Things that you do when you watch tenipuri at midnight @_@

Jan 27, 2004 00:22

So another really late update......not that i dont have anything to do now, but hell this is the only thing from my 'to do' list that interest me right now....i guess i still have the cold from last week....that can count as reason #1589 for not doing HWs right?
anyway, watched tenipuri 116 again for the zillionth times for today....for some reason i found this episode really good (eventhough there's no Tezuka at all).
one of my fav scene is when Kaido called Momo the night before the match:
Momo : moshi moshi .......
Kaido : *silent*
Momo : moshi moshi .......?????
Kaido : tomorrow ...*hesitate* ...tomorrow..i'll be waiting at 6 in tennis court...
and then he hung up.....
hahaha love that scene...not that i'm a MomoKaido fans....but...ooh that their interaction...and for once they didnt snapped at at each other (you know the usual TEMEEEEEE drills) hahaha
anyway can't wait till next week wanna see more of my cuddly little Jiroh !!!
also wanna see rikkai in action (its about time ne?)
just checked saiyaman and huh @_@ no tenipuri 116-117 yet? thank god i found another raw-group...guess no more tenipuri-raw in saiyaman anymore
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