Final Fantasy VII: Last Order
This answers a lot of questions, especially about Cloud and Zack's relationship, and what really happened to them in the period of time between Nibelheim and the beginning of the first game CD. On the other hand, if you never played the game, it would just confuse you, I'm sure XD Especially because there's no indication of what's in 'present time' and what are the flashbacks.
I love how they animated the Nibel Mako Reactor scenes... Especially the Zack versus Sephiroth fight XD~~ and how Cloud 'defeated' Sephiroth (Cloud looks soooo cute in his Shinra uniform XDXDXD (and I still can't believe that he NEVER managed to end up in SOLDIER)) But most of all... THE CLOUD/TIFA MOMENTS!! WOOOHOOO!!! They showed a shot of the well scene (The promiiiisee~~~~) and Cloud carrying Tifa aside in the reactor (WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! "Cloud, you came after all...") Gawwwd Cloud looked so cute there @__@ So cute... So cute..... Tifa so pretty.......
The fights... awesome as usual.... The people at Square Enix have outdone themselves again. I've gained a lot of respect for Zack... Wasn't able to in the game, with just the lego figures, and you hardly see or hear anything about him. I was able to get a shot of his personality thanks to this. XD~ I've gained a slight crush on him now.
So much is explained... So that's why Cloud was missing for five years after... and WHEN IT WAS when Hojo did the Jenova thing on him. It was confusing before, because I thought it was a result of him being in SOLDIER.... But it wasn't.. I'm so glad that it's so clear now. Hanglabo kasi sa game eh kung kelan talaga yung experimentation.
I gasped at the end, but I guess I should have expected it... but to think that that's how Zack died... I mean... right before they reached Midgar... Wah! @__@
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Hmmm... Where to begin, where to begin? So many bases, so little time. Maybe I'll make it chronological.
The beginning. The beginning made me laugh. I suppose it was okay that they used the last scene of the game as the first scene in the movie, with Red and his.... descendants. But it made me laugh when the announcement after said "498-nen mae" (498 years earlier). Ba't di na lang "2 years after" the game? XD
Reno looked.... Odd. I guess you're used to him just being a wiggling mass of polygons in the game, plus the fact that he was somewhat annoying... But still cool. Him and Rude XD~~ I remember small shrieking with Elena but not reacting to Tseng because I didn't know it was him because the damn subtitles said Shion ~____~;;;;; Dammit. Tseng's my favorite Turk and they ruined his name. (Tseng/Aeris~ Though I don't support it as much anymore thanks to..... something)
The first shots of Midgar were amazing. Except my first thought was, "I always imagined Midgar a lot.... Darker than this..." Though maybe that's because through most of the game, you're practically moving around at night time when you're in Midgar. But still, everything seems so BRIGHT.. And they have PEDESTRIAN LANES!! XD *has memories of junk and stuff along dirt-road looking places aside from the Midgar Train/Subway*
Tifa still pretty XD And I want to call up the Strife Delivery Service~~ Our theory is that Cloud based his new 'business' after Zack's wish to "do anything especially risky and dangerous things". And it's so him... It really is the one thing that he'd be doing after everything ends in the game XD aside from being a bodyguard of course.
Thus we are introduced to the Kadaj gang and given the first scene of eyecandy. My favorite one is Yazu, because I fell in love with him when he jumped over Cloud and shot him in the face, with his hair billowing out behind him. XD~~ I still can't believe they actually call Cloud 'niisan' though... I mean.... Wow! They actually ACKNOWLEDGE him as their elder brother... But I guess it's understandable.
Furthermore... OMG... THE SLOTS!!!!! THE WEAPONS ACTUALLY HAVE SLOTS!!! I was counting the slots to check which weapons Cloud was using. I was laughing saying, "The one in the ground there is the Buster Sword, because it has two slots linked together... and it's just plain and long." I think I saw Apocalypse, too.... and Bio... whatsit called XD The main weapon Cloud uses, when stripped down to its simplest form, seemed to be Ultima Weapon, since it was loaded up with so many slots. I think it's totally awesome, amazing and SHOCKING that they really put that effort into that little detail... It's like... they KNEW the fans would be looking for the slots... XD~ Which I really did, and screamed when I saw them.
