Meredy brought up the important(not usually, but relative to this election important) issue of Race
in my last post. It was something I'd originally intended to comment on myself, but it was making the post
incredibly long-winded even for me, so I skipped it.
The dynamics between the political parties and racial/religious voting blocks is a pretty big tragedy to me
personally, because neither party - with the singular exception of conservatives and christianity - really does
that much more than pay lip service to such things. And the place of christianity within the republican party
is...not a very positive one, to put it mildly.
Republicans have a serious problem in dealing with blacks and hispanics in particular. The hispanic issue
is something they can legitimatly address and work on. The black issue...not so much. I'm not really
historied well enough on the subject to do more than guess about reasons, but at some point along the
line, the democrats became the Black Party - by which I mean, the vast majority of black voters in the USA,
decided for whatever reason, that democrats had their best interests at heart and republicans did not.
This belief is so ingrained at this point, it's pretty much intractable - it'd be impossible otherwise to call one
of the Whitest Bastard Boys around(Bill Clinton), The First Black President. =P
Beyond that, well...I think it's hard to get past a culturally-ingrained acceptance that it's alright to call
someone a 'house nigger' or an 'uncle tom' if they don't vote for the liberal black man. Those are things
that should NEVER EVER EVER be right, but for some reason, in this case, they're bandied about just
fine and unapolegetically.
Otherwise, you can argue about the relative truth or falsity, as far as the Republicans go. I have my beliefs(I
will go into some shortly); you have yours. It does lead to a hand-waving dismissiveness by them though,
because I think most of the GOP just doesn't even see the point in trying anymore. So as far as voting blocks
and political groups go, black interests are sort-of...whatever, to them. Casually blown off whenever possible,
and irritatedly groused about when relevant.
Democrats, however, beat this drum mercilessly, and they're full of more shit than a manure truck. Other than
The way he has intentionally set back race relations in this country for political gain. When he was first elected,
as I posted at the time, my biggest hope for his presidency was that he would use his position to help heal and
smooth over some of these problems here, and set a positive example that youth would be able to honorably
follow. It would've been bad enough if he was only completely disinterested in doing this. Instead, the
man takes every chance he gets to foster unrest and divisiveness, and not just with blacks, but with everybody.
We saw it right up to the current mess with the ambassadorial team assassination overseas, where even though
he knew better as we've since found out, he was so eager to use that anti-muslim video for political
exploitation, he couldn't help himself. And that shit soaks in from the top down, reinforcing beliefs and prejudices
that were already there, and sparking them where they were not.
You hear about the problems with the 'entitlement culture' and how it affects inner-city blacks in particular all the
time, so I won't bother with that and other well-known arguments like the affirmitive action issue. But what it all
amounts to is a fallacy - the democratic party thinks nothing about hurting black people all day long for political
power and gain, and the Obama administration has been the most damaging to them during my lifetime. Ironic
for the actual first black president.
Now, Hispanics are a much different story. They have different interests among their own blocks like blacks do,
and truthfully, the Republicans aren't bad at dealing with all of them. They do very well by the cubans and
puerto ricans, comparatively. I guess because they've really seen what socialism does to a country, and
want to stay as far away from that shit as they can. But something
Meredy touched on, is a
consistant problem for them - when it comes to mexico and south america, because of the border issue, the GOP
tends to get incredibly dismissive and condescending.
It hurts them an incredible amount, when it doesn't HAVE to - trends show that Hispanics aren't even against
the border security issue in principle. What tends to piss them off is when they're being looked at as something
less than human, and like it or lump it, the GOP has its head up its ass when it comes to treating this issue with
any tact or delicacy at all. Quite often they put out the impression that they are racists, because they're
so damned borish and unthinking how they talk about people, even when the actual POLICIES most of them
want to support, aren't like that at all.
The border issue is, more than anything else, an issue of realism - the USA wants to be a country that
can and does welcome in anybody who wants to come here. That is and always has been the biggest secret
to our greatness - all the fucking awesome people from the rest of the world, who don't quite match up to the
homogenised expectations their home countries have of their citizens, come here, chew bazooka joe, and start
kicking ass like ass is free. But the hard truth is, land and resources are finite, and there are only so many people
any country can take under its wing. The USA is a big one, but this is just as true for us as it is for anyone else.
And especially when most of the immigrants from the south don't spread and scatter across the country as
a whole, but instead center close to the areas they come across at, we can only handle so much - if a large
portion of mexican immigrants willingly migrated to North Dakota, the change in California's burdens would
be so incredible, nobody would believe it at first. But that really doesn't happen.
Most everybody seems to know and understand this on a subconscious level, and Hispanics better than
anyone, I believe personally. But it's hard to agree with the guy you think is one breath away from calling you
a wetback, and that's how a lot of the GOP comes off when they try to discuss this issue. And it's shit that's
got to stop, if they're going to make any progress - not just on that issue, but with Hispanics in general.
If the election results are what I think they are right now, there are more Hispanics being seated in congress
this year than ever before. Their influence over national politics is growing at an incredible rate. It's another
example of blatent stupidity to neglect their feelings as much as republicans do. x_X As long as they continue
to do that, and democrats continue to lie through their teeth saying soothing things while picking their pockets
and sucking their blood, the GOP is going to continue to have these absurd problems working with them.