(no subject)

Jan 07, 2006 16:19

Tribute to 2005**
[P E O P L E]

1. Best friends of 2005? Nic and Andy
2. Number of boyfriends/girlfriends? 0
3. Lost any friends? Sparkle and fade right? i've lost touch with a few
4. Gained any friends? yep made some great ones and rekindled a friendship with my best friend from childhood May Elisabeth
5. Met new good friends? Andy, Ilsa, Molly, Jenny and Ryan and the new VUJ'ers(I agree with Andy its the same question)

[P L A C E S]

1. Went out of the country? Many times
2. Moved? back and forth between Mass and Norway and then of course my love Firenze
3. New school? SACI in Florence then back to good old Wheaton
4. How many times on an airplane? Too many times to count
5. Road trips? YES with my favorite Road Trip buddy Andy, hon we are really gonna have to make that car dancing training video

[Y O U]

1. Have you changed? Yes some wonderful changes
2. New look? well my hair keeps changing, but that's normal
3. Any new additions? hmm not that i can think of at the moment
4. Biggest conflict this year? Long story
5. Most depressed time this year? Hmmm random moments

[S E A S O N S]

1. Favorite Season? Fall
2. Least favorite season? late winter early spring
3. Good birthday? yeah it was nice thanks girls
4. Any snow this year? not for me! not too much
5. Highest temperature? haha no clue

[F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S]

Snuck out- who would i sneak away from, so no
Met a person who will change your life- Everyone from Florence
Kept your resolution- no clue
Got arrested- no
Had a first something- used oil paint
Drank Alcohol- very little
Smoked weed/drugs- nope not my thing
Did anything illegal- don't think so
Kissed a boy/girl- haha yes and its about time
Had a crush- always
Liked someone who didn't like you? yeah i'm not gonna lie it &$#@sucks
Lost a family member? luckily no
Got suspended- no
Moved states- no
Got a myspace- yes i have joined the cult
Started a band- no but Andy i think we should; anyone else?
Spent over 1 million dollars- hell no
Done something you shouldn't have- a few things yes
Kept a secret- i believe so
Told a secret- i enjoy telling people my life story it seems
Done something you totally regret- umm kind of yeah, but it was an important lesson to learn

I heart Sheep.
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