Looking at my game collection (and talking to Krissy, earlier), I decided to fish out all the games that I have but hadn't finished yet. This is what I've seen so far:
There should be more than that XD A lot more. Including games that I haven't bought that I should get. Like OTHER series that I haven't even ever touched (Tales anyone?). But these are the ones I spotted. And I also have OTHER games which I started, but didn't feel like continuing at some point. Mostly games my brother got, but I wanted to play anyway, like Devil May Cry, Legacy of Kain, Castlevania.
Unfinished games I want to restart
1) Wild Arms 3 - I actually loved this game, despite the art. Merely because I loved the characters (who I still believe I very aptly renamed). And as usual the tool system XD. Here's the problem: I decided to go puzzling (Millenium puzzles that is) and then I plumb forgot what the hell I was supposed to be doing next -_-; I doubt I'd mind playing it again from the beginning, though. Hopefully to finish this time.
2) Legaia 2 - I didn't really LOVE it, but I wasn't able to get too far either. For the sake of memories, and because I love the battle system, I'll keep going. I don't remember anymore what happened, that's why I'll really restart instead of just continue. I just remember I absolutely LOVED using Maya, simply because I enjoyed watching her cast spells XD (And I think I also aptly renamed these characters)
3) Suikoden III - Because Krissy said so :P I think na-turn off lang ako somehow. And to think I barely played the first five minutes. But for goodness sakes, I remember getting turned off FFVII... FFVII, PEOPLE!! And to think it's my fave of all time now! @_@;;
4) Suikoden II - But GAWDDAMMIT I can't find it!! T_T I've been wanting to replay this for forever!! I remember I loved it so very much, then I got stuck. Because I was still an ignorant novice RPGamer that didn't know how to level my characters properly.
5) Numerous PSX Games @_@ I don't think I even still have them. Mostly RPGs
Honorable mentions: Neverwinter Nights and KOTOR :P I don't remember why I stopped playing these. I think I was playing them on someone else's computer before. Unfortunately, I now have to hunt down new copies because my brothers LOST ours -_-; Dammit.
I think I can add Baldur's Gate II: Shadow Alliance as well :P Which HANGED WHEN WE HIT THE ICE CAVE (I was playing with my sister) T_T Right when I made a beautiful superpowered Fire Sword, too. For my dual-wielding cleric. XD Yeah, she was overkill, I believe. I didn't care, she was fun.
Games that I want to continue
1) Wild Arms Alter Code F - Even if it means that I have to get a new copy... again. Maybe I'll even look for an original copy, so that I'm SURE it doesn't fricking HANG on me. It's too bad... I really LOVED this compared to WA4, which I bought later. (And it's fun too because I never got to play the original Wild Arms. I had been planning to look for the original anyway, then this came out :D Suffice to say, I was pretty happy)
2) Suikoden IV - I actually liked sea battles. Among other things. But it hanged on me -_-; And wouldn't stop hanging. Stupid games
3) Final Fantasy 9 - Except that I don't have a PSX anymore -_-; And my emulator doesn't recognize my external CD drive. And my brother doesn't want me to use PS1 games on our PS2 (the chip isn't very backwards compatible, shh). Maybe I'll go ahead anyway, though. (And yes, I am one of the few that actually liked FF9)
5) Numerous PSX Games @_@ again
Games that I should finish (meaning, I'm almost done, but I didn't finish them for one reason or another XP)
1) Dirge of Cerberus - ... lol... I think I got stuck. Then add the fact that I got Okami around this time, which I got HUGELY addicted to.
2) Kingdom Hearts II - XD Yes, I haven't gone on and finished the last boss. Because of journal completion, lol. Stupid Paradox Cup. Stupid Cloud, Squall, Tifa and Yuffie all gang-raping Sora in the second to the last battle... oh gawd that was a weird image O_O (Well actually, it's not the actual battles/opponents that kill me... it's the special requirements in the middle... the point-based and the time-based segments -_-; And you can't disregard them, because you NEED to start from the beginning to get enough points to get that last challenge quota.) Well, maybe this weekend I'll ask my sister if we can try just finishing the game, even without journal completion, for now.
3) Okami - ... Lol. I wanted to finish the Stray Beads. Otherwise, I'm right in front of the end of the game ^__^;;
4) Prince of Persia: Warrior Within - lol. I'm not going to comment on this one XD Let's just say my sisters and I found out way too late about Ubisoft's anti-piracy attempts.
5) Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones - This makes me sad. I don't remember why I restarted something, but I did. I think we missed a life upgrade and I ended up reloading from somewhere. Then we never continued... @_@;
I think I also was almost done with Grandia XTreme... Something I really only played for the gameplay XD Characters were duds. Story was a dud. But I loved finding combos and using them. That was pretty much it. I was finishing it just for the sake of finishing.
Oh. And special mention? ... FFVII. Right in front of Northern Crater, and haven't finished it. Because Katerina-chan wanted me to beat the Weapons before I finished the game @_@;;;
Games I should continue (but don't feel like it)
1) Grandia 3 - I played the start, and it didn't punch me. Rather, it overwhelmed me with gawddammed cutscenes -_- Maybe I just need to give it a better chance? After all, I still love the Grandia battle system. Which I hardly got to touch in the first two hours of the stupid game -_-;
2) Wild Arms 4 - ... I got bored. ^^;; It was fun to play at first, because of the jumping and skidding and stuff. And I actually sorta liked the hex battle system. But I think it took the backseat, because I was playing Suiko V at the same time, ehehe. And the characters are just not as lovable, nor is the story.
Last minute entry
1) Final Fantasy Tactics - It has... sentimental value XD XD And because sempai showed me
Now where am I going to fit all of that, along with working, writing and other things?
(Actually pwedeng pwede sa evenings... I mean, I used to play Okami every time I got home, straight for about four hours, back in February to April. Hm...)