Ah... so I'm back ^____^ from the world of difficult finals and procrastination =] And because I haven't updated don't remember updating for a while, I decided to share some pics =D
It was my first time using a scanner... I think ^^;; All of these pics were from Junon (May 2007) and of course it wasn't all of the pages featuring them... I just decided to scan these cause Wentz & Teppei were especially shiny in them =DD
Eh... so summer is almost here, and I still haven't finished my job applications... X____x Hm... there seems to be so much to do this summer... I should make a list so I can watch as many jdramas & hkdramas as possible... oh and can't forget Lovely Complex ^___^ finish my summer reading for school @____@
Ryuichi's post 2007.6.7 [4:21am]
このブログが終わろうと終焉の幕が下りかかっているらしい。 ...
=OOOOO NOOOOOOOO.... T____T WHY RYUICHI??? It was his last entry. Does that mean all of w-inds. is going to stop.... so sad right now...