Anyway... Barret XD as soon as Barret spoke, EVERYONE I knew said, "OMG That's EXACTLY how I imagined him to talk like!! With the accent and the intonation!!" I think it's such a nice thing to know that Barret's looking for other sources of energy now... ^^ It's so like him to do so.
Reno and Cloud... Omg.... THEY'RE FRICKIN' IN CHARACTER!! I mean... as soon as Cloud shoved Reno out the door and closed it I was like, "Cloud! There you are! You don't look like you, but you still act like you XD" Rufus arriving wasn't a shock, because I was already spoiled by Ranma-kun >.> The interaction.. How Rufus was trying to talk to him and Cloud was interrupting him. OMG... so.... them.... I really, really, really can't get over it... how everyone is SO IN CHARACTER!! In sempai's words: "You can tell... Square put a LOT of heart into making this movie.... All the effort..." Reno's such an idiot... He shouldn't have mentioned Shinra, because I'm sure Cloud was wavering to say yes... Then he had to be an idiot, so Cloud left.
At first, I was upset to hear that Cloud was living at Aeris's Church (emotional attachments and stuffs ~_~) then sempai reminded me that Cloud actually lives with Tifa and the orphans, so essentially he only ran away (like he always does @_@) to the Church. Marlene is.. almost annoyingly adorable @___@ Gawd... Is it possible to be TOO CUTE? XD She wasn't like that in the game... XD then again.. mass of polygons. And she was even SCARED of Cloud in the game XD
Kadaj and Rufus... REUNIOOON!! OMG FFVII IS NOT FFVII WITHOUT THIS WORD!!! XDXDXDXD Katerina and I were laughing so so hard, because the Reunion thing is already a HUGE joke with us (Imagine Sephiroth clones, all klunkily walking to Ajit, and someone falls off going, "must.... reunion.... waaaaiiiiitt... I haaaaave...... the pooooopp....... coooooorrrnnnn~~............")
It took a while for me to realize that where Cloud buried the Buster Sword is Zack's grave. ^^ I like that touch. I mean... I'm really starting to like Cloud and Zack's relationship. Especially after Last Order. You really see that they're practically best friends. In fact, I bet Zack was the one that trained Cloud, since they fight the same way.
Tifa.. Oh god... Tifa... You beautiful, beautiful, powerful lady. I'm in love with you. XD The fight with Loz is awesome. And you get to see about four out of seven limit breaks. Beat Rush, Somersault, Meteor Strike, and a weird hybrid form of Meteodrive. I think I saw a hybrid form of Water Kick too. I'm sure I didn't see Dolphin Blow though XD And the TIMING OF LOZ'S RINGTONE was utterly perfect GAHAHAHA. Darn crybaby. Anyway, when he finally beat Tifa in the end, I laughed hard again when Marlene threw a Materia at him XD And when they focused on the chest, I identified Summon, Magic, Command and Independent materia XD I'm not sure if there was any Support materia though.
"You're late." The classic line that Tifa and Barret say to Cloud. Hooray for Cloud/Tifa moments, even though it wasn't a strong moment XD But the scene with them lying in the flower bed looked rather nice. XD And they SHARE A ROOM! I'm sure they do, it's a room with two beds. It just goes to show how close they really are, even if they aren't really officially together, that they aren't awkward at all, because they believe they've been friends forever ^__^ Zuru zuru zuru zuru... man Tifa and Aeris said the same thing about Cloud...
Nag-'LQ' pa sila because Tifa KNOWS CLOUD and KNOWS what he's thinking gahahahahahahahaa Too bad Reno had to interrupt them... although it seemed that he wanted to leave but Rude wouldn't let him when Tifa started yelling at Cloud..... With good reason. tsk. Cloud... as always... trying to be alone.
