Got a bunch for today, but only one is new. I noticed there was something in my DA that I forgot to post here, and some sketchblog entries that I'd intended to post here as well but never got around to it. And hey, most of them are in colour! Shock.
First, an old test page that I did for Benighted before I started on the previous two pages (more may come eventually...we'll see, but I'm becoming annoyed with my own weakness for melodrama). This was done in Corel Painter, which I enjoyed but doesn't offer as handy a system for moving panels around to experiment with different layouts.
From the sketch blog, gryphon in green;
Again, sketch blog, old silly wistful stuff;
A RIDICULOUSLY long art meme that defeated me! But here's what I finished...
Yeah, it's not a whole lot, sorry. Meme by Misuteru, which you can
see the template of here. It was a surprising struggle to come up with ten original characters to use! Sadly I lost trying to complete the meme itself and only have the situations blocked in at best.
Looking over the entry, I like the contrast between the present-day Sir Kia in the meme and the teenaged one in the test comic. She came a long way.
In other news, aside from art I've switched my LJ to friends-only. I figure the only people who might want to read personal stuff are on my F-list anyway, and I really don't post very much regardless.
-- Rika