I really dislike the new BSG series. I was only tonight able to see it for the first time if it were a series for it alone without trying to retelling the classic one fine it would not be too bad.
I liked the old series. The old one had her failures sure but it was charming and the actors did give it some nice flair. I did actually did push the out button on the poor tv and was straight heading to
By Your Command :: Battlestar Galactica Slash Archive. Really great fan fiction if you don't mind slash and femslash. AnnoO has written some of my absolute favorites stories.
So, I admit it I like my slash pairings which include Starbuck/Apollo but I wanted to give the new bsg series a chance.
Something seemed off and it was not only the Barbiedollcylone or Boomer and Starbuck being female. Maybe the actors did it not for me. The female president was nice and I really liked Gaius Balthar...