Nyehehe, Kadaj and Materiaaa!! All I can say about the scene is Katerina-chan's joke: "Sooo.... How many slots do they each have? Are they linked or anything?" XD XD XD XD XD I think they are.... Later on it looks like Yazu has Fire attached to Elemental XD XD XD XD XD
Oh no, I had more to say about this scene. Katerina-chan says that Kadaj reminds her of a presidential candidate.
The first scene with Aeris in it, I was still kinda, "... eehhh...." and to be honest, her voice annoyed me... YES I KNOW it's my beloved Sakamoto-sama, but when she went "Daa~~areee~~e ni~~i?" I wanted to smack her. It was the flirty voice. The scene was nicely made though, and ironic that he was on his way to the Forgotten City when it happened. That's usually where Aeris haunts him the most... Damn her for lingering.
And we go into another awesome fight scene.... XD Just gorgeous... That's all I can really say. Too many things happened for me to go for them. I think that one of the Materia that Loz stuck in himself was Speed Plus XD~~ OThe highlights were definitely when Loz cast Earth on Cloud and Cloud retaliated with Blade Beam XP, and when Cloud got his sword stuck in the tree, and every time Cloud blocked the bullets with his sword... BUT the BIGGEST highlight was the amazing entrance of the red tattered cloak!!! XD I squealed with joy, "VINCENT!!" but he wasn't exactly there.... Him and his vampire-ness hahahaha. But it shot bullets and distracted them, and was really cool.
I was amused to know that Vincent was the one that saved Elena and Tseng, since he's the ex-Turk (still love him in his Turk uniform XD~~) Everything finally makes complete sense, regarding the Geostigma and Kadaj and the others, and why Cloud and Rufus are practically the only adults that have Geostigma. It all comes down to Jenova and Sephiroth... tsk tsk. When Marlene arrived, everything suddenly got cute again XD~ I wanna hide in Grampa Vincent's cloak (he's too old to be Uncle) when I'm upset with 'Daddy' too~~!
It's so cute how Cloud was SO UPSET that he lost his cell, cause if you noticed, even if he never answers it, he always listens to the messages. XD Goes to show that even if he wants to be alone, he still loves it that everyone checks in with him. And Katerina and I cheered.... well okay, mostly it was me... when Cloud told Marlene they were going home. ^^
Hmm.... The big fight... Starting with Rude and Reno. To be honest...? I greatly DISLIKED this part... Rude and Reno were made the comic relief, even though they're supposed to be WAY COOLER than that, despite the fact that they were very much in character. Sure, I know they have no chance against Loz and Yazu, but Square didn't have to make them the butt of jokes. And like sempai said that Kat said, "AHH I understand now!! Why the Reno [lego figure] wiggled and looked weird a lot..." The fights looked good I guess, but suddenly made the Turks look a lot lamer than they really are.... It makes me cry though... Someone said that Reno and Rude were trying to do the 3-Point Attack in the middle ;_; But it didn't work quite right because Elena wasn't there. I wouldn't know because for me, they weren't even able to shoot off the 3-Point Attack when I was fighting all three of them ^^;; I beat them that fast. Maybe I'll replay that part (I'm pretty sure I should have a save state around that area, thanks to the dumb materia at the end of the tunnel) just to watch it.
Rufus and Kadaj again... and... and... and.... BAAAAAAHAAAMMUUUUUUUUUTTTTTT!!!!!!! Although to be honest.. the first thing I said when Bahamut appeared was "I like FFX Bahamut better..." He looked too mechanical for my taste XD FFX makes him look gorgeous. Or maybe..... was it Bahamut ZERO? That's why it looked like that? I have to summon it again to check later... (*already has FF7 ready beside her to check everything she needs to check*)
Mega(?)Flare ...... yummy. Rude and Reno... Ugh. Yun lang.. Though it was rather sweet that they came back to save at least three of the kids. And it was so fun how when Reno accidentally stepped on Rude's shades, Rude had another pair XD Rude is NOT RUDE without his shades... I even said, "OMG! I saw his EYES!" And the fights were... decent. I guess it's reasonable for them to lose against Loz and Yazu.
