Dec 15, 2005 22:22
The day before yesterday at work I discovered that we have a cleaner which reads on its label: CAUSTIC - May cause irriversible eye damange and skin burns. It also read that it was against federal law to use the product against its labeling, and that it should be used at a ratio of 1:128, or one ounce of cleaner for every gallon of water. Our department was using a solution of 1:1 water and cleaner. Not wanting to die or endanger any of the Costco members (despite how much I hate them), I turned the cleaner in to a manager, whom said I'd done a good job and that I would be awarded for my safety awareness.
The next day (yesterday) I decided to be nice and bring John some lunch, despite the fact that I was off work that day. After we ate I wanted to do some shopping, but didn't find what I was looking for. When I went back to the maintenance cage to tell John I was leaving, Craig, the old supervisor of our department, was there talking to both John and Laura. I'm curious by nature and like to be informed, especially since this is my job and I want to know about something related to my job. It's always best to hear things first hand rather than getting them second hand from someone else and loosing detail. Turns out he was basically lecturing them on how they didn't know how to clean and how the place hadn't been properly cleaned since he left the department. They were trying to figure out what had happened to the cleaner he'd just gotten, so I told him that I didn't think it was safe and that I'd turned it in to a manager. Craig got pissed and went off about how I shouldn't have done that because the manager I'd given it to didn't know anything about maintenance. I tried to argue with him that I'd done the right thing, but he wasn't having it, so I let him continue with his speech, but as soon as he left John and I agreed that he was full of shit.
I figured if Craig was going to force me to use the cleaner improperly and they wanted to fire me over it, I'd rather loose my job than be held liable for breaking a federal law. I'd much rather spend a few months looking for a job than spend a few years in jail, accompanied by a hefty fine. I reported the incident to our union rep, but apparently since I wasn't on the clock they can't do a damn thing besides tell me to do whatever I feel comfortable with. Fucking union.
I have a job interview with Hollywood Video tomorrow at 12:30pm, so hopefully that will turn out well. Andy is talking about making me a shift leader, so I'd get better pay than before and much better hours. It still won't be nearly as good as Costco, but if it's going to alleviate my stress, I really won't mind the pay decrease. I'm also going to try and get a same day appointment with Dr. Fujimoto tomorrow about these anxiety attacks. I left work early today because my chest wouldn't stop hurting, and I genuinely just didn't want to be there. I remember being unhappy at Hollywood Video, but I don't remember ever feeling so horrible that it brought me to tears and made my chest so tight it hurt to breath.
I'm calling off work tomorrow to go to LA to go see Brokeback Mountain with John, Tom, and Jen. I might see if Dr. Fujimoto will give me an off work order because I sure as hell don't want to go back there. I really hope Andy can give me an offer at Hollywood Video that will be worth while enough to drop Costco, but my dad is really upset with my choice of priorities right now. I don't think he understands how unhealthy work is for me right now, but he only sees when I'm at home with John, feeling better. Work brought me to tears today, and it's not the first time. I don't want to be stuck in an environment that does this to me, regardless of how much they're going to pay me. It's just not worth it.
Yeah, I'm calling off on work to jack off, but it's not like I don't already have another job linned up, I'm feeling like shit anyways. *huff* I don't know...