I haven't posted anything in awhile now. So if anyone was still reading, sorry it's not a happy post.
My older cat Kitten(yeah, original. She was a kitten I just sort-of stole from her actual owners because
they didn't take care of her, so what I called her sort-of became her name) died sometime today, Not
really sure when. But I had her for 18-19 years, so she stuck with me a pretty long time even despite
hyperthyroidism this last year, which probably isn't an easy thing to do even for a cat. I'm pretty
grateful for that.
I don't have a lot else to say. I guess I just wanted a record or something, so at least a few more
people in the world knew she was there and made my life happier.
I don't have many pictures of her. This one's from about four years ago. I guess it's alright.