Then, the glorious entrances!! THE GLORIOUS ENTRANCES!!!!
BAAARREEETT!!! And him calling Tifa 'your mom' XD WOOHOO!! HIS ARM!! THE AAAARMMM! And how it always seemed like he wanted to shoot of Big Shot BUT THE DAMN THING ALWAYS TOOK TOO LONG TO CHARGE!! XDXDXDXD I guess they parodied the fact that FFVII is turn-based, nee? XD ahahahahaha!!
REEEEEEEEED!!! (Red XIII is so hard to say XP) CAIT SIIIIIIITHH!! Though I wonder what Cait Sith hoped to achieve by being there XD~! All he did was hang onto Red and scream XD Red did Sled Fang in the middle too. hahahaha The green special effects were all there.
YUFFIIIIEEE!!! XDXD Still with air-sickness I see, how'd they even GET you back on the Highwind? XD! And still after Cloud's Materia!! XDXD Tifa was so so right to tell Yuffie that 'her materia' was with the bad guys XD They changed her shirt too! It's FLORAAAAL and looks so adorable on her! Too bad she didn't do any of her Limit Breaks, but her using the Shuriken was enough I guess XD
CIIIIIIIIID!!! They actually have him WRONG! XD he should be saying &^@#@^##%$^#!%!@$! In every sentence LOL!! Or some equivalent... XD He did Booster Jump. And he called the Highwind SIERRA!!! WOOHOO CID/SIERRA(Shera)!!
VINCEEEEENT!!! (again) And I guess he must really feel guilty about losing Cloud's cell XDXD I really, really, really, really wanted him to use Chaos, but I guess that would have been overkill XD He could probably kill Bahamut in one hit with Chaos XDXDXD. And him jumping around the tower/construction tops and on Bahamut himself, shooting was just so beautiful.
And with each of them arriving, all Tifa did was grin and tell Denzel that they're comrades. XD~ And the strings... THE RED STRINGS (which I didn't know about until sempai told me) That was SUCH A NICE TOUCH!! We were debating what they were for, then I decided I liked sempai's friend's theory: They're a reminder of their fallen comrade, and therefore, what keeps the whole group together ^_^ I guess Aeris really is supposed to be the heart of the group >.> Blah whatever.
Then Cloud appears... And says my favorite line in the movie: "It feels a little lighter... Maybe I wore it down by dragging it along so much." XDXD Now, THAT'S the Cloud we all know and love~! Though sempai begged to differ for later.. Hm. XD And Tifa just smiled at him, understandingly.
And of course Barret's favorite thing to say to Cloud, "YOU'RE LAAAATEE!!" Too bad that Cloud kept trying to hit Bahamut's face, I mean... it's ARMORED for goodness sakes.. XD hit somewhere else, baka!! And he lands very..... lightly.... @_@ It's so much better if when he lands, it makes a much louder thudding sound. What are you?! A ballet dancer?!! XD
Back to Kadaj and Rufus and why I really respected Rufus a lot more in this movie (He was too manipulative and evil and jerkish in the game). Then again I already respected him a LOT for surviving Diamond WEAPON's laser. @__@ Anyway, when he stood up and you realize ALL THIS TIME that it was RUFUS who had Jenova, meaning Kadaj had it RIGHT UNDER HIS NOSE!! XD Then he tossed it over, and even SHOT AT IT a few times!! WOOHOO GO RUFUS!! I SUDDENLY REALLY LOVE YOU!!! XDXD Such a lovely manipulative evil bastard.. this time in a GOOD way!
