I'm so sorry, but we have to say "goodbye" to some participants.
ani_baby with 6 votes
People's Choice:
darlingbones with 5 votes
Mod's Choice:
electrical-s Awesome icon! Background with flowers fits this icon muchly:)
Did you forget your icon number? You can find it
HERE Voting Tally:
01| -6
02| -2
03| -3+1= -2
04| +2
05| -2+1= -1
06| -2+4= +2
07| +5
08| -1+3= +2
Lesser quality icons
1 - her edges are jagged + pixelly
1 - the icon would've been better if the that light-ish gray texture wasn't there
1- The brushes used are not exactly the thing that suits the whole image.
1 - too pixelated
01 - oh, pixel edges don't look well at all. background's 'bubbles' seem to be blurred
1 - rough borders after cutting out, incomprehensible texture.
2 - contrast is too high, she doesnt stand out. Font choice is poor.
2 - quality is really bad! text looks ugly
3 - the yellow light texture covers too much of the name that it just looks like 'anna'
03 - icon needs more contrast, text metls together with background.
3 - pale b&w, lacks contrast, bad choice of font.
5 - the composition doesn't really match the icon
5- the texture takes the focua away from Rihanna
6 - Rihanna's colouring isnt quite right
6 - icon is oversharped and flowers doesn't match
8- The textures used is a little noo distracting and it reminds me of a toilet's background. Sorry...
Favourite icons
3 - simple but a really nice icon
4 - subtle colouring
4 - nice colours, though I wish they were brighter. Like texture in the background.
5 - awesome composition
6 - all textures used fits the icon very well
6- Love the texture used and fits the sensual look.
6 - creative and neat composition
06 - pretty flower background and Rihanna is well cut and inserted there
7 - Fun and creative use of text
7- Nice quote and appropriate emotion in Rihanna's pose
7 - amazing icon! everything is perfect.. the colors and the text!
7 - good composition, text fits perfectly.
7 - it is original
8 - really nice use of texture
8 - i love everyting about it
08 - icon looks so glamorous. nice frame and coloring