Mar 03, 2007 22:37
Ive been thinking alot lately. Things arent how they used to be last year, or even since school has started. My life has flipped a complete 180 and I guess Im just starting to realize it. The one person that has known me inside and out is out of my life, and things will never be the same between us. Whenever I see people with their bestfriends I cant help but realize that the one person that was mine, isnt anymore. Its so weird to think that after 4 years of friendship its all gone.
Ive been thinking alot about me and Logan too. I like him so much, but things dont feel like they have in the past with other boys. Wehn I was with Kyle things were always good, we always knew exactly what eachother wanted and I was always so sure of our realationship. But with me and Logan things are all over the place, every day is a new up or down. We never have any stable time where we just completely get along. I want to feel the way with him that I felt about Kyle, or any other boy that i truly liked.
But maybe me and Kyle just had a really good relationship. I can still remember the night after homecoming perfectly. I still remember exactly how I felt. We had dropped justin and jared off, and kyle was driving and I was right next to him and he was holding my hand and he looked over at me and told kelcy how he loved me. I dont think I can say I ever truly loved someone until that moment.
I just dont know...