering my ass, I felt special. They gave me some powdered white stuff and told me to swallow it with water and do not burp, its like alkaseltzer (spelling?), I take it all in one shot and they tell me to stand on the table, it is vertical at this time, and give me a cup with some white liquid crap in it and tell me to drink it. I down that and then they lay the table down while I am still on it and it was awsome! Then the doc had me roll around alot so the white stuff can coat my stomach, and I am trying not to belch. It really sucks trying not to belch when there is an expanding gas in it.. They have me lay in diff positions and randomly yell DONT MOVE DONT BREATHE!! after doing this for a couple min they had me stand up and said you can go. I felt violated.