So it could have happened at a worse time, I guess. They chose some strange things to steal, like bras and panties(not joking....)...~_~ On the bright side they left my face plate and stereo in the car? Keep in mind this is right in front of my house which is .3 miles from a police station. :/ gaaaaaaaaaay! I think it was just some random act because I don't have those types of enemies... that I know of... :O IT'S NOT LIKE I'M LIKE YOU, WOMPA. Oh well.
Anyways, JW and I hung out tonight, he gave me an Xbox360. :D He got it from some
Guitar Hero II thing. Awesomeeeee, much appreciated of course! Now I need to buy some games. I want Dead Rising, Gears of War, and Crackdown so far. I currently don't really have a place to put it, so I'll have to wait until I move out to post my gamertag and such.
I think JW and myself decided we are going to get an apartment around the beginning of May. I was originally planning on living alone, but this will be for the better, I think. I was planning on spending 600-700 a month on rent by myself, so that number is expected to go down a bit, not to mention utilities/internet/cable.