"Discounted" Games from the "Great" Trip

Sep 14, 2008 11:18

So, to recap, I bought two new games for the PS3 for myself on the trip to the US. Assassin's Creed and Metal Gear Solid 4. Rockband doesn't count. >_> *grumble grumble mutter mutter*

Metal Gear Solid 4... I acknowledge the greatness of this game series. I'm not too far into the game, and I already see the greatness of the STORY. And the characterization. And it's just really lovely, honestly. I love Snake, I always have.

It's also funny. Adult funny XD A game with toilet humor. Lovely. Where else can you have a game where you're in the middle of a shootout and one of your own allies has diarrhea >___>

I love the Octocamo, it's really cool! I love the Mk II. I want one T_T It's so cute. I even love the Oil Drum! It's the crate's descendant...!!

There's only one problem...


I absolutely FAIL at stealth in this game!! I try to do the sneaky sneaky.. and some guy suddenly runs up behind me... and that heart-attack-inducing alarm sound (HAIAS) goes off and I fall off my chair and...!

Not to mention spontaneous bombs going off and grenades and traps that explode on you.

The tranquilizer helped me avoid getting caught though, once I got it.

The funniest fail I did though, was when I was an oil drum, watching the people and wondering when I should move out without being conspicuous. Then a soldier ran up against my ass and triggered the HAIAS. But it WAS my fault really. I shouldn't have set myself down in front of the opening in the wall...

I'm really sad about this too. T_T I know it's a wonderful game. I do love it! ... I just fail at it so much and it pisses me off that I fail as a gamer for this wonderful wonderful game!

As for Assassin's Creed, I have heard that it's overrated. But I just couldn't pass it up, seriously. It was practically half-price, so even if I didn't like it, I wouldn't be so squeamy.

Good thing I absolutely LOVE it :D

There's just so much utter joy, getting to choose to jump around from rooftop to rooftop instead of wandering among the citizens. And then, "oh look! An archer!" Just take out the knife, sneak up to him and assassinate. Bonus points for letting him fall over the edge and listening to the citizens down below scream, and a guard yell, "WHO DID THIS?!" as you sneak away to another place. I don't have to let him fall. I just somehow enjoy the screaming 0_o

And it's just absolutely BREATHTAKING, going up to a viewpoint, seeing everything, and letting it hit you: "Oh my GOD. I can actually EXPLORE all of that. It's REAL and not fake."

It's not as open-world as I thought. You have specific goals per city. It's just that you get to choose how to carry them out, or if you complete all the side objectives, or even if you want to randomly kill guards, which is something you don't NEED to do but you can. :D I particularly love archers because they're isolated. My favorite moment so far was when I found a rooftop with about five archers patrolling. I had to pick them all off one by one ^___^ And I didn't need to, I just wanted to! It's kinda perfect for me.

I just wish you can actually drag bodies around like in MGS. The stupid tutorial voice keeps saying that you could distract guards with dead bodies. The problem with that is, you have to kill someone practically in front of them so that they would actually go up to it. (I did succeed at it once though. Killed another guard somewhere in front of them... o_0 I needed to get into a building and they were posted at the door.)

The concept of the game surprised me too. The concept of the story that is. I had no idea that's what it was about.

It's funny too, that they're both stealth games, and I do so much better in AC than in MGS4. Then again, it does seem that AC is kinda easier. Maybe I should've gone for the easiest difficulty in MGS4 instead of Naked Normal (the second level of difficulty).

I think it also has to do with the fact that I don't get a heart attack when I get found in AC >_> Maybe I should just kill the guards/infantrymen that find me in MGS, just like in AC, instead of try to run away and just fail at it again anyway.

And you know... It's funny. Altair's not as attractive as Snake. LOL LOL LOL LOL!! I think it's the American accent on Altair. DI BAGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Although I know why it's American (related to the story, a little). Unless it was an accident that they did that >_>

Anyway, back to the game, I'm about to scale my first view point in Jerusalem :D Wooo! The holy city...!

Clarification: I don't love either game more than the other :P If it seems I love AC more, it's because I can't really rant about the story of MGS4 so much because it's spoilery. And it seems I love it more because, like I said, I fail it a lot less XD I actually accomplish a lot more cool things in AC than MGS4. I wish I could say that I sniped a guy with a tranquilizer, then dragged his body somewhere to distract the patrols so I could maneuver into a building to make my rendezvous... But no. I haven't done that. Because chances are, I missed with the first tranq in the first place xD

gaming, fangirlism

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