I had the sudden urge to write something in my livejournal, so I came by only to find that I didn't have the right icon to convey my general mood at the moment. This seems to happen a lot, mainly due to the reason that I could not part from my old icons; most of them were remnants from my kpop fangirl days. I finally managed to clear some away to make room for new icons that are more reflective of myself... in one way or another. That is not to say that I don't like kpop anymore, but as with jpop, I have taken a much more relaxed approach to the whole thing. Perhaps from now on, when I do happen to upload a new icon, I should give a short description as to why I chose it. Let's try that:
[Chobits] Crisp by
amarylis: I think the reason I chose this icon is mainly due to the coloring; its so beautiful and green. It makes me feel so refreshed, but I guess also a little bit stuffy at the same time since I believe the artist was trying to portray summer. Hmm... while I don't believe I'll find myself in Chi's situation (sitting there in a beautiful place looking beautiful) I'm certain there will be days when it's beautiful outside, green and lush and I just admire that so much.
[XXXholic] Content by
wistful_icons: As of late, I find myself gravitating towards these sorts of animanga icons, less wispy and delicate, more silly and simple. You can see this in my decision to make the [Kobato] Rush icon my default and the next icon I will describe, [Kobato] どうするの?For me, this icon is meant to convey my feelings of satisfaction and contentment. While I don't really know how often I'll use this icon because I don't really write journal entries when I'm exactly content, I added it anyways. Maybe I will be writing more, and this icon would become more fitting for me.
[Kobato] どうするの? by
wistful_icons: Firstly, どうするの? translates to "what should I do?" I included it to help fit those situations when I want to post an entry by I feel lost or panicked. Again, I don't know how often I would come here to do that... But hey, looking carefully at the icon, I guess you could argue that Kobato just looks exhausted and perhaps I'll use it during those times as well. Kobato is so expressive, haha.
[Nature] Fiery Tree by
colorvary: Hmm... I have a feeling that the reason for this icon is heavily influenced by the weather. It's autumn here, but the weather is still pretty warm. However, it's possible that there is more to that. I love the colors that this artist uses in nearly all her works; she can take a simple image and just make it pop! Additionally, the glowing of the tree feels so powerful and invigorating. I think I'll be likely to use this icon when I feel full energy.
[Nature] Winter Twig by
colorvary: I'm pretty sure that's not what most people would call a twig, but it felt right to me. I chose this icon in anticipation of the winter months, the wet and chill. What I really like about the icon is that it makes me feel so at peace. The blues are obviously there, but they're supported by greens and pinks in the background and it just makes me feel like winter is coming. I honestly have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to art, but I still understand what kind of feelings I have, so please forgive my lame descriptions. Ahh... the ice sitting on the twig is rather calming even as I look at it now.
Well, this certainly turned out to be a lengthy post (for me). While my original intention for posting was lost, it's alright because I ended doing something I liked anyways. Hopefully, I will come back to post again soon, it seems to be the trend nowadays. I do have readings, midterms and homework to deal with this week however, so we'll have to see when the next time will be. See you next time!