And finally.. the group dynamics... You can really see how close they are XD it was like an unsaid agreement that they were going to make Cloud FLLLYYYYYYY~~ And even what each of them SAID and HOW they threw Cloud up higher was in character!! First Barret, then Cid, then Red (and Cait Sith) and Yuffie XD, then Vincent (I especially liked what HE said), and finally TIFAAA where they even focused on her for a moment XD
Now I was really, really satisfied with the set up already, and happily squealing that Tifa was the last one... then... they made the scene even more beautiful... by turning everything white.... and showing Aeris appearing, and even giving Cloud a Lifestream boost. XD It... was... BEAUTIFUL!!
[Unfortunately, this also gives a boost to Cloud/Aeris fans as well (some nonsense about the scene proving that Tifa is only second best >_>) But I don't think it has any connection.... BESIDES the tower can only go so high, nee? And Aeris is dead for god's sakes XD OF COURSE she'll be last!]
Now we go back to Rufus... Rufus... who is suddenly SOO COOOOOOOL XD Even as the Turks are the ones who have to come save him. XD Tseng and Elenaa~~! I wub you Tseeng~~!!
Finally, the part very, very, very reminiscent of the motorcycle game in FFVII XD Even the CAMERA ANGLES~! There's not much to rant about here, actually. The highlights are when Loz tossed his bike at Cloud, then Yazu had the pretty hair thing again as he ducked under it, then Cloud jumped and sliced the bike in two. And of course, Reno and Rude again. THIS is Rude and Reno. Reno being annoying and Rude being cynical. XP
Back to Kadaj and Cloud... *snort* They even fell off the same spot where that stupid Boss rams into you from behind. I wonder why they ended up back in the Church.. Big mistake on Kadaj's part since that's one of the places that Aeris is strongest O_o Well at least Cloud gets to defile his own sacred place XD I didn't understand what he saw inside the box. But he cast Bolt on Cloud XD which was funny. Aeris interfered as usual, though I think that all she really wanted to do was water her precious flowers which have been run through so many times already XD LOL Naw. She's in the Lifestream. I suppose she's allowed to manipulate it. XD (Yeah I'm sure it's Lifestream, the water looked Green at first)
It totally figures that Kadaj would mention the puppet thing (Sephi: CLOUD!! I AM YOUR SEME-.. I mean... MASTEEERRR~!!) And he's such a psycho about Jenova.. Almost as much as Sephi was XD I think Kadaj had Bolt attached to Quadra Magic there XD~~
More fighting... the highlights include the arrival of Sierra and the conversation on board XD With everyone saying just exactly what you think they should be saying. And finally, them leaving Cloud alone...
Then... when it switches back to Cloud....... He looks up... and for a moment... he smirks.
Wait a sec, was that Climhazzard?? O_O *runs to check*
Then finally... when you think it's all over...... And Cloud's already got Kadaj beat...
The Reunion....
When Kadaj took in Jenova then landed.....
And Cloud tried to hit him...
Then as soon as Cloud struck...
Suddenly the LONG SILVER HAAAAIR!!!!
And suddenly Kadaj's sword transforms into MASAMUNE!!! (or was it Muramasa? Same whatever O_o)
And then you hear the VOICE!!!
And he LOOKS UP!!
And you just KNOW that Cloud is totally SCREWED!! XD
I screamed... I seriously did an air scream, even though Jackie was studying in front of us. OMG! OMG! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG The BIGGEST SHOCKER of the ENTIRE MOVIE!!! SEPHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTHHH!!!!
Unfortunately, I don't know what fighting Sephi is like, except for Kingdom Hearts, all I could do was admire the beauty that is the everlasting fight between Cloud and Sephiroth XD... Well... You know.. actually I've experienced Sephiroth in even more horror because fighting him in Kingdom Hearts is a LOT SCARIER O_o Real Time >>>> Turn Based T__T
Sephi turned the sky dark, and I realized that this was the Midgar that I was familiar with O_o I love the way Sephi taunts Cloud... I mean... isn't that ALL HE DOES throughout the game? XD It was hands-down, the best fight of the game (aside from the way they all tossed Cloud up to Bahamut). Highlights again: The part where Cloud stuck the sword into the wall and stood on it, then took it apart and put his other foot on it, then jumped down and took both swords and slashed through the falling debris. I think Cloud also used Braver, and it's funny how every time they slash something, the line is perfect XP. Then finally Sephi stabs him, and for a while there, I thought he was going to do the 'pull myself closer to get to you!!' stunt again XD But he just pulled it out and stuck it in the wall, which didn't really work on Sephi.
