Dec 04, 2005 20:38
A brief overview:
Took off with the Tics to Bisbee for thier "mini-tour" and sold merch for them. We hotboxed my van, I drove from Tucson to Bisbee stoned as hell. I sold all thier CDs and gave 10 people free t-shirts (they're free because they consist of a stencil and spray paint). The show kicked ass.
So afterwards we went skating the streets of bisbee with some kid from Sierra Vista. We cruised so fast down the declines, I think we were probably going 45 MPH. We encountered a group of yuppie assholes who tried to instigate a fight and make us look like the aggressors. We were ready to throw down until we found out they were off-duty cops. Bisbee's finest.
The owner of the venue let us crash there and party. The whole place was full of 15-20 year old kids drinking beer and smoking pot.
Came back to Tucson the next day, went home, worked and picked up Rachael for the Udall show. It was badass as usual. Partied with Ian and the rest of the guys, smoked a ton of pot.
Woke up this morning and joined Shane and the others to march down 4th Ave. and Congress, promoting anarchy and equality.
I'm beat, but feeling much better.