Ah... so I've finally changed my layout... it just took about 1 and 1/2 months ^^;; It's even more blue than before, ne? I've gotta do something about that... and, I need to figure out a way to change that pic at the top @___@;;
Went biking some time last week... I still fail at it >___<;; can't even ride a bike across intersections =\ ... but nevertheless, I've improved =D (very sore the next 2 days XD)
Then... watched the Korean movie 200 Pound Beauty, and didn't recognize/know any of the cast members ^^;; still like the movie though ^____^ Yay for romance comedies =]
Hm... yesterday there was some "hanging out" because today is the start of summer school for some people, and they wanted to enjoy their moments of freedom before they regain it in about 3 weeks XD ...we baked cake! There was too much food, so eating became a punishment... (--;;)
While doing some searches for manga, I found out that densha otoko (which will be renamed Train Man... why so literal <.<) will be translated and published in November =)
OH! Ryohei
updates ^________^o)) *happy flaily-ness* I can't wait to see the show & PV~!