I only wanted to put one, but then Shirley gave me another, so I decided to also dig up old archives, including random RO savechats from days of old.
1. Beware the fangirls (In real life...)
cea_chan: *returning HxH Greed Island CDs* I finished it already.
riisha: Oh good. Did you like it?
cea_chan: Yeah. Astig yung volleyball game! (The volleyball game was cool!)
riisha: Yeah, it was beautiful, wasn't it? But you know what else was beautiful?
luckychan: What?
riisha: Nekkid Hisoka in the lake...
cea_chan/luckychan: ^_____^ YEAAAAAH!!
2. Be careful what you say (On YM)
riishachan: *gnashes teeth*
charlesdumol: don't make me recommend another dentist for you XD
riishachan: I don't need one
charlesdumol: oh, ok XD
riishachan: *chomps*
charlesdumol: my placenta... it bleeds! O.o
riishachan: dood... you're pregnant?? O_O
charlesdumol: oh, nevermind... XD
riishachan: XD
riishachan: *copy pastes into LJ*
3. Don't think we can't see you... (On eRO, roleplaying)
Alcina (me, male priest): and he jumped again
Vespers (Shirley, male soul linker): distracted~
Kyrien (kirssy, male bard): teka tinawag ko si inspi-san XD (hold on, I called inspi-san)
Kyrien: /gg
Vespers: lol
Alcina: dum dee dum
Vespers: *kisses kyr torridly on the lips*
Kyrien: O______________________________o
Vespers: ooops!
Alcina: ...whatta word
Vespers: akala ko wala ka, haha! (I thought you weren't there, haha!)
Kyrien: shet
Kyrien: shet
Alcina: ahem
Vespers: hahaha!
4. When it's obvious noone believes you (On eRO again, random chatting)
Aikune (Shirley, male linker): stuff that don't make sense is probably a bug XD
Rio Mei Long (Lemme, female star glad): so, vesp being gay is a bug? XD
Aikune : nope, game balance yan XD
Etienne (Me, male TK): actually apparently Aikune is gay
Stella Harvenheit (Em, female wiz): amf
Etienne : he asked earlier while we were alone if he could molest me
Aikune : lol you were hearing things...
Aikune : i said no such things XD
Etienne : raise your hand if you don't believe him
Ceralyn (Kris, female priest): *raises hand*
Etienne : *raises hand*
Rio Mei Long : *raises hand even if i didnt heard the question*
Stella Harvenheit : *raises both hands*
Aikune : XD
5. When real life things are just SICK AND WRONG!!! (On eRO but it's about something IRL)
Jarris Vespers : sorry, watching channel 2
Jarris Vespers : may quack doctor daw who gives guys silicone implants... uh, there
Carmelle (Me, female sage): .......
Carmelle : silicone
Carmelle : for... what...... reason...
Jarris Vespers : uh, same reason why girls get implants on their boobs din
Carmelle : @__________@
Carmelle : okay. weird question but
Carmelle : ... there... as in... sa harap (in front) there...?
Jarris Vespers : yeah
Carmelle : okay.. another one
Carmelle : isn't silicone... soft...?
Jarris Vespers : well it's shaped into a rod-shape thingee XD
Carmelle : yaaak ayaaakak
Jarris Vespers : un nga eh... kahit ako nandidiri, hehe! XD (Yeah... even I'm getting disgusted, hehe!)
Carmelle : yaaaaaaakaak
Carmelle : but.. but... it... it doens't work right anymore!!
Jarris Vespers : hahaha
Carmelle : you just made my brain fart
Jarris Vespers : LOL
Jarris Vespers : blame that reality expose show i'm watching
6. When you can only hear what's going on (On pRO, OMG this is so OLD)
(Needs a bit of explanation: Gar = priest, Gyne = knight, Van = priest, Et = me, swordie. I wasn't on the same map as them, just headed toward it, so I have no idea what was going on XD)
Garthel : one big happy party?
Gyne : ano supah party?
Van Helsing : hiwalay na parties? (separate parties?)
Etienne : supah party
Van Helsing : pag supah party sa graveyard na tayo (if super party, let's go graveyard)
Gyne : ok pero i left my earth
Van Helsing : ako ke gyne, si gar ke ets? (me on gyne, gar on ets?)
Gyne : graveyard?
Van Helsing : kayo bahala (whatever you want (... I think.))
Etienne : damn. graveyard?
Gyne : oks lang
Van Helsing : RUN
Gyne : run!!!!!!
Van Helsing : tele now!
Gyne : run!!!!!!!
Ceathiel : o_O
Etienne : @_@
Gyne : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Gyne : quaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggg
Van Helsing : tele you fool! tele! (<-- This is the best part XD)
Ceathiel : ^^;;
Gyne : helpppppppppppppppp
Ceathiel : parang radio drama (like a radio drama)
Etienne : XD
intermission: Shit, namimiss ko tuloy RO... Not just RO... RO na maraming kasama... (I'm missing RO. Not just RO. RO with a lot of people)
7. It's morphing time!! (On pRO, random chatting)
(Same group XD different time)
Gyne : syet kalat
Van Helsing : ayan regrouped na
Etienne : dami tao O_o; (so many people O_o;)
Gyne : waw
Van Helsing : parang amoeba
Gyne : galing ah
Etienne : haha
Van Helsing : DL na siguro (note: DL is a boss monster that a lot of people hunt)
Gyne : sama tayo? i wanna see!
Etienne : if i go in there, i'm going as quin -_-
Gyne : ache din ako (I'll use ache too)
Van Helsing : and ako as ada (and me as ada)
Etienne : lol
Gyne : lolz ^^
Ceathiel : lol
Van Helsing : lolz
Van Helsing : alter ego
Gyne : parang power rangers
Etienne : morphing time!
Gyne : it's megasaur time!
Follow up to 1. Beware the fangirls (pRO, private messaging)
(To Zunea) : wai.... nekkid kurapika later
(From Zunea) : waaiii!!
(From Zunea) : buti sinabi mo!!! (It's good you said!)
(To Zunea) : hahahahaha
(From Zunea) : i gona watch!!
(To Zunea) : 6pm
Idly... Why does it happen to also be HxH?
8. And I DO mean random -_-;; (pRO, private messaging)
(To Sodina) : test
(To Sodina) : yo.. who's on over there?
(From Sodina) : test is the endoskeleton of various molluscs
(From Sodina) : specifically, the cuttlefish and squid
9. Hoh mai gawd so conio! (pRO, random levelling)
Garthel : rors make tira tira the punk now
Etienne : make tira tira?!!?
Garthel : galing ni rors!
rors : wahooo
Nerina : alde? or west pork vill?
Garthel : hwayof!
rors : gahahaha
rors : si garth party ko ehhhh
Garthel : she made tira tira the punk kaya they made patay
rors : footaahh hahahaha
rors : doood dont talk like that in RL plssss
Garthel : man... swangit pakinggan
Van Helsing : rors made tira tira da clock clock
rors : stop that >_< iiisshh
Etienne : di pa finished the peco peco
rors : aaghh
Nerina : >.<
rors : my ears..
Etienne : i want to make patay that swordie
rors : i mean..my eyes
Nerina : onga...
... That works :P Too many RO chats...