Then, "What is most important to you? Would you give me the happiness of stealing it from you?"
And Cloud's beautiful answer, after having a flash of everyone, "I pity you who understand nothing... There's nothing that isn't important!!"
Then... It starts... XD I guess it made him angry enough XD LOL because... the sword glows... and he sets it up and then.. and then... and then... OMNISLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASHHHHH!! IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Mind you it's different from the game but it's OMNISLASH I SWEAR!!! XD WOOHOO!!!
Then we get to see Sephi as his theme song states.. One Winged Angel XD and Cloud has to come over to catch Kadaj. ... @_@ Speaking of Omni-slash XP
Another Aeris interference... where Kadaj calls her Kaasan XD and FFVII steals from FFX hahahaha The scene looks like pyreflies XD And even Tifa looks up... and... she knows... XD Something I like about her and Aeris... Even though they were rivals for Cloud (supposedly, I beg to differ now), they were still friends. And somehow, every time Tifa looks outside, it seems like Cloud knows she's looking XD And continue the pretty moment with the Aeris rain...
Til baka Yazu ruins it ;_; Waaaii... Though it's amusing how you see the Materia in their arms XP
Ahh.. Aeris..... and not just Aeris this time.... ZACK! OMG! XD I support them! I support them!! I see it now!!! That's why Aeris wasn't flirting with Cloud anymore!!! BECAUSE SHE HAD ZACK!!! Zack was the only reason why she was chasing Cloud in the first place!!! (I'll scan up the relationship to prove it if I have to! XD) And Cloud calls her Kaasan XD and she gets SOOO upset, and I love how she says, "Not again! I don't need a kid as big as this one~!" And Zack even makes fun of her for it!! ZACK/AERIS!! ZACK/AERIS!!!!
And we near the end (at last XP) The entire party looks awesome and RED SPEAKS XP Cute moment with the kid.... And Cloud is acting SO MUCH MORE like himself, smiling and talking softly/lightly... ^___^ And he even gets to focus on Tifa again XD~
Then.. another beautiful scene.. as he looks around... and he sees a familiar figure.. and a familiar silhouette in the doorway... And the scene when she turns.. and you can NOT SAY THAT CLOUD IS JUST LOOKING AT AERIS BECAUSE ZACK IS IN THE SAME SHOT!!!!!! And they both leave......
I have it now... Zack and Aeris are together now, and they're acting as Cloud's parent figures/guardians. I bet they're even trying to push Cloud and Tifa together... ^___^ It's lovely~~ It's beautiful~~ It's gorgeous~~~!
And Cloud's final line.
"I'm not alone."
So what I can say most about Advent Children. I love Square Enix so much, because of the EFFORT they put into this movie... to keep EVERYONE IN CHARACTER... to put ALL THE DETAILS that only FANS would notice... to RETAIN ALL THE CHARACTER DYNAMICS... to actually show the LIMIT BREAKS and the SLOTS ON THE WEAPONS and the MATERIA and how materia WORK... to keep TRUE TO THE GAME as MUCH as they CAN... and to turn this movie into something that the true fans can really appreciate ten times as much as those who have never touched the game, since the latter can only see this movie as total eyecandy with an amazing storyline.
No offense to those who've watched and never played... actually even those who haven't watched yet but plan to, but I will tell you now, you cannot possibly appreciate this movie even one-tenth as much as we do, as evidenced by my long, long rant up there. This is the rant that took me most of six... maybe even seven hours to write. XD Yes, I will spend that much time ranting about the beauty of a game that is FFVII despite its horrific and now absolutely GORGEOUS graphics~!
Now I have to install Game Maker in my laptop to study it for my thesis. Gawd damn, but I wanna watch again XD