Oct 02, 2005 22:42
Such a good mood, no idea why, gorp gorp gorp, APE SHUFFLE! DON'T DO DRUGS! Tetenus = lockjaw. Ex equals negitive bee, plus or minus the square root of bee squared minus four ay cee, all over two ay! Hoo rah! Go team, go! Don't cry for me Argentina, the truth is, I never left you! I'm in love with my car! All the lonely people, where do they all come from? Maxwell swiftly made sure that they were dead. I feel sick. Yum. "Die zinc, die, DIE!" (Starr, on copper plating zinc). I love Di Methyl Ethyl Ether! What's the square root of 4? Don't fire untill you see the white of their eyes! happy Sunday. "Leadership?!?! You've got to be careful what kind of leaders you're buildin'!" Hey Will, remember this?!?!....."Darkness must flow down the rivers of nights dreaming, flow morphea, slow let the sun, and light come streaming, into my life" Ski club times! How many smashes does it take to get to the center of a nucleus? Or perhaps a pineapple slighty larger than a trout's head. Ryan Nerp is the bomb diggety! I won't forget NOW Kerry. Supine, gas line, or Alpine? Place these numbers in alphabetical order, starting with the smallest mass: 12, 3, 7, 3, 5, 5, 5. Quick! Without thinking, what's the oxidation state of Tungsten? (W) Tiptoe through the tulips, silly Tiny Tim. Look for the Grand Pappy function! Row, circle, toss! My hands go up, my hands go up, the flag comes to me! BANG! "kelly, do you need 911? Here's an ice pack" "Amu, help me, my crotch is stuck on the fence!" Ben: "SKOO! Wang Dinggler!' Raphael: "I knew he knew what we were talking about, because we were talking about it like he didn't know" Sean: "twitty tister" Woody gangs camper gangs and bike gangs, oh my! "IHATE sunshine......I HATE HORRIBLE WHOLESOME SUNSHINE!" Anyone know what movie THAT'S from, I bet NOT! A very merry unbirthday to you, to who? And the mome raths out grabe....please, don't step on the mome raths....THE MOME RATHS?!?! Where did he go? Probably some island that hasn't been discovered yet. Archemedes! I don't want to go among mad people! Oh, you can't help THAT....most everyone's mad here....if you haven't noticed, I'm....not....all.....there....myself. HEHEHE!! The other side of what? OF THE MUSHROOM OF COURSE! Think of the happiest things, it's just like having wings. "You know, we could make her REALLY angry.....NO!....oh, but it's LOADS of fun!" OFF WITH HER HEAD!! I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it. This bleeding heart aint beating much. OH! Pentose Phosphate Pathway (HMP shunt) is the secondary pathway for glucose oxidation, and does NOT....I repeat does NOT produe or consume ATP! "The whold damn battlefield is MY monutment!" And I never ever ever do a thing about the weather cause the weather never ever does a thing for me!