Jun 03, 2011 04:26
- Thu, 10:40: littlesquirrelgirl asked: Hello! Thanks a lot for following! ♥♥♥ ^ - ^ Cute blog~ http://tumblr.com/xtt2sy3nv2
- Thu, 11:14: So there's this guy, & the way he smiles makes me smile. His voice makes my heart skip a beat. When I see... http://tumblr.com/xtt2syezbr
- Thu, 11:17: Creepy Doll: http://tumblr.com/xtt2syfy6f : Via http://funnypictures.co.uk
- Thu, 11:18: Technically, I'm single. Emotionally, I'm taken. In my heart, I'll always be his girl even if he doesn't... http://tumblr.com/xtt2sygdbp
- Thu, 11:21: fuckyeahjpopedit: http://tumblr.com/xtt2syhibx
- Thu, 11:55: doperespect: http://tumblr.com/xtt2syt054
- Thu, 11:59: I know it's love... when it's all about YOU - Yes Only U - CHINEN YURI! http://tumblr.com/xtt2syufbo