Apr 25, 2009 15:42
*smile* This post is being typed with both hands actively working....but *one* of them still insists on being very naughty, and not working as hard as the other does. Dad pointed out i'll never be a speed typist again (depending upon how much coffee i've had, 75-100+ accurate WPM) to which I said "we'll just see about that then, shall we?". Yes, it hurts, but today is the first day since the day before the accident that i've felt so good. I still can't bend the wrist, nor make a fist, and I still have no feeling on roughly 1/3 of the left palm.
But I am who I am, and I challenge my body to defy me. :p I am going to get over this, and WILL get feeling back in my hand.
I forbid things to go otherwise.
-RiotGrrrl xoxo