, I didn't get much news on the shirt situation, but my mom told me the guy never left when she sent him a message asking if he was gonna pay me. He claimed was dancing the whole night or whatever. So.....he was still there.
And, yet
He still didn't say thank you despite being in the same building as my mom or, better yet, as soon as he took the shirt?
Anyway, I don't have much else to say. I feel like I made it through this week's Reborn in, like, 2 minutes because of all the freaking spreads.
We already knew the Shimon were the villains, Amano. You didn't have to give them a dramatic spread. It was a pretty underwhelming chapter imo.
And this week's Bleach? Awesome. /seriously has a love-hate relationship with this series.
Oh yeah. LJ. Fix your notifs, already :|