
Jan 13, 2006 11:38

Happy Friday the 13th everyone.

So tonight I landed in merry old London and I can’t for the life of me shut my brain off. I’m lying here, perfectly aware that my day tomorrow is going to be crazy, and that I need to sleep, but I just can’t. Serves me right I guess, for playing my favorite role of “Friendly-Neighborhood-Night-Owl” the last couple of days. Ugg all I can think about right now is Painting and next semester and what I am going to paint. Paint, Paint, Painting, paint!! I’m going to the National Portrait Gallery tomorrow; yeah for free London museums (gotta love em). Looking for some inspiration! Hmm lost my train of thought, ah there it is…seemed it jumped tracks for a second there. Yes yes sad, I know.
I miss my Dina  (and for those who don’t know me as well as they should…Dina=Duve). Long story! This hotel room reminds of the Florence apartment, very thin walls. I swear I feel like every movement our happy neighbor makes, I can hear. Sadly the loudest noises are coming from the WC. Well it’s better than rattling bed springs.
Wow I am so restless; I have way too much energy.
One week and counting and I’m so ready for school to start. I may later decide to eat those words during Dun Dun Dun, Bio but we shall see. A shout out to all my lovers  you know who you are Muah x150.
Ok I’m done, I’m gonna try to boggie on off to bed now (more likely I will become dear friends with the crevices of the ceiling).
Ciao Ciao
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