
Jan 18, 2007 22:41

What's the worst thing someone could do?
Betray someone. Not just paying someone off and then shooting them and taking the money back. Proper betrayal.
What's the worst thing someone could do to you?
Drill something else out.
What's the worst thing that could happen to you?
To be trapped here forever.
What's the worst thing someone could say about a person?
‘I’m going to kill you now!’ I don’t know. It’s only words.
What's the best thing someone could say about a person?
‘I really want to give him all my millions of illegally earned dollars, tax free.’

Are men and women basically different?
Which is better, to be a woman or to be a man?
A man.
What can men do that women can't do?
We can run faster, are generally stronger, and can piss standing up. Thank you, evolution.
What can women do that men can't do?
Makes babies?
Is it possible to change genders?

How old is old enough to have sex?
Christ. Whenever you feel is ready, and all that crap.
Is it wrong to have sex if you're unmarried?
Is it wrong to have sex with someone other than your spouse if you're married?
So long as you get away with it.
Is it wrong to have sex with a person of the same gender?
Is it wrong to have sex with a person of a different race (or a different intelligent non-human species)?
Is it wrong to have more than one sexual partner at the same time?
Painful, maybe.
Is it wrong to have sex with someone you don't love?
Sex isn’t love. And love isn’t sex.

What are the responsibilities of a mother toward a child?
I don’t know. To raise them, and feed them, I guess.
What are the responsibilities of a father toward a child?
They’re not all that necessary, once you’ve extracted the essentials. I can think of plenty of fathers my life would have been better without.
What are the responsibilities of a child toward a parent?
There are none.
Which should be more important to you, your parent or your child?
I don’t know, and I don’t care.
Which should be more important to you, your parent or your spouse?
Fuck them both.

Which should be more important to you, your child or your spouse?
What the fuck does it matter? Spouse, I guess.
Is it wrong to have a child if you're unmarried?
Not particularly.
Is abortion wrong?
Is contraception wrong?

Is there one true religion?
I doubt it. There’s something strangely comforting in the knowledge that no matter which religion wins, I’m damned.
Does a deity or deities exist?
Hopefully not in my world.
How important is it to believe in a deity or deities?
It’s a waste of fucking time.
How important is it to actively practice your religion?
I’d rather watch paint dry.
Does magic exist?
Not in my world.
Is practicing magic wrong?
Not so much wrong as ‘stupid’.

Is killing always wrong?
Is war always wrong?
How old is old enough to fight in a war?
When you’re old enough to handle a gun without shooting your own hand off.
Is rape always wrong?
I can’t think of a situation where it wouldn’t be… but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one.
Is torture always wrong?
That depends on who’s being tortured.
Is theft always wrong?
Is slavery wrong?
Perhaps. People are always so much more willing if you pay them.

It’s not like you can’t take the money back afterwards, after all.
Is lying wrong?
Perhaps, but that doesn’t stop me.
Is swearing wrong?

ooc, meme

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