(no subject)

Sep 29, 2010 14:18

Hello. New to the comm. But not to the Zemyx love. ^.^; Looks like the last post was over a year ago. Buuuut, I'm gonna join anyway? Because I seriously adore these boys. ♥

So, a little info maybe?

I'm Mokuba's Official Glomper. Mog for short. Or you can call me Onion. Seems lots of people call me that these days instead of Mog.

I'm 21, female and majorly in love with Kingdom Hearts.

I'm laid back, silly and RP and write fic like crazy. I also draw, but that's more for relaxing than anything. I don't usualy share art due to nosy brother who may stumble accross my art somewhere online and tattle. (And yes, I still live under teh rule of my parents.)

I... sure hope this place isn't dead... T__T
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