Nov 25, 2007 12:44
Thank you everyone for commented at my latest journal^^
I have more courage to face my problems, yes :D Hoho
It's just because I'm so down to see my scores and the exam result and the percentage to graduate which are soooooooooo low. DX
Frustrated already from mai homeroom teacher's advicesofhell XDD
Anywaaayyyy yes. Anyone who played WA 5 can't you see the hawtness inside Greg???? I mean it guys, Greg is HOT XD Noeeessssss D: I'm supposed to be shota DX
and Kartikeya/Greg? lol
And I need your help here..
Kan kemaren gw beli kaset NDS yang 80 in one yah... teruuuusss
berhubung yang maenin tuh game 1 keluarga, gw kagak tau mereka save apaan aja dan suddenly pas gw mau main lagi tulisannya gini..
'Memories are full, please delete some data'
Trus gw ngga tau cara delete datanya gimana.. uhuuuu
Duuhh please please help me anyone?? DX I wanna play Pokeeeemonnnn D:
wild arms 